Do they know something we don't?



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,732 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Emilia90 said:

    I just ignored the post completely and focused on this lol I know some won't agree but the biggest game changer we've had so far since launch was BGs. How exactly are they going to top that off? Cause the next and only step would be real time pvp fights 👀 I can't think of anything else that would be that much of a game changer.
    Real time pvp fights will never happen... That's just not feasible at all.

    Biggest game changer? I think that has to be some new mechanic to champions, like synergy/awakening or relics.
    Then it won't be the biggest game changer since launch because the biggest game changer since launch so far was BGs, before BGs it was AW etc. It can't be anything as simple as the stuff you mentioned, neither of those would be the biggest game changer since launch, if they are that'd be very disappointing. Crashed made it sound like it's a huge deal, you gotta think big here.
    They giving us that 6th slot on a quest team finally.
    Or did they took the other thread seriously and releasing 8*s prematurely?
    Could be something new with champs like maybe relics finally getting a boost where they be a game changer but who knows could be lots of things since could me more alliance based content could be bases (this is just a joke for long term running of coming soon) could be something with pvp but id suspect its something to do with champs so either new sort of relic boost or maybe masteries or something bigger
    Highly doubt it'll be just a champ or relic mechanic lol guys Crashed's words were literally "might be the biggest game changer since launch" you really aren't thinking big enough here. It has to be at the very least a completely new game mode or something that impacts the game on a massive scale but not just a simple champ or relic mechanic or new mastery, that wouldn't even be close to being the biggest game changer since launch.
    Sometimes big don’t mean big for us but for them. Keep that in mind to
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian

    Pandingo said:

    One last foil hat for jax. It seems he was either headhunted for a project that will be far superior to net marble and/or consists of the employees they are bending over. Or everybody is jumping ship because it is sinking. And the oldest tale in the professional community is that the rats are the first to jump ship (employees) before the sailors know it's sinking (us). And if the game goes down and we all lose 10 years of investments idk that even their lawyers could handle the number of whales who would take their money and seek legal recompense for something they dont 'own' but pay for. 300 Spartans still fell to numbers right? Can net marble afford that? 🤣🤣🤣 I'm just rambling at this point but fun to think about

    I'm not a lawyer and neither are you but on what standing would someone have legal recourse? Red Lobster recently closed. Do I have the ability to sue them for the money I spent? You aren't paying into the company to have a stake, you're paying into the company to get an advantage.

    It's fairly ridiculous to even consider that someone would try and file a lawsuit when the ToS is very clear.
    The OP sounded very tongue in cheek to me, but for the purposes of any one who took it seriously, spenders would have zero recourse if the company decided to shut down the game. Games get shut down all the time, and the number of successful lawsuits I've heard of attempting to extract supposed value out of their accounts is exactly zero. And I've been following that particular idea around for over twenty years now.

    Now, in the United States at least you can sue for anything. That's the actual intent of the US legal system: to be the legal avenue for settling disputes. Filing suit is the means to invoke that mechanism. But suing a game company because you spent a ton of money on a game account and now they are depriving you of enjoying that account so now you want all your money back is something that I would bet a lot of money would not survive summary judgment.

    I am not a lawyer, but this is probably what my line of defense would be, if I were Kabam counsel. The TOS specifies that players must agree that nothing in the game has material value. They are spending money on a service, not tangible material, so there is no deprivation of anything of value legally. So the suit has no merit.

    The plaintiff will probably then argue that they don't accept the terms of the TOS, they believe their account does have tangible material value they can legally recover. They may even claim the TOS is unenforceable, so they do not have to accept it.

    Then I would argue that as someone who refused to accept the TOS but continued to play the game anyway, the plaintiff perpetrated a fraud against the company. They played the game while refusing to accept the terms of service. If they did not agree to the TOS, they had no permission to play the game, and the game is a privately owned service that requires permission to play. As the plaintiff now has legally unclean hands, they cannot pursue relief.

