Do you regret buying a five-star unstoppable colossus?

I'm at 768k and closing in on the chance to buy the five-star unstoppable colossus. Was hoping to get some advice from those who have him. He's useless unawakened as anything other than arena fodder, but even a four star awakened (which I could buy already) isn't good enough to make the cut on any alliance war team. So the way I figure it a five star UC equals 9 arena runs (3 per day) for 180k points per arena. Is this worth the investment?
Is there any better use of those alliance resources? 3 months ago people would have said to put it into mystic dispersion, is that still the case? What else is there?
Is there any better use of those alliance resources? 3 months ago people would have said to put it into mystic dispersion, is that still the case? What else is there?
Do you regret buying a five-star unstoppable colossus? 152 votes
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll buy it just to have it and then be able to use my future resources liberally. There is no class specific mastery worth purchasing anymore?
You get so much loyalty that it's hard to run out, I donate loyalty for other members in exchange for them donating battle chips for me and I buy aw boosts and still have almost 1m loyalty
so well many bought him for that reason.. now meh..
Unstoppable, though, he's worth having. If we ever get a 6*, he'll likely be around 5M loyalty, so I'd pick up the 5* anyway.
He’s good for nothing. But arena. So he doesn’t need to be duped.
Wish I hadn't bought the 4* 3 times. Once was enough for the sig 20 dupe. The 2nd one was a mistake, and I'd have the 5* by now if I hadn't done that.
(I only want him for arena fodder to pair up with equally unduped 5* Juggs.
He's alright for defence, though.
I think your poll and what feedback you hope to gain might not a line.
For me, do I regret buying 5* UC and even 6* UC, nope I like the character (not the champ he really could do with a bit of a buff).
However, personal for me I didn't buy him because he was useful in content or Arena.
Would I recommend you buying 5* UC?
I don't think he worth it, especially since I also wouldn't recommend you ranking him up either so he isn't really gonna be that use even for Arena point.
I'm sure you will get another (and most likely more useful) 5* champ soon enough. It does come much easier than "the good old day" 🤣