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Higher rarity quake

When exactly do we get a 6/7 star version of quake. It’s tedium having to use a 5 star version of quake. Is the game planning on doing anything about this anytime soon. With so many counters to her I doubt she causes any problem. I feel the 7 star guardians crystal was a good way to introduce her


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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    Quake was so much worse than Herc has ever been. She was *the* answer to basically every piece of content in the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the reason for auto-kill mechanics on the Abyss timers, because otherwise Youtube would be full of like 30 hour videos of “QUAKE SOLOS ENTIRE ABYSS.”

    Compounding the problem is that nodes that cut down her effectiveness made too many other champs unviable as well. I remember Elsa players especially being frustrated by the frequency of True Strike everywhere. Quake should never be made available at any higher rarity than she currently is unless she is dramatically reworked.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,173 ★★★★★
    Short answer: Never 😉
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,421 ★★★★★

    Short answer: Never 😉

    I could se he comeback one day when ever single node would be try strike yes I know it doesn’t only effect quack but the the only way I can se quack com back
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 863 ★★★
    you know the korg in grandmaster gauntlet ? the one with mix master ,gauss warp and other cringe nodes , that one was made to milk players for Kabam , and i quaked through that **** everytime (yeah , even herc and aegon won't have a great time there , and even apoc will take a chunk of damage from blocking) . She is just that unfair
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
    6/7 quake would really be game breaking tbh
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    smdam38smdam38 Posts: 956 ★★★
    We do have champions better than quake now right?
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    UltragamerUltragamer Posts: 487 ★★★
    smdam38 said:

    We do have champions better than quake now right?

    She’s just as broken as herc if they don’t counter evade she wins just like if they don’t counter immort herc wins
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    SungjSungj Posts: 2,113 ★★★★★

    Maybe I have old man memory but I the way I remember Quake and Ghost were the Herc before Herc. Any piece of act 6 content (even pre nerf) had a solution of some combination of Quake (or mostly Ghost). I remember that there were nodes in place to counter Quake's evades. A master Quake player can solo a good chunk of content. I would be shocked if Quake EVER made it as a 6*. Her "rotation" is something that runs counter to the game. Just heavy in the corner and dex?
    TLDR: Quake was kind of like Herc, so no 7* herc, and def more than likely no 6* Quake.

    Quake was beyond herc. Quake bypasses the game on such a fundamental level good quake players were literally getting bans because kabams anti cheat were picking their fights as using mods
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    smdam38 said:

    We do have champions better than quake now right?

    Depends on context. In BGs, quake is too slow for most fights. However in questing, the fact quake can do every fight that doesn't have power gain or has some sort of counter to evade is very broken. If you're good with her, you kill enemies without reading nodes, baiting specials, dealing with AI, not even needing to them...etc. The only thing that stopped her before (besides what I stated) was prenerfed MD. Dexing on the wall would give prenerf MD defenders a bunch of power. It wasn't a good time.

    Long story short, even though her skill ceiling is high, she is the most broken champion in the game.
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    Sungj said:

    Maybe I have old man memory but I the way I remember Quake and Ghost were the Herc before Herc. Any piece of act 6 content (even pre nerf) had a solution of some combination of Quake (or mostly Ghost). I remember that there were nodes in place to counter Quake's evades. A master Quake player can solo a good chunk of content. I would be shocked if Quake EVER made it as a 6*. Her "rotation" is something that runs counter to the game. Just heavy in the corner and dex?
    TLDR: Quake was kind of like Herc, so no 7* herc, and def more than likely no 6* Quake.

    Quake was beyond herc. Quake bypasses the game on such a fundamental level good quake players were literally getting bans because kabams anti cheat were picking their fights as using mods
    Those were good times. People getting banned for killing the defender in 0 hits while taking 0 hits 🤣
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,564 ★★★★★
    I heard she is scheduled to come out at the same time as 7* Hercules
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    BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Posts: 2,233 ★★★★★
    Ghost and Quake were never intended to be like that in first place. But players found their current style and rest is history

    Situation became so worse that there was a ban wave because Kabam thought there were some unfair methods were used in AW. But later on it was revealed that Quake was being used

    Ghost nuked big giants like flies

    It better to let quake remain what she is. I don't want any rework for her. Otherwise Kabam will mess up her and make her kind of useless champ in name of rework.

    So i don't her see as useless champ. If they never release her as 6 star. Atleast that will be the legacy of the Monster made by Kabam.
    Only OG's know that Even Herc can't hold candle to pre Nerf act 6 era of Quake
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    Priyansh7Priyansh7 Posts: 446 ★★
    She is "The Destroyer of Worlds" dude, literally! I don't know what we'll do if people start using her in annoying AW defense nodes! There would be, as Vision said in Civil War, "Catastrophe!"
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    JAYIRIJAYIRI Posts: 133
    She'd need some more damage tho
    Her damage is outdated especially for the health pools of nowadays that's all she'd need no play style change
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,525 ★★★★★
    Yes quake has more and more counters now, but to release her as a 7* or even a 6* would still be game breaking as she still walks most content. Magik on the other hand, should be with us at some point as a simple debuff immune or power drain/lock immune shuts her down.
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    BeckettBeckett Posts: 20
    Gamer said:

    Short answer: Never 😉

    I could se he comeback one day when ever single node would be try strike yes I know it doesn’t only effect quack but the the only way I can se quack com back
    Oh my.
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