Are you lucky with 5*??

Colossus x2, drax x2, ronan, black panter, hulkbuster, magneto, iron patriot.. Here is my last 5* opening! Luck level anonymous2k!
And you?? You got luck??
F.K. state of mind
And you?? You got luck??
F.K. state of mind
Antman, Groot, colossus, falcon, Ironman x3, storm, BP x2, IP, WS, Ronan, CM, HB.
0/5 on featured
My only good one is SL and I awakened him with the gem I saved from the 12.0 compensation
Hoping to dupe Hulk with my next crystal in the next few days.
2/2 blade
2/3 stark
1/1 modok
i am beyond suprised..
Drax is amazing too! Especially duped!
The others are ordinary at best, but still, you’ve got to expect some **** pulls.
Save for featured if you want a better champ.
i remember when i started i beat act 3 100% explored!!!! with just to get my first 4* with a 3* roster
NO op champs we had BARE minimum Og cap, Abom, Spider man, Gamora all 3*
Took me more than just couple months.
NO masteries
No sig levels
No weekly SA
No dupe champ shards
No calender
no its almost end of 2017
with barely any grinding u can easily get 4* a week.
Now u can make a new account with BOOOSTED 4* rate pulls.
Thanks to this bare minimum arena so many people got basically free 5*
+ all the free shards and events from calender/modok events
already FREAKIN seeing lv 20 on global and below with 5*.
Longer answer: The 5* crystal is a joke.
Dr. Zola
The problem is that people want a game changer as a 5*. To expect that after a few pulls is folly; however, to expect that after 30 or more 5* pulls isn’t.
Iron fist
Spider Gwen
Civil warrior
Unknown close to another one
Star Lord
Its fine. Ups and downs.
But i would love to add Loki and JF on my collection (hehehehe).