So , This game is for paragon and valiant players

I'm a cavalier Player who have low skill and low money , units . So stucked for months here.....the new loyalty store Update is beneficial to paragon players and valiant my opinion below paragon players are fools playing
I am f2p and it didn’t take me more than 2 months to get from cavalier to parangon
We've all been Cav at some point. I'm sure at some point they'll also get over it. Well, maybe not Mr Jiggens.
Update is beneficial for paragon and valiant players. Low progression players are also playing same game. But I don't want same offers and rewards as paragon players
It is possible to get from zero to Paragon in nine days without spending any money. Now, I don't expect most players to be able to do that, but the fact that it is possible that quickly implies there are no spending barriers and no in-game reward barriers to doing so. It is just a question of allocating time to do the content and grow your roster in a reasonable fashion. If it can be speedrun in a week and a half, I'm pretty sure I could do it much more casually in, say, three to six months.
There's no way anyone can make a credible case that this game is hostile to new players or to lower progress players. New players, low progression players, and free to play players, have no imposed barriers on how far they can go in the game. They might not end up top 1000 players or end up in a top 20 alliance, but nothing holds them back from progressing to the higher progress tiers in the game or doing all of the content in the game. Not spending, not grinding, not luck getting perfect pulls from the best crystals. You can do it fast, or you can do it slow, but nothing stops you from doing it at all.
Yes, the higher you go, the more benefits you get. That's to encourage and incentivize progressing. And anyone who puts their mind to it can get there eventually.
Do you have to heal back a 60k-70k+ champ in AW after a bad fight with small potions?...
Only thing you showed was 7* acquisition on yout screenshot, not sure how a 7* is going to improve your game play. A lot of us had to deal with act 6 when it wasnt nerfed with weaker champs than what you have available.
Cavalier is the progression tier that I was stuck in for the longest time. I became Cav, then tried to move on in Act 6 and got completely stumped, so I quit trying and instead did the Cav EQ, SQ and Variants. I did so for a long time. Honestly, for way too long. When I finally decided that it was time to advance, I'd gotten so much better at the game and had grown my roster so much that I more or less breezed through the rest of Act 6 (until the Grandmaster boss at the end, who I banged my head against for an entire week).
Since then, I've tried to advance both my roster and my general knowledge of the game so that I can both do the content that's coming and progress tier-wise when new ones become available. In many cases, it's just important to remember that content that has previously looked too intimidating to try out might not always stay that way. Furthermore, playing the first fight of a particularly difficult piece of content can also be really valuable even if you don't see yourself completing the entire quest then and there. Just throwing yourself at challenges "above you" can really help you improve. No one was born great at the game (except maybe MSD) - it's all a long accumulation of knowledge of it, turned into practice by...well...practice.
But you need to ask for help with specific things, otherwise it's impossible to offer any worthwhile help.
So even a f2p can take advantage if that player hoards units.