Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

With all due respect, what's keeping you going in the game?



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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,507 ★★★★
    I log in twice a day for 10 - 15 minutes at a time for alliance stuff, that's about it lately. Necropolis was fun, act 8 was fun but besides that I'm struggling to even push through EQ it's just do mundane.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,394 ★★★★
    edited January 26
    Because I can see him wait where did he go? He was right there

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    TheShinyDomeTheShinyDome Posts: 185 ★★
    I started playing in 2016 with friends. There were 4 or 5 of us who downloaded it together and played together and it was fun sharing successes and openings together. I was in a good alliance for a while, so when those friends weren't around I kept playing and they were the reason I kept going.

    I stopped playing for a while in 2019 I think? I was married at the time and wanted to spend more time with my then partner (this game sucks me in when I play). I didn't really miss it when I wasn't playing.

    I started playing again in 2021. I was able to progress past things that I had been stuck on before, and that felt good. I invested some money into the game and have an account that I'm proud of. My skills have improved a lot even if I still suck sometimes.

    AW was my favorite for a while, now its whatever. AQ is not fun for me. I play arena only for units. I don't care for incursions. I don't really care for long form content (necro is the first one of significance I've done). Didn't like Raids. EQ/SQ are whatever. Story is whatever. BGs is my favorite part and the reason I still play. But even that has recently not been as fun. But I don't want to be left out, and I don't want the money I've put in to feel like a waste. I also work nights, so it's real nice to have something to do all night to stay awake.

    All that said, and thanks for reading, I'm going back to school for a masters degree this year, and will probably stop playing at that point. So I'm thinking after 8.4 I'm probably going to retire again. Maybe for good this time.
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    AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Posts: 332 ★★
    My 5* ascended Immortal abom
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    klobberintymeklobberintyme Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    In 1980, this was the first comic I ever bought with my own money:

    Was a hardcore fan after that, but after the Peter David run on X-Factor and the end of Marvel Jim Lee I largely moved on, until I got to share the MCU with my own kids, and thus this game they played for 5 minutes in 2016 before I took over their accounts.

    The game for me now is a diversion I don't spend much time with. I'm just here to see how it ends at this point.

    (bold prediction: Netmarble explodes like Alderaan and Kabam gets gobbled up by, say, Tencent, and MCOC gets a reboot that blows.)
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,121 ★★★★
    The prospect of more Mutants.
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,393 ★★★★

    I’m just here to annoy the mods

    Is this you Redfire?
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    Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Posts: 947 ★★★★★
    edited January 26
    At the moment - just flipped on suicides and am running arena until 8.4. All the shiny new content is geared toward the Everest model (Necropolis/Raids) which I just don’t like. Looking forward to 8.4 and other special events. Don’t have the roster or special skill to do anything meaningful in BG’s. SQ and EQ are “meh”…Just play the game to hit my own made up goals on unit acquisition .
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    The friends i made along the way
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,483 ★★★★★
    2 of my longest in game buddies uninstalled this week... I log in less and less
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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11
    edited January 26
    Been playing since 2014 im gonna keep this short and sweet , 2023 has been the best year for me got all the champions I need just missing 6 star American chavez but I can do without her thats all im gonna say I will continue to play mcoc highly anticipating the release of act 8.4 and what the rewards are gonna be so perhaps I can become valiant as I've only done 1 path of necropolis, im to lazy to 100% it i will do it eventually lol
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    XHans_GruberXXHans_GruberX Posts: 98
    The alliance and the people we’ve made friends with along the way…
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,394 ★★★★

    I’m just here to annoy the mods

    Is this you Redfire?
    He isn't redfire
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    NEXTONNEXTON Posts: 599 ★★★
    Bullseye 🎯
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    bm3eppsbm3epps Posts: 1,153 ★★★
    I would say my loyalty to my alliance.
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