Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Valentine's Calendar - "Missed" Days [official comms, under investigation]



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    Wong_98Wong_98 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    My main (Crcrcrc) just got the 6* instantly.

    What champs were in that selector?
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,294 Guardian
    edited February 14
    Logging in every day, and was even logged in earlier today (well before calendar time) too.

    Then starting game tonight 1st time under new Calendar, it automatically brought up a POP-UP that couldn’t be escaped from.
    Assume this was for one of the Champ Selector days (seem to be different depending on progression ?)
    Didn’t select anything, just force closed, to see if it would come up that way again (and then I would look more closely)

    But upon restart, it DID NOT go to the Selector.
    Started normally, and I clicked on Calendar, and it was there with DAY-1 Love Potion able to be Claimed (correctly).
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    MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Posts: 770 ★★★
    Same issue happened to my son. He’s Uncollected. We logged in at the same time, I collected day 1 it said he missed it. Glad to hear it’s getting looked at.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,606 ★★★★★
    It worked fine for me. Seems to be random
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    SnizzbarSnizzbar Posts: 2,156 ★★★★★
    Just logged into an alt that's been offline for a month. Days 1-14 all missed in calendar.
    Account: PC LOAD LETTER
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    RunamokUSARunamokUSA Posts: 373 ★★★

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    Serpent_King98Serpent_King98 Posts: 39
    edited February 14

    Here's my alt
    Account name: BobaFett98
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    RunamokUSARunamokUSA Posts: 373 ★★★
    Account: Roadkill USA
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,666 ★★★★★
    Another day another undocumented feature.
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    CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Posts: 7,942 ★★★★★
    Wong_98 said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    My main (Crcrcrc) just got the 6* instantly.

    What champs were in that selector?
    Just the three shown in the background, nothing special.
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    LmaoLmao Posts: 859 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Okay. The game team is chasing down this issue.

    Right now it seems to be correlated to how long it has been since you last logged into the account.

    We are early in the investigation stages, but we'll update as we have more information. (please keep in mind timezones)

    What’s the progression level needed for the calendar? Proven and do not see a calendar. Thanks
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    ChovnerChovner Posts: 1,194 ★★★★★
    My son’s account missed all the days and last time he logged in was probably 2 weeks ago. His in game name is MoonGamer

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    In game name is deskmoogle.
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    IndranKumarIndranKumar Posts: 2
    edited February 14
    I have the same issue too..

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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 391 ★★
    edited February 14
    I am from India and Mine calendar worked fine. Seriously valiant calendar is much juicer than Paragon lol. I think this issue effects some regions.

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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,855 ★★★★
    Everyone reporting here seems to be saying that their alt accounts got affected. So message is alt accounts get no love, one account, one love.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,036 ★★★★★
    Avnish said:

    I am from India and Mine calendar worked fine. Seriously valiant calendar is much juicer than Paragon lol. I think this issue effects some regions.

    Not really. Only difference between paragon and Valiant is the final day crystal
    Paragon have a 6-7*, valian has a guaranteed 7*.
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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 391 ★★
    I hope domino would be mine. I really love her..
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    Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Just to be clear, day 6 is supposed to be t4a not t3a?

    I know it’s a tiny amount, but it’s surprising to see that in a calendar
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,483 ★★★★★
    edited February 14
    Mini paragon account. Just logged in few minutes ago.
    Main account is fine
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,483 ★★★★★
    Ashacekar said:

    Everyone reporting here seems to be saying that their alt accounts got affected. So message is alt accounts get no love, one account, one love.

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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,740 ★★★★★
    Josh2507 said:

    Just to be clear, day 6 is supposed to be t4a not t3a?

    I know it’s a tiny amount, but it’s surprising to see that in a calendar

    It checks as T4a for me, both in description and in the amount reflected that I currently have. Lower progressions have T5c or other cats, so I believe that’s for Paragon+.

    Dr. Zola
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    JMC2007JRJMC2007JR Posts: 50
    Kabam Jax said:

    I'll take this to the team.

    For context, where in the world are you? And, can you please check your inventory to confirm you did not receive Day 1?

    I missed 4 days when it dropped when it was released yesterday
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    Parth_24Parth_24 Posts: 5
    Happened to me too
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    Parth_24Parth_24 Posts: 5
    Kabam Jax said:

    Okay. The game team is chasing down this issue.

    Right now it seems to be correlated to how long it has been since you last logged into the account.

    We are early in the investigation stages, but we'll update as we have more information. (please keep in mind timezones)

    I was busy these 2 days( my ally already knew about that) so I'm not sure if I missed my day one or I just got this bug, how can one be sure about that?
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    AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Posts: 332 ★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Okay. The game team is chasing down this issue.

    Right now it seems to be correlated to how long it has been since you last logged into the account.

    We are early in the investigation stages, but we'll update as we have more information. (please keep in mind timezones)

    Will we be able to normaly log in and recieve rewards once it's fixed if we have already claimed one of the rewards in the future days?
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    MadbonėMadbonė Posts: 19
    Same here on my 2nd account.
    What’s the way forward??
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    Kirberus_Kirberus_ Posts: 34
    edited February 14

    Lost 3 days on my Cav account
    (IGN- the opiest)
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