
Scott_Bruffey2Scott_Bruffey2 Member Posts: 17
edited January 2024 in General Discussion
Raids are terrible, your company is money hungry. Just make the game fun wth are you doing tryna make us sit here on damage caps and spend units on rev.


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  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Just don’t like the 10% cap. I’m at 17 mil points alone, and not even half way through the second boss. Just wasting revives trying to get this done
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,174 ★★★★★
    The cap is annoying.
  • Darklord60Darklord60 Member Posts: 33
    The free revive that cost 1gold which doesn't make them free,,,expire in overflow if your thinking of saving them they expire after 24hrs
  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    It's annoying 4 sure. U could play so so so good. Be at near 100% HP. Just to die all the same. Punishing you for doing good.

    Ik that's the rules, but it's just a very strict rule. How about instead of 10% caps, give the boss 3 distinct persistent charges. Each one referring to each of the roles. Each percent that role takes off, the persistent charge for that role goes up. Once 34 persistent charges are reached, that role will no longer be able to fight that boss until reset the next day.

    I think that's fair. U take more damage as you go anyway, just no more instant death bs.

    I've got 20+ million points myself. I revived all the way through. It's frustrating to see a flawless run done over by a really unfair node.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    The 10% damage cap needs removed and AQ as a whole needs to remove the champ lockout.
  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 329 ★★
    they don't want people to spam revives on their content and nerf revive farming for that reason.
    and now they introduce brand new content where you 100% have to revives spam through it. no matter skill level or anything
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★

    they don't want people to spam revives on their content and nerf revive farming for that reason.
    and now they introduce brand new content where you 100% have to revives spam through it. no matter skill level or anything

    No no as per Mikes post they want us to use units on revives, revive spamming is fine as long as they come mainly via units which is free for us to choose to or not to.
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Grub88 said:

    No one is talking about the Raid ticket prices. If you EXPLORE a Map 8 you get 8 tickets, so 4 Maps over 3 weeks is 96 tickets. We still need another 84 tickets to enter, thats

    • 84,000 Incursion Artifacts
    • 6,300 Glory
    • 672 Units
    • 168,000 Loyalty
    For RNG rewards. No Deal
    Ticket price is fine imo, get plenty of glory each week running map 8, allocate a portion each week to tickets and then on raid week you'll make a large portion if not all the glory back spent on tickets, repeat cycle.
  • Grub88Grub88 Member Posts: 363 ★★★

    Grub88 said:

    No one is talking about the Raid ticket prices. If you EXPLORE a Map 8 you get 8 tickets, so 4 Maps over 3 weeks is 96 tickets. We still need another 84 tickets to enter, thats

    • 84,000 Incursion Artifacts
    • 6,300 Glory
    • 672 Units
    • 168,000 Loyalty
    For RNG rewards. No Deal
    Ticket price is fine imo, get plenty of glory each week running map 8, allocate a portion each week to tickets and then on raid week you'll make a large portion if not all the glory back spent on tickets, repeat cycle.
    How do you gain the glory back? This week's glory is a bug not a feature. You will only make the same amount of glory as you would normally running AQ. So you are still down 6300 glory.
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Grub88 said:

    Grub88 said:

    No one is talking about the Raid ticket prices. If you EXPLORE a Map 8 you get 8 tickets, so 4 Maps over 3 weeks is 96 tickets. We still need another 84 tickets to enter, thats

    • 84,000 Incursion Artifacts
    • 6,300 Glory
    • 672 Units
    • 168,000 Loyalty
    For RNG rewards. No Deal
    Ticket price is fine imo, get plenty of glory each week running map 8, allocate a portion each week to tickets and then on raid week you'll make a large portion if not all the glory back spent on tickets, repeat cycle.
    How do you gain the glory back? This week's glory is a bug not a feature. You will only make the same amount of glory as you would normally running AQ. So you are still down 6300 glory.
    Obviously forget the bug no one thinks that's a feature, having a laugh if anyone does.

