Champion disapeared from my roster
I play this game for 9 years and ive never had this absurd happening to me, however, ive seen some ppl say that actually has already happened to them, anyone else had this?
My first 7* tech pull was Shuri, so for that i never ranked my 6* version of her, even tough i barely used her at all. I ve binded a relic to her not long after i pulled her, but this week i went to reoganize all my tech relics, cause i pulled a new one, and when i unbinded the relic from Shuri, i couldnt find her anymore, i looked and it shows her on the champions tab as "not owned" champs, like WTF, i literally just had a relic in her 10 seconds ago.
I checked 2 months old print screens of roster when i switched allies and she was definetely not there, but champs i pulled after her, were. So HOW TF did i still have a relic binded to her and where TF did my 7* Shuri go??!?!
Ive opened a support ticket but they want the exact date i pulled her or print screens of the roster showing her, but i dont have neither, cause who tf keeps track of the date of every champ u pull?? Ive 25 7* champs ffs, also i only print screen my champs when i switch allies and the new leader asks to do so, which is very rare since i dont usually trade allies.
I mean ffs dont they have record of her in my roster? Im not a game designer but it should have a code or something, i had a relic on her like just now ffs, stop stealing my 7* hard earned F2P champs ffs!!! This is just theft from Kabam!
My first 7* tech pull was Shuri, so for that i never ranked my 6* version of her, even tough i barely used her at all. I ve binded a relic to her not long after i pulled her, but this week i went to reoganize all my tech relics, cause i pulled a new one, and when i unbinded the relic from Shuri, i couldnt find her anymore, i looked and it shows her on the champions tab as "not owned" champs, like WTF, i literally just had a relic in her 10 seconds ago.
I checked 2 months old print screens of roster when i switched allies and she was definetely not there, but champs i pulled after her, were. So HOW TF did i still have a relic binded to her and where TF did my 7* Shuri go??!?!
Ive opened a support ticket but they want the exact date i pulled her or print screens of the roster showing her, but i dont have neither, cause who tf keeps track of the date of every champ u pull?? Ive 25 7* champs ffs, also i only print screen my champs when i switch allies and the new leader asks to do so, which is very rare since i dont usually trade allies.
I mean ffs dont they have record of her in my roster? Im not a game designer but it should have a code or something, i had a relic on her like just now ffs, stop stealing my 7* hard earned F2P champs ffs!!! This is just theft from Kabam!
Im searching everywhere here for any evidence of her in my roster but unfortunally i dont switch allies often, so i dont have many screenshots of my account.
This sucks cause support got back to me saying they dont have the "tools" to search for her in my account. So basically im screwed cause i dont have anything except ingame coding to support my claim. They ll just call me a liar and thats it, one 7* star champ thrown in the trash.
I recommend yall start screenshooting all urs high lvl pulls just in case, so u dont end up like me
I know this doesn't add to the discussion, but it's still funny
And no i dont have other accounts, only one just takes enough of my time already