Which champions in 2024 can tank a special 3 and survive?
With all the recent power gain champs like Serpent and White Tiger, which ones can survive a sp3? I know champs with indestructible (Titania, Hercules, etc) and phasing champs (Ghost with Hood, Kitty) can but what about others? Can Nick Fury survive one provided he has his LMD?
Iceman an also if he has ice amor and is above 5% health
And another vote for kingpin. Charge a heavy when they have an sp3 and he can tank nearly everything.
Others with Indestructible abilities would include Titania, Punisher, Jessica Jones, Hela, Immortal Hulk, and Mephisto.
Other champs with surprising damage mitigation abilities that may enable them to survive an SP3 would be Cassie Lang, and Yondu.
But it's something to watch out for, if he's the defender. Throw the SP3 when he's dashing in, and you'll seriously regret it... 😉