Battlegrounds is like playing a drag racing game where you have to race a sports car with a tractor
Match making is ridiculous and there has to be another way. I get it my account is smaller than other players and I don’t deserve to get the same rewards they get so rather than pairing me up with accounts that I have no chance of beating and get absolutely 0 fun out of even playing the match, pair me up with a fair match and give me less rewards, otherwise there is just no point in playing this game mode anymore.
In well over 50% of my matchups I have 0 chance of winning and even if I win 75% of the fair matchups, advancing is a miracle.
I am 6 wins in the last 25 matches and if I’d played perfectly at best I could have won two more so that’s a 33% win ratio best case scenario.
Anytime I level up it’s out of pure luck combined with sheer determination to not give up and 0% enjoyment. But like a bad gambler I keep trying, hoping for that lucky winning streak.
In well over 50% of my matchups I have 0 chance of winning and even if I win 75% of the fair matchups, advancing is a miracle.
I am 6 wins in the last 25 matches and if I’d played perfectly at best I could have won two more so that’s a 33% win ratio best case scenario.
Anytime I level up it’s out of pure luck combined with sheer determination to not give up and 0% enjoyment. But like a bad gambler I keep trying, hoping for that lucky winning streak.
2. We can’t pair you with *only* people you can beat, because that would be unfair. It would mean the game was giving you special treatment and allowing you to win more matches than much stronger players would.
3. The Victory track is a ladder. The stronger players win and climb higher, leaving the weaker ones behind. If you are only matching against much stronger players, that means you’ve promoted up to a tier where there are mostly strong players. You can try to beat them, or you can wait for them to promote and leave weaker ones behind. There are still almost two weeks left in the BG season. Difficulty keeps changing, because players are still promoting. If everyone like you can’t win in the tier you’re in, that means everyone stronger than you is winning and promoting higher. There isn’t an infinite supply of them.
4. You say even if you win “75%’ of your matches advancing is hard. if you’re winning 75% of them, they aren’t fair. You must have some kind of edge on that competition, and you’ve decided having that edge is fair. But you’re not allowed to decide which advantages are fair and which are unfair. If you think having a larger roster is unfair, you have to also believe whatever is causing you to win against those opponents 75% of the time is also unfair. Otherwise, you’re just arbitrarily deciding what you’re good at is fair, and what everyone else is good at is unfair.
MCOC is a progressional game, built upon a foundation of growing roster. It goes against the entire purpose of the game to penalize players for growing their roster. So having a larger roster is a fair advantage in MCOC, just like knowing more about the game is a fair advantage. I’ve been playing the game for over eight years. I’ve been studying the game for almost as long. I have a massive advantage over players who just joined, even if they have a roster as strong as mine. They can’t just buy a time machine and reproduce my experience overnight. But that’s just too bad for them. Meanwhile I’m a 55 year old myopic with fat fingers and slow reflexes. There are people a third my age with twice my speed that I will never be able to match. That’s too bad for me. It’s all fair.
6. If you only enjoy competition when you’re winning, competition is not for you. Only 50% of players win any particular match. Only 10% manage to reach the top 10%. Only one guy gets to be #1. Most players do not win most of the time. The average player wins half the time, and tons of players win less than that. If everyone under 50% quit, there would be no competitions after a while.
Last season I got stuck in V3 for over 30 matches before finally promoting. I stuck it out, and eventually promoted. That’s what competition is about. Fighting until you win, and accepting when you lose. No one is happy to lose. I’m not happy to lose. But someone has to lose, and if I have to lose thirty times before I eventually win, then that’s what’s going to happen. Because those thirty other competitors deserved to win.
Take your lumps and progress forward.
All the “get good” and “it’s competitive” replies are hilarious to me.
“Well by gosh, I just beat this fella with 3 6* r4 champions with my 9 7* r3s and I feel like a king.”
With so many 7* that were pushed way too fast. Have rarity battlegrounds.
Like for like fights.
I’m not asking for special treatment just fair treatment.
I don’t agree with the concept that I should have to stop playing until the stronger accounts