Does Kabam legally respect our consumer protection laws?

The reason I’m asking this question is because this company has a lot of so called users that defend its every move, even if it’s flat out wrong. As a consumer does this company respect my rights, or does Kabam feel it can do as it pleases and I cannot voice my opinion? I believe if a person is spending cash for a product that has been altered they should be reimbursed. Not with rank down tickets. See my issue is this, if I buy a 7 star bundle for onslaught and then you change the character into a less valuable champ I don’t want a rank down ticket, I want a refund. Than you ban players for voicing there opinions after they complain about your game damaging they iPhones from bug issues. Do we have rights as consumers or we waive them rights by participating in your game, if that’s the case it should be a class action lawsuit to address refunds. I personally feel like this company abuses its authority with rude replies and the kabam white knights add fuel to the fire making every excuse in the book to defend a companies past mistakes. Instead of making us consumers feel like we heard and you care about the players
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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That aside, I'll just sit and wait to see if DNA3000 would like to talk to you about the legality of the situation, or you can search one of the other 9000 threads already created on this topic.
Also no one just blindly defends kabam over every single thing
@Pikolu, whom do I contact for my back pay?
U should definitely sue then
If you lose all your money and run away and scream to the police and they will laugh at you. Its the same here. We are involved in such a depraved hobby, the very idea of asking an authority to take action because the mobile game character you spent real life money on got changed would just end in shame and ridicule.
They could close down the game next week and everyone loses everything. Just be grateful they can still make enough to keep the game going and take the smooth with the rough. Any spending of time, money or sanity in this lawless land is a roll of the dice. I've seen relationships ruined, marriages broken and property lost all over this game. If you can even leave with the shirt on your back you came in with, be grateful.
Also you are not buying anything really, you don't own your account.
Setting the law aside, there's the question of whether it is reasonable for a games as a service company to change things after they have been released. And while there are many players who think this isn't right, game operators have been doing this since the days of the MUDs in the 1990s. The whole purpose of a game as a service is for the game to evolve over time. Players have to accept this as a premise of this kind of game, or decide to play some other kind of game where this doesn't happen.
We all opt-in to having a game like this. We don't all like every change that gets made, but you don't get to decide which changes get made. You get to decide if you want to play a game where someone else makes those decisions and you have to live with them, or stick to playing games that come in boxes that you take home and can do whatever you want with them.
And to the extent that others are dismissing your posts, you're doing the same thing by claiming that there are "so called users" on the forums "who probably [are] Kabam employees." The thing is, you have the right to post, even to post complaints, but you have no right to force anyone else to take you seriously. That's a right you have to earn from the other forum posters who have no obligation to you. They aren't paid to be here, they aren't obligated to be here. They are here on their own accord, and they get to choose who to listen to, and who not to listen to.
BTW, I highly don't recommend playing any other free to play games because they all suffer from the exact same problem you claim this game has. Enjoy having your Marvel Strike force character be useless after 6 months due to power creep
the sooner you realize that we're just renting out THEIR champions for entertainment, the faster you can start enjoying the game.