    I'm pretty sure a lawyer that specializes in this sort of thing can clean this all up and make it pretty air tight.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,417 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Bendy said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Emilia90 said:

    I just ignored the post completely and focused on this lol I know some won't agree but the biggest game changer we've had so far since launch was BGs. How exactly are they going to top that off? Cause the next and only step would be real time pvp fights 👀 I can't think of anything else that would be that much of a game changer.
    Real time pvp fights will never happen... That's just not feasible at all.

    Biggest game changer? I think that has to be some new mechanic to champions, like synergy/awakening or relics.
    Then it won't be the biggest game changer since launch because the biggest game changer since launch so far was BGs, before BGs it was AW etc. It can't be anything as simple as the stuff you mentioned, neither of those would be the biggest game changer since launch, if they are that'd be very disappointing. Crashed made it sound like it's a huge deal, you gotta think big here.
    They giving us that 6th slot on a quest team finally.
    Or did they took the other thread seriously and releasing 8*s prematurely?
    Could be something new with champs like maybe relics finally getting a boost where they be a game changer but who knows could be lots of things since could me more alliance based content could be bases (this is just a joke for long term running of coming soon) could be something with pvp but id suspect its something to do with champs so either new sort of relic boost or maybe masteries or something bigger
    Highly doubt it'll be just a champ or relic mechanic lol guys Crashed's words were literally "might be the biggest game changer since launch" you really aren't thinking big enough here. It has to be at the very least a completely new game mode or something that impacts the game on a massive scale but not just a simple champ or relic mechanic or new mastery, that wouldn't even be close to being the biggest game changer since launch.
    Sometimes big don’t mean big for us but for them. Keep that in mind to
    That doesn't really change anything "biggest game changer since launch" means... Well, exactly what it says.
    Something as simple as a new champ or relic mechanic or new mastery wouldn't be "the biggest game changer since launch" whether you are the developer or the person playing the game.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Something seems up me. There are so so so many more offers than just even two years ago and realistically, probably 10 times the amount of offers monthly than there were five years ago. Consistently putting out defenders to milk units. A bunch of people off a little over a year ago Big names in the company leaving. It seems like they’re trying to milk it while they can or,….. The higher-ups are just so damn greedy. They don’t care that that this model will destroy the game and their employees are fed up with it and just leaving.

    1. Something always seems up to you.
    2. There are not enough hours in the day for there to be ten times more offers than five years ago.
    3. With all due respect to Jax and Miike, and I believe they would both back me up here, they are big names to you because you heard of them, and because they specifically worked in community relations. They were no less, and also no more important to the future of the game than many other people who have left over the years.
    4. One of the guys in charge of "the model" for this game is right here, posting in this thread. You should ask him what he thinks about "the model" destroying the game and driving all the employees away.

    He's probably going to tell you the same thing I would, but don't make him angry as he has vastly more control over crystal drops than I do.
    Wait till you find out that Skydad commented again, admits to not reading Crasheds response then goes on to complain about the response.
    I read it before posting. But as that post first claims not to have read the post and then essentially quotes from the post, clearly something has gone awry there and it is difficult to pick which thing to respond to.
  • OldManHopOldManHop Member Posts: 294 ★★★
    All I know is that I trust Kabam Crashed and the rest of the team with the future of this community.

    Change is scary, but also inevitable, and that's okay...

    If you want our little corner of the internet to stick around, the best thing you can do is to be an ambassador for the game we all love;

    Invite your friends. Help people out... even the ones who seem angry and irrational. Answer dumb questions with compassion and understanding instead of sarcasm and derision.

    Be the kind of player you wish was there to guide you when you first started... or at least try not to be a jerk (it's hard sometimes, I know.)

    As long as we're still here asking for more, I'm confident that this game won't be going anywhere.

    Godspeed and good luck, Jax... Thanks for tolerating us for as long as you did.

