-Got the 6* relic bundle which netted me a 6* Iron Fist which was long overdue for my r3 Chavez as a 4* was the highest I had. Then got the awakening bundle for it. -7* 1-2 romance gem which took my Iron Man to r2 after I awakened him from Be Mine crystal -4-5 romance gem for Hulkling -Ton of shards from the superior romance mystic crystals. Also nabbed a 7* nexus crystal (Attuma, SpiderGwen, or Wong)
Might get some more stuff, but figured the unit stockpile will be nice to have on hand for WoW and new Carina's Challenges.
Unfortunately the store will end before I see what I pull from the free calendar. Could be tempted by a second shot at the be mine crystal in case i need the dupe.
Remember Carina challenges are coming out tomorrow, we still don’t know all the rewards from it, it might be better to push your units to that, might be better to wait till tomorrow to make a decision
Remember Carina challenges are coming out tomorrow, we still don’t know all the rewards from it, it might be better to push your units to that, might be better to wait till tomorrow to make a decision
That's a good advise but do remember that Carina challenges are permanent while this offer is only for 5 days. You could still grind arena for Carina challenges.
I don't see myself buying anything. I have about 3K units and between my last Necropolis run, WoW and the upcoming CCs, that already feels a little on the short side. I'll probably knock out the exploration run of Necro fairly soon, so that it won't interfere with the rest of the stuff that's coming. However, since Abs Man burned through all of my revives, I'll probably end up using 1K on that post-EQ potion/revive bundle and then use the remaining 2K as a safety net for the run. I can't burn anything on any of the bundles in the romance store, especially since nothing really screams out to me as an amazing offer.
For those wondering about the 7* 1>2 gem, this is the best I got:
It says it applies to champs in the Romance or Couples crystals.
The Romance crystals have the following champs:
I've yet to find a "Couples" crystal in game. Maybe that's something that will drop later in the week.
I can't say this is accurate now because it is from last year's event, and it wasn't specific to 7* champs, but here is what was listed in the Cavalier Couples crystals last year:
I’m probably going to pick up the Romance 4-5 gem X 2 for Hulkling and AA. Aside from that not sure - maybe the 6* relic, and maybe the T6B/T3A/T6CC Selector bundle. Still debating. From a $$ standpoint, will probably get one Odin. Also still debating.
There is 3/4 of a t4a available that I saw for 9000 units. Is there more t4a elsewhere available for paragon players? I don't consider WoW progression as currently available. 3/4 is just enough to do nothing for most I expect unless they had a great banquet rng.
Well decided to buy the Odin. Nothing too exciting from the 20 enhanced Paragon crystals, but pretty damn happy with the 7* outcome from the Be Mine crystal - she was one of my top 7* targets.
Now rethinking what I might buy - looking more seriously at one of the R2 gems for her.
Not to many great deals for your units, I got the 100 sig stones and 6* AG for 1000 units. Prob not worth it, but i’m not spending real money on these deals.
Well decided to buy the Odin. Nothing too exciting from the 20 enhanced Paragon crystals, but pretty damn happy with the 7* outcome from the Be Mine crystal - she was one of my top 7* targets.
Now rethinking what I might buy - looking more seriously at one of the R2 gems for her.
Awesome dude! Enjoy her! Do you have an awakened Widow relic at 5 or 6 too? I'm hoping to awaken her from the calendar crystal. Can't complain though since I awakened Iron Man after pulling him originally from Titan the other week.
@jcphillips7 I do have the 6* BW relic, but not awakened. However, I might buy the 6* relic romance unit pack that has the relic AG, in which case I would use it on the BW relic as I know it is great with Black Cat.
What is the couples crystal? Could we get a list of applicable champs
-Got the 6* relic bundle which netted me a 6* Iron Fist which was long overdue for my r3 Chavez as a 4* was the highest I had. Then got the awakening bundle for it.
-7* 1-2 romance gem which took my Iron Man to r2 after I awakened him from Be Mine crystal
-4-5 romance gem for Hulkling
-Ton of shards from the superior romance mystic crystals. Also nabbed a 7* nexus crystal (Attuma, SpiderGwen, or Wong)
Might get some more stuff, but figured the unit stockpile will be nice to have on hand for WoW and new Carina's Challenges.
It says it applies to champs in the Romance or Couples crystals.
The Romance crystals have the following champs:
I've yet to find a "Couples" crystal in game. Maybe that's something that will drop later in the week.
I'll get a 2k unit 4-5 gem tomorrow.
I'll need to see what carinas are before I invest my puny 2k units.
Now rethinking what I might buy - looking more seriously at one of the R2 gems for her.
Only 5 days to claim these, seems odd that Kabam would use phrasing that suggests and entire other crystal and roster but not tell us.