problem in arena crystals

the other day i opened about 16 arena crystals, i got no units which is just impossible since there is a 15% chance of getting units.
in my case i had a 240% chance which means i should have atleast gotten 60 units. Idk whether its a bug or the rng is just trash but pls fix it asap.
in my case i had a 240% chance which means i should have atleast gotten 60 units. Idk whether its a bug or the rng is just trash but pls fix it asap.
Great education system
The Cav crystals have a 3% chance to get a 6*
You’re more likely to get hit by a bus on a bank holiday 🤣🤣
Another way to look at it is a coin flip is supposed to be 50% chance to get heads. Do you expect coin flips to alternate heads tails heads tails heads tails? That's the only way for 50% of flips to be heads.
Each crystal has a 15% chance to drop units. That means on average 15 out of every 100 crystals will contain units. But it could be 14, or 10, or 19, because random chance means you will see variations from the average.
Imagine we are just flipping coins rather than opening arena crystals, just to make life simple. There are exactly two ways for a coin to land when you flip it once: Heads or Tails. If you flip it twice, there are four possibilities: HH, HT, TH, TT. If the coin is actually random and fair, all four possibilities should be equally likely to happen. And if you flip it four times, there are 16 possibilities. They are:
Again, if the coin is fair, then all sixteen possibilities should happen equally often on average. Which means someone should see all heads and someone should see all tails, if enough people flip coins.
If we only care about units, then there are two possibilities: units, or not units. If we open 16 crystals, there are a total of 65536 possible openings, each with different probabilities (because units vs not units is not 50/50). We can calculate the odds of getting no units in 16 openings. It is about 0.074, or about 7.4%. Alternatively, it is about one chance in 13.5.
In other words, if an entire alliance of 30 players all decided to open 16 arena crystals, the odds are pretty good that two of them would end up with no units. It's uncommon, but not particularly rare or unusual.
This guy gets it. Prof Hoff is my hero
3 of them were 5,4 & 3 star iceman.
The irony….
I got the lot by using a 6 star iceman I was hoping to dupe 😭
The fudgeary of it!!
Damn you Kabam!
Everyone knows it's rigged. Maths is just an excuse.
Keep fighting for your units.
You have my full support.