  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    Put the tin foil hat away, Mike and Jax just want to live their best hot boy summer
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 931 ★★★★

    ahmynuts said:


    You are absolutely correct and if you look at the numbers and stats it's clear to validate it all.

    It just feels like the community got Thanos snapped twice in such a short time span. One of the best things about the game is the community and being able to interact with the game team in one way or another. Having the longest standing go to guy who we could always rely on disappear randomly (Miike) and then the most positive, fun, and interactive one leave shortly thereafter (Jax) is a big blow to the game in a different way. It doesn't lose what it is at its core but it feels like that back and forth, and relationship is gone. Especially with those who it was originally established with
    I understand and honestly I kind of feel the same way. I worked very closely with Jax and Miike and losing both of them in quick succession is a pretty big blow to me as well. However, I just want to reassure people that, despite these short-term changes, this has nothing to do with the long-term plans for the game. The show will go on.

    I appreciate your calming insight into a situation that could travel a rabbit hole & really spiral out of control. Thanks. I'm also really happy you got your orange back, because it would be stressful af looking for a response from the game team
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Emilia90 said:

    I just ignored the post completely and focused on this lol I know some won't agree but the biggest game changer we've had so far since launch was BGs. How exactly are they going to top that off? Cause the next and only step would be real time pvp fights 👀 I can't think of anything else that would be that much of a game changer.
    Real time pvp fights will never happen... That's just not feasible at all.

    Biggest game changer? I think that has to be some new mechanic to champions, like synergy/awakening or relics.
    Then it won't be the biggest game changer since launch because the biggest game changer since launch so far was BGs, before BGs it was AW etc. It can't be anything as simple as the stuff you mentioned, neither of those would be the biggest game changer since launch, if they are that'd be very disappointing. Crashed made it sound like it's a huge deal, you gotta think big here.
    They giving us that 6th slot on a quest team finally.
    Or did they took the other thread seriously and releasing 8*s prematurely?
    Could be something new with champs like maybe relics finally getting a boost where they be a game changer but who knows could be lots of things since could me more alliance based content could be bases (this is just a joke for long term running of coming soon) could be something with pvp but id suspect its something to do with champs so either new sort of relic boost or maybe masteries or something bigger
    Highly doubt it'll be just a champ or relic mechanic lol guys Crashed's words were literally "might be the biggest game changer since launch" you really aren't thinking big enough here. It has to be at the very least a completely new game mode or something that impacts the game on a massive scale but not just a simple champ or relic mechanic or new mastery, that wouldn't even be close to being the biggest game changer since launch.
    Wondering if it has something to do with being able to fight bosses once you've explored the quest. Players, including me, have been asking for that for years.

    Or maybe a necropolis type everest content with every story boss, and maybe even quest bosses (variants, ROL Hulk, Lab maestro etc..).
    They did mention new everest content coming soon, ans Crashed gave a wonk face in the last thread I was in about being able to fight story bosses after a quest is explored so that would be sick everest content!
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,417 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Emilia90 said:

    I just ignored the post completely and focused on this lol I know some won't agree but the biggest game changer we've had so far since launch was BGs. How exactly are they going to top that off? Cause the next and only step would be real time pvp fights 👀 I can't think of anything else that would be that much of a game changer.
    Real time pvp fights will never happen... That's just not feasible at all.

