Valiant with 21k units - Use them or save for banquet?

I'm not a fan of the new norm being 36k instead of the old 21k. Makes me feel like units have depreciated a little. Should I still go for the deals or hold till December?
Valiant with 21k units - Use them or save for banquet? 122 votes
I have one path of necropolis left, and am stuck between taking a domino dupe and a new bishop from the base pool selector. I was waiting for these deals before doing my last path to see if I were to be able to pull one of those 2, hence why that base pool selector looks so good to me. But spending 11k units on stuff I don’t want just to have the chance to buy it is too high a price for me.
As you said with 36k units being the new norm for maxing events out, I propose we both save our units and get to 36k, then completely max out on a more worth it event.
I’ll probably end up making a poll on it to be fully sure, tho I appreciate the insight.
I Don't think kabam gonna shift or change their crystal according to progression this year
U are smart enough to think what those crystal might offer if cavalier and uc also gonna get same rewards.
Also with banquet there is rng involved and now the event is good only for low progression.
Counter counterpoint - these deals were supposed to be awesome - the best since necropolis
So… flip a coin. I am sitting on a bunch of units and was ready to spend a bit more. Now I don’t know what I am going to do
And you got CM in between...
Actually what I meant to say is, I can immediately take her to 100 sig level If I can dupe her.
She is in my roster, dunno why she is dull and grey coloured.