Confirmed - My Raid champ is locked out of War Attack.. this essentially kills the mode for me

There are some other adjustments needed to the new game mode, but this is a non-starter for me. War is one of my favorite game modes - one of the reasons I still play the game. As I mentioned in some other people's posts.. locking a champion for an entire week is a huge flaw to Raids design imo. This will effectively force me to choose between trying my best in Raids or trying my best in War. Raids loses..
In traditional AQ.. you at least have an opportunity to swap out a champ on your team every 24 hrs in between maps.. if you scout your war assignment and see one of them is needed. This is not possible in Raids.. as you are blindly committing to lock a champ for a full week (having no idea who you will face in war attack, in multiple wars during this period.
The net result of this design is that anyone who takes AW seriously, must not also take Raids seriously.. as to not only have to eliminate your favorite War Attackers as choices from the Raid pool you are given, you also have to eliminate any attacker you think you MIGHT need in War attack - just in case
In traditional AQ.. you at least have an opportunity to swap out a champ on your team every 24 hrs in between maps.. if you scout your war assignment and see one of them is needed. This is not possible in Raids.. as you are blindly committing to lock a champ for a full week (having no idea who you will face in war attack, in multiple wars during this period.
The net result of this design is that anyone who takes AW seriously, must not also take Raids seriously.. as to not only have to eliminate your favorite War Attackers as choices from the Raid pool you are given, you also have to eliminate any attacker you think you MIGHT need in War attack - just in case
I hope they reconsider this.
But it is very atypical for the champ to be locked for a full seven days. An efficient alliance can get through an AQ map with loads of time to spare, and AW attack phase is over 24 hours long. It has not been an issue to use the same champs in AQ and AW for a long time, and to have this issue with raids feels like a backslide to a problem we had previously solved.
Let’s use the Vanguard role as an example. There are 15 champs in that pool. Of those 15, there are some obviously good and obviously bad options, with everybody else sprinkled throughout. I’d say the best options in the pool based on the conversations I’ve been seeing are, in no particular order: Titania, Iron Man, and Abs Man.
Titania is a tactic defender in AW currently, and a very problematic one at that. She also is, as always, a powerful attacker.
Iron Man is a tactic attacker, and, more importantly than that, can block unblockable attacks from mutants even without the benefit of the tactic. He’s a staple to a good AW team in this meta.
Abs Man is an evergreen champion. Doesn’t matter the meta, he’ll find his spot in it.
Now you may be thinking “okay, that’s fine, use of the other 12 champs in the pool!” But Raids are very punishing. One mistake and you’re down, and revives are extraordinarily valuable. The three champions I mentioned aren’t just great damage dealers, but they are also extremely sustainable. You are going to want to bring the very best option you have available to you to avoid having to shell out for a 200 unit revive. And you can’t know in advance whether you’ll need that champ in a war that week, so committing like that is a dangerous proposition.
My roster is fine, I'm Valiant.. I'm just saying that there is a whole pool of War Attackers in the rosters of players who take War seriously who they intentionally leave open to attack if they are needed as each War is different.. Of course I can find SOMEONE within the selected Raid pool I can use for Raids who likely won't be needed for War, but I'll always be taking second and third best options to Raid because of this dynamic.. which is what I'm saying in the OP, I won't be able to try my best in both game modes.. I have to choose. Which is the issue imo.
Now, I agree AQ champs shouldn't be locked. AW isn't because it's 44 hours long. With Raids being a week long, there's a strong argument to make that even though it's one champ, they are locked for a week. This is feedback we should be giving them to take back to the game team. But everyone should have planned properly for it, at least for this first iteration.
I'm a proponent for no champs should be locked.
So it wasn't intended as a rant post for something that happened to me now.. but rather a feedback post about why I will not be able to take the new game mode seriously in its current state. Simply because it forces me to choose whether to favor Raids or AW.. and in my case, I will favor War. It would be be nice if we didn't have to choose, because it seems like it has potential as a game mode, but as long as this dynamic exists (I am forced to choose).. I will choose War as my focus.
Just giving feedback that it seems counterproductive to the potential popularity of the new mode make it conflict with another?
TLDR: Having a champion locked may suck for war, but you have options and ability to stock up on revives far in advance as raids are once every 4 weeks, meaning you can afford to play less sustainable options as long as you can deal enough DPS to support other roles. Additionally raids seem to intentionally be timed after war season, so it may not even have a factor.
If you’re up in contention for Masters, the way war works is that your battle group officer begins creating unique paths for each player based on who has the optimal counter for each fight and miniboss. In my last war, I went from front half lane 3 to second half lane 6 and then to the Hazard Shift mini on island C. Next war will be totally different. It changes every time based on the defense we’re facing. And what if your backup plan is banned?
That’s why locking a champion away for multiple wars can cause such a problem for high tier war players, because there is no predictability from one war to the next.
I could be entirely wrong as you have more knowledge as to how masters go but i think there are definitely manageable solutions to bounce around only missing one champion for 2-3 wars if season is up during raids. Completely new game mode so only time will tell how players can manage raids with war and if its effective or not, but I honestly dont think its worth dropping raids for one champion being locked.
Also from what i can see, the main war attackers being referred to here are Abs, Hulkling, Kitty Pryde, Magneto, Rintrah, maybe doom,
For vanguard, Abs is easily the best option, but if you want sustain you can still use Thing, Ultron, Red Hulk, Colossus, Titania, and even Mister Fantastic can be considered safe with all his damage reductions and evades. Im actually gonna try him out maybe next raid to confirm this. Damage isn’t an issue as everyone can deal good damage with raid fervor
For Assault, there are probably the most options which makes it easy to not pick someone you would need for war. I saw Karatemike take on arguably the hardest raid boss (maestro) with HB with ease, who is a tanky champion with insanely enhanced DOT with raid fervor.
For Tactician, i can see the frustration not wanting to risk hulkling as he is super valuable in war and probably the besg for Tactician, but VenomPool is honestly slept on because he can easily sustain against everyone except maybe maestro not as well, by consuming their buffs, and is able to bypass the immunity dilemma against ultron since he degens instead for him. CMM with her burst damage and indestructible in theory sounds really powerful for blitzing through 10% of each boss as well. Regular venom can perform well against the bosses before ultron, but still manage to pull of solid raw damage vs Ultron and eat ultrons armor ups for sustain
There are definitely good options regardless from the looks of it that are totally viable for 5-10% runs using raid fervor. But again time will tell as we gain more experience fighting these bosses and its impact on war.
So what now? Locked due to content. Nice.
Again, it's all just theory as the mode just came out, but that's the flaw I see so far.. that I'd think if I were the devs, I'd want the different team game modes to mesh with each other as opposed to compete with each other for whole hearted participation from competitive alliances. But as it stands, it is my opinion that these two modes, based on the 7 day lock will end up competing with each other for the use of our top champs.. on one level or another.