    Biggest game changer? I think that has to be some new mechanic to champions, like synergy/awakening or relics.
    Then it won't be the biggest game changer since launch because the biggest game changer since launch so far was BGs, before BGs it was AW etc. It can't be anything as simple as the stuff you mentioned, neither of those would be the biggest game changer since launch, if they are that'd be very disappointing. Crashed made it sound like it's a huge deal, you gotta think big here.
    They giving us that 6th slot on a quest team finally.
    Or did they took the other thread seriously and releasing 8*s prematurely?
    Could be something new with champs like maybe relics finally getting a boost where they be a game changer but who knows could be lots of things since could me more alliance based content could be bases (this is just a joke for long term running of coming soon) could be something with pvp but id suspect its something to do with champs so either new sort of relic boost or maybe masteries or something bigger
    Highly doubt it'll be just a champ or relic mechanic lol guys Crashed's words were literally "might be the biggest game changer since launch" you really aren't thinking big enough here. It has to be at the very least a completely new game mode or something that impacts the game on a massive scale but not just a simple champ or relic mechanic or new mastery, that wouldn't even be close to being the biggest game changer since launch.
    Wondering if it has something to do with being able to fight bosses once you've explored the quest. Players, including me, have been asking for that for years.

    Or maybe a necropolis type everest content with every story boss, and maybe even quest bosses (variants, ROL Hulk, Lab maestro etc..).
    They did mention new everest content coming soon, ans Crashed gave a wonk face in the last thread I was in about being able to fight story bosses after a quest is explored so that would be sick everest content!
    Hmmmm that'd definitely be a really cool thing but I don't think it'd be good enough to be called the biggest game changer since launch. When I hear the biggest game changer since launch I think about something that will completely shift the meta of the game the same way BGs did, or a massive change that will completely change the game forever the way 12.0 did. Maybe something that will change the game's economy forever but the in game deals already do just that so honestly who knows. I just think it's gonna be a huge deal, has to be, Crashed calling it "the biggest game changer since launch" is a bigger deal than people on this thread think.

    As for the Everest content, I believe it's coming in August and it will be the Legend's event (just like last year) but the structure will be completely different compared to last year (cause everyone found it boring and very repetitive, most of the feedback was negative) so I doubt that's what Crashed is talking about. In order for it to be a game changer it'd have to be something you can do every month and get a ton of resources out of it to the point it actually impacts every single player's progression consistently, then it would be a real game changer but I really don't see them doing that. We'll find it soon enough, perhaps some subtle hints tomorrow on the livestream.
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    They have every opportunity to make this game ENORMOUS. They have an established roster of 200ish champs. They have many established game modes. And they have a huge following. Like. A huge following. If they are trying to shake things up. They have the current community/previous retired players/and future players. There isn't a game this established in the market. To let it die out would be foolish. But who knows. Higher-ups rarely see the long term potential vs immediate money.tomorrow will tell. Sadly ill be smack dab in the middle of my busiest hours.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,831 ★★★★★
    Pandingo said:

    They have every opportunity to make this game ENORMOUS. They have an established roster of 200ish champs. They have many established game modes. And they have a huge following. Like. A huge following. If they are trying to shake things up. They have the current community/previous retired players/and future players. There isn't a game this established in the market. To let it die out would be foolish. But who knows. Higher-ups rarely see the long term potential vs immediate money.tomorrow will tell. Sadly ill be smack dab in the middle of my busiest hours.

  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,417 ★★★★★

    Pandingo said:

    They have every opportunity to make this game ENORMOUS. They have an established roster of 200ish champs. They have many established game modes. And they have a huge following. Like. A huge following. If they are trying to shake things up. They have the current community/previous retired players/and future players. There isn't a game this established in the market. To let it die out would be foolish. But who knows. Higher-ups rarely see the long term potential vs immediate money.tomorrow will tell. Sadly ill be smack dab in the middle of my busiest hours.

    Some Alex Jones like random rant, I don't think he even knows what he's saying at this point.
  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 830 ★★★
    The biggest thing is probably giving us all Mystique finally in December, it's long overdue
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,309 ★★★★★

    The biggest thing is probably giving us all Mystique finally in December, it's long overdue

    I genuinely still think they don't have the tech for that
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,459 ★★★★
    I just read the first couple of posts here. I saw the words lawyers and lawsuits and stuff. All I am saying is not this again. Please. The last thread like this was crazy wordy and long
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