Super helpful tip for tigra carinas (MODOK)

So if anyone watched the tigra carinas stream that karatemike had yesterday. You'd know how big of a pain modok is. Luckily, I figured out a strategy to get a relatively easy jabari solo, which I should've had but I have a nasty habit of getting caught by that weird light intercept.
Anyways the tip is to immediately give MODOK the unblockable. It makes him fight aggressive and when he autoblocks he remains open and you can continue your combo. Keep whaling on him baiting sp1 and it's actually pretty easy and fun. Here's my first run with r3 6 star jabari
Anyways the tip is to immediately give MODOK the unblockable. It makes him fight aggressive and when he autoblocks he remains open and you can continue your combo. Keep whaling on him baiting sp1 and it's actually pretty easy and fun. Here's my first run with r3 6 star jabari

Thank you for all the help along the way your stream really saved me revs
Probably a good idea to watch the streams of the guys doing the challenge they designed
I guess I will die like 90 times in that fight then (whenever I brave enough to tryl 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣.
On another note, Campo did release a video guide on this challenge and gave some very useful advice in my opinion.
Totally spaced it, lemme go back in there and make a vid
Still the strategy is make modok unblockable and then just keep intercepting and bait sp1