    Yeah you get the normal amount of glory that you'd spent on tickets, can then use it fkr whatever and you've got to run raids and get those rewards.

    If cost is too much or if can't budget glory or other resources then don't do raids, save resources you'd spend on ticket and just do AQ as normal, nothing forces anyone to do raids.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,903 ★★★★★
    I won't get it, if you don't like raids, don't play it.
    Every company is money hungry in this capitalistic world. If you start a business tomorrow you will be the same,lol.
  • JBtheboss649JBtheboss649 Member Posts: 19

    Kang so far is easy I don’t see much an issue with him. He was my paths first fight and I was able to get the charges no problem.

    Maestro needs to have the hit points of his 3rd attack of SP 1 toned down to half. For reference most of my clan have 100% all end game content and seem to be decent competent players. I myself and my clan have extreme issue with his SP1. I can dodge it and then I can’t it seems very finicky. Pushing him to SP2 can cause you to get hit while trying to bait an attack or heavy and with pierce and 10k attack it’s not realistic.

    Thanos needs to have pierce removed. Anything that requires you to tank (block) a hit against an enemy with 10K attack is non-realistic.

    Pierce all together is a problem that’s needs to be removed.

    Just my feedback. I do like the thought of the game mode just some aspects of it are extremely frustrating. I understand the 10% health per person but 20% would be better. 4 free health pots per day instead of 2. When we pick champions for the game mode maybe have a selection of which we are going, Tactician, Vanguard or Attack and only let us pick those champs and when going into Raids those are the only paths we are allowed. I know we can filter but implementing what I stated in the previous sentence would be easier for all so if there is an accident it isn’t permanent.

    The pierce was 100% not a mistake just the time limit and damage cap aren’t really balanced I think. For the pierce there are quite a few great counters that can absolutely take a blocked hit without problems, think about: haymaker Titania, phased kitty, rooted Rintrah for example. Not saying it is easy but there are for sure ways to play around the big blocked hits.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I would prefer if they gave us the 14 free revives at the start of the week. Have a refresh timer of a month or however often Raids are and an expiry time on those you claimed of a week so can't stockpile then you can decide amongst 3 of you on a lane what day and time suits best. Try and get through couple of fights. Hard to get into a rhythm when you do 2 fights, wait 24 hours to do 2 more or whenever next person is available so you can go.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,827 Guardian
    Assuming (hoping) that the Raid Revives stay permanently in the Store (even during the 3 weeks of AQ inbetween Raids)..

    Yes, they expire in stash after 24 hrs, but you could make sure to fill both your 2x inventory, plus 2x Stash purchased anywhere later in the “day” (ie, the morning of, but at least 1 hour PRIOR to, AQ/Raid time starting, because Potion Store Reset time is 1 hour prior to AQ/Raid start time), and then would thus be able to get another 2 from store upon Raid actually starting and after having done your first 3 fights over the course of the first 23 hours with the revives still from the prior “day”.

    So, you’ll be able to start out next month's Raid Week (Day-1) being able to use 6 Revives, so 7 fights that first day. With 2 additional ever day after that.

    Or on subsequent days you could do anywhere from 2 to up to 6 fights, depending whether you had used any NEW (non-expiring) revives in the days before.

    So if you don’t need to use them sooner, buy your overflow day's worth of “free” Revives from store towards the later part of each “AQ day” (which would be morning in US/Canada).

    And if KO, but not your turn to fight again yet (if team still building Charges after moving to new Mini or Final boss), and you have Stash-Revives expiring PRIOR to when it WILL be your turn to fight, just use an expiring Revive in advance, and continue to sit there waiting. Then you’ll already be alive when your time comes around to fight.
  • Grub88Grub88 Member Posts: 363 ★★★

    I won't get it, if you don't like raids, don't play it.
    Every company is money hungry in this capitalistic world. If you start a business tomorrow you will be the same,lol.

    As posted by Kabam Jax many times these comments are not constructive.
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