Raid progress not showing 100%

Hey @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @""Kabam Vydious"
Our Battlegroup has cleared all the bosses on the Raid map, but our progress shows as 63%. is this a visual bug or is there something we as are misssing out in the Raids?
If this is a bug then i think my alliance will miss out on the exploration rewards.
I raised a support ticket to kabam and as usual it get closed without any resolution. they just reply saying please keep looking at the forums.
Appriciate if you can provide some information on this as to why the progress is not 100%.

Our Battlegroup has cleared all the bosses on the Raid map, but our progress shows as 63%. is this a visual bug or is there something we as are misssing out in the Raids?
If this is a bug then i think my alliance will miss out on the exploration rewards.
I raised a support ticket to kabam and as usual it get closed without any resolution. they just reply saying please keep looking at the forums.
Appriciate if you can provide some information on this as to why the progress is not 100%.

See.. (not a Kabam response, but further insight as to what the Visual Bug is)
Evidence that if you get people in your alliance who are in DIFFERENT BG from your own to look at that BG panel, *THEY* will see *YOURS* as correctly being 100% done.
Just when someone is looking at THEIR OWN BG does it not show correctly.
As for pics above as well as Webos other extra post pics, showing small gap in line surrounding Chests on the OTHER paths (not the path you took). If that whole segment were indeed unexplored, the entire line between the Chest and the Prev and Next nodes would have been “dashed” the whole way to those nodes. But it is only a sub-portion of those single segment links that has a gap in it.
While that doesn’t appear to indicate those segment are not done, it might indeed have something to do with the % miscalculation when someone from in the BG looks at the %
**someone here could do a calculation. All the Nodes on the map, minus 2 paths x 3 chests on each x 2 (segment both before and after those chests). Not sure that would drop it down to 63%. Maybe also include the Role Boost Nodes (8 of the 9 of them, all the ones you did not take), they seem to have slight line break around them too.
Does all that add up to dropping it to 63% ??
14 nodes affected (nodes, not segments before/after). Those 8 RoleBoost nodes you didn’t take, plus 6 Chests on other 2 paths.
And 38 (??) nodes in all maybe on the map ?
=63% completion.
So yes indeed, the tiny gaps around those other nodes (gaps only visible for people who are actually in that BG, not observers from other BG's) must be causing the lower %.
People in other BG's are still seeing your map % correctly, so should get the full explore rewards hopefully.
Visual Bug only, will NOT affect your rewards.
Why it shows a full Explore as only 63%.
* Basically the Explore calculation ignores all those item nodes (Chests and Role Selectors) that remain behind for further people to also claim/use. You can see that they have an interrupted path line immediately surrounding just those nodes (not a solid line all the way thru).
And that it only shows incorrectly (63%) for YOUR OWN BG. Other people in alliance who were not part of your BG will see your BG correctly as 100% in those BG Panels.
They are aware. They have confirmed it is a visual bug and will not impact exploration rewards.
Hope this helps!
(and a thank you to @SummonerNR for keeping everyone informed)
@Kabam Jax
Another related issue is (due to the Bug that takes people down WRONG Role Selector Path), whether those groups will still count as 100% (and get full Explore rewards).
Below is copy/paste of what I mentioned in a separate post, but it's all related to this 100% issue.
(Please keep further commentary here related just to the 63%, 100%, and Explore Reward issue related to this. And NOT to the broader bug itself of causing going down wrong path, there are plenty of those threads).
(Paraphrasing question..)
“Will we still get 100% rewards if we beat ALL the fights on all 3 sections, and also Boss.
Even though there may be missing Role Boost Nodes because of the “path bug” that sent people down the wrong Role Path ?”
Not sure what the answer was last month.
But potentially the answer could be found in the fact that the Role Boost Nodes (as well as Chest Nodes) don’t appear to be counted when looking at your own BG's Panel on the 3-panel AQ screen. Thus 100% was showing as only 63%.
And in those instances last month, a 100% (even though showed as 63%) still got full Explore rewards. (*but not sure if any of those alliances had the Path issue or not)
So since any missing Role Boost Nodes (from the path bug), may not be counted anyways toward 100%, perhaps missing some of them may not matter in determining if 100%.
And if it DOES matter, @Kabam Miike should look at giving you out the reward anyways, at least during these months while the “path bug” still exists.
Interesting to know whether in theory 3 (or 6) people can do a Raid map, kill every mini+boss, and have it count as full Explore. Or do you really need 9 people, going down EVERY Role Path there is ???
This (below) was someone who mentioned what happened to them last month..
@Kabam Miike
Sounds like reports from those above that missed 1 or more of the 9 Role Boosts nodes are that they are NOT getting the 100% Explore Rewards (even though hit all the defenders nodes).
(assume the other case here, of actually exploring all 9, but shows 63%, are getting full Explore rewards like last month.
Just not this 2nd situation when combined with forced path bug causing 1+ of 9 paths to be missed).
One weird thing I just noticed, both the 1m gold and the t6cc/t6b/t3a say they are rewarded at 100% map exploration. I know the gold is prorated for your exploration %. We actually got the full amount of gold (the full 1m), but didn't receive the other rewards. So it's like one part thinks we did 100% but the other part doesn't.
is the alliance quest exploration updation based on individual device? is not the server supposed to be the main problem? should not the support team be aware of this ongoing issue?
just note, if your support and game team are not in the same page, then I would say that your company working policy is utmost incompetent.
The response is as below from your support colleague:
Greetings Summoner,
Thank you for reporting to us about your Alliance Raid exploration percentage not showing as 100%. I understand how important for you to have this be investigated.
We want to gather information about your experiences to investigate your concerns. Before sharing further details about your report with us, please restart your device if you have not done so already. We have found that restarting a device can resolve most temporary and display issues. If, after restarting your device, you are still encountering issues, please answer the following questions:
Approximately when did you first notice this issue? (Date and time)
Which version of Marvel Contest of Champions are you running?
What is the make and model of your device? (Example: Samsung Galaxy S9)
What is the operating system and version of your device? (Example: iOS 11)
Did this issue occur after a recent hardware or software update?
Did anything strange happen before this issue occurred?
We have found that these details can help us to investigate concerns of this nature. If you have any screenshots or videos of the issue, please reply with those as well since they may contain details or information that can help the team to address the issue more quickly. We may also ask you additional questions or request a video if we find that we need more information for our report.
With that in mind, we appreciate any information you can provide, and we hope to hear from you soonest.
Keep safe always, and have a great day!
Best regards,
Kabam Support