After Showcase, are you pushing for top tier war?

One of the objectives of showcase was to present the player base not in top tier war with a taste of what you will face. So for those not in a top tier alliance, are you planning to push to join a top alliance after this Showcase event?
After Showcase, are you pushing for top tier war? 378 votes
Firstly: the maxed out masteries is just not how things happen, secondly one member doesn't have to take 8 fights and a boss by themselves.
7 fights because the champ choice means you get 1 free unused one for the boss.
As beewee said you’ll rarely take 8 fights per war and some of them are incredibly difficult and not just a nothing path fight. The difficulty difference between the sassy or photon fights compared to venom is ridiculous. Maybe if they had picked some slightly easier fights for the boss and mini bosses it would’ve been more encouraging and realistic. I doubt a player trying high tier war for the first time will debut with a 1m health photon boss.
But for me personally I wouldn’t do high tier AW anyway just from the pressure.
So no .. it's not making me want to push for top war lol. I certainly hope Kabam isn't trying to motivate people to join top alliances. If they have indeed said that somewhere then ... wow.
but man ... that's it? this is what Master Tier alliances deal with? maybe I should be up there lol because it was just what I deal with in T4 wars more or less. and I had no issues at all. one of the better thought out and put together experiences this year in my opinion.
Gator wants some walking-around money!
So maybe like spot 18-20 of Masters. Keep me as the guy who does normal paths. It'd be rude of me to get in the way of the overachievers who prefer 7-8 fights a War
I'll do my own contribution when it comes to monetary events.
I’m pointing out that although Beewee is right that generally players don’t take 8 fights a war, in alliance war we only have 3 champions. There are 50 fights for a BG to take, so an average of 5 per player, with 3 champ slots means you need to take 1.6 fights per champ brought.
In this quest, we have 7 fights to take with 4 champions. Which is 1.75 fights per champ. So because we have an extra champ, it’s closer to the amount that your team is stretched than is implied by the number of fights that Beewee mentioned.
As for “probably does higher war than you”. Firstly, I’m literally just quoting numbers, I’m not sure why anyone needs to be a specific level of war to be able to count. And secondly, although Beewee is in GT40, the best war alliance in the game, our alliances matched this war so we at least do the same level of masters tier war lol. We came 4th last season, so I think I’m good on the level of war front. If my opinion doesn’t matter because Beewee is above me in war, then wouldn’t your opinion not matter because I’m above you?
I think the stronger criticism is that these fights were disjointed in a way that doesn’t resemble a path in war which are typically thematic. Granted this is somewhat made up for in the fact that champs like titania can cover a number of fights, its really odd to use an almost random assortment of champs who happen to be sugar pill tossed on random hard nodes to represent the feeling of high tier war which is far more compartmentalized. Its not unusual to see an entire path made up of fights one champion can counter alone
Pretty sure he's in higher tier wars than all of us. Just saying, he may know a thing or two.
There may not be a Ron of people on the forums in tier one wars, but I can assure you, they do exist on the forums.
I feel this represents how I feel better.
For instance it’s very rare if ever you’re taking 9 fights you got 9 other teammates helping you clear the field. You’re also not facing r3 7* sig 200 defenders all over the map unless it’s TCN. Lastly a lot of those fights are on different paths so you’re not having to put together a team where you’d have to take a sketchy fight with not an ideal counter.
I think this is the huge issue. When you take the hardest assortment of fights from random paths and cobble them together you no longer have an AW showcase. You have a mini EOP with sugar pill. This is especially weird because in the design philosophy section they specifically mention that
“For those who took similar paths every war of the Sugar Pill seasons, we hope you enjoy the chance to revisit and share that experience with the rest of the community.”
This is not “revisiting” the experience of AW, and saying as much can be rough for expectation setting. Also, that “what if” scenario was a cool idea. Placing a buffed red skull into the map then complimenting him with nodes which invalidate 3/4 of the tactic champs was not a cool way to execute that idea
Cough well… wHaT iF??
The quote I listed leaves that up in the air which is where my confusion came from. They started to qualify it when they said:
“When we showcase a competitive meta, we want to bring together some of the greatest challenges, most satisfying interactions, and even occasionally explore “What if…” scenarios”
But then stated that “For those who took similar paths every war of the Sugar Pill seasons, we hope you enjoy the chance to revisit and share that experience with the rest of the community.”
The choice to mention this for people who specifically repeated the same path the idea that this would be a revisitation for them is simply contradictory. Moreover, this certainly isn't sharing the experience of a taking one path over and over again with the “rest of the community” (which Im assuming here means either non war players or low tier war players). This is a case of a bit of mixed messaging which can be clarified by removing this bit. Without that I dont know if Id care about the particular style of challenge this is.
There was no contradiction every path is represented with a common defender that was usually placed there. For me I’ve fought that longshot many times. Usually it was mystic Spider-Man. I got to relive what was one of the harder fights on the map that I always had to clear every war. They delivered on what was promised.
The first quote set the stage nicely for what this challenge was which I then contrasted with the second which was weirdly specific about what the event would be in a way that doesn’t align. My question is as follows: What about this design philosophy would make it a “revisitation” for players who specifically took “similar paths multiple times”? No one who took similar paths all season would ever see this much diversity in nodes, classes, defenders etc. This would be a revisitation for the exact opposite type of player who danced across a lot very different paths hence why I feel the post would be better with this portion modified or removed
Also, I enjoyed it too. My point was on a possible miscommunication not on the quality/difficulty
If I try to do that in high tier war Alliances I'll get screams, threats and marked in Hitlist 💀