Filter bug not fixed in new update again?

Looking at the bug fix portion of the new update description it doesn't mention fixing the very annoying filter bug that has been going on for 2 months already. Is this really not going to be fixed? I think this is the 2nd update to be released since the bug appeared and no mention of fixing it.
After claiming Stash ISO, using it, going back to Stash again, Class filter is still technically applied (only see that class of ISO), but the Filter Class itself is no longer highlighted.
You can click it again, and then again, to correctly see it highlighted again.
Or (2) when viewing Champs (team select screen, or roster screen), filtering on Star, Rank, Class, etc.
Then going back to Filter, those selected filters are no longer highlighted, even though they are still actively being filtered. (Similar to ISO issue).
The rank up icon has been messed up for how many years now? Hopefully, in years to come, we aren't complaining about the same issues.