Really wanted a 7 star nightcrawler, but this incursions thing isn't worth it.

I just don't think it's fun after zone 13-15. Sure the rewards are very nice but you could get stuck on a crazy node combo, 4-5 nodes a fight and a very limited selection of champs. Will miss out on nightcrawler by 5 thingies.
Oh well, at least we can trade the tokens in for good value.
Oh well, at least we can trade the tokens in for good value.
I'm looking forward to us getting some more news on this as well.
Sure, some content is supposed to be hard but this game is just getting stupid.
Or maybe put more runestones in the first rooms instead of having to go to room 20
Wasted 4hrs just to capped out at Zone 15, yep wasted, because where is the fun.
Time after time Kabam said they hear the players feedback and months after the same old.
Sure I don't mind a challenge, but this is just ridiculous.
What is the point of having selected Def for just "Themed" Zone, whenever every other Zone is full of Regen and Buff Snack with Def that no Saga champs is a good counter for.
All of this with no extra opportunity for Incursion revives and potions.
That Sasquatch fight sure isn't "fun" when you don't have a nice ranked up Photon.
For example, if I make it to zone 10 and die, then I have a choice to make: either I go in again and try to fight all the way back to zone 10 just to have a chance at getting more rewards, or I just walk away with what I've already won and spend my time on other things.
Personally, I find myself picking the latter option every time. So I always end up playing incursions basically once per month per tier. I do as well as I can, I get what I get, and I walk away.
Woh that is an amazing roster you got there.
Sadly, both of my Deathless Guillotine and Void (undupped) is at R1, no Corvus.
I have been messing about with Thing, Iceman, Weapon X and Deathless Guillotine, one time got to Zone 13 and another time got the Zone 15 before hitting silly RNG Nodes and Def combination.
With the limited Champs pool (Saga only), would of make sense to either limit the Def pool too and/or at least give players extra option to pick up Incursion items (like previous Incursion challenges), but nope Kabam did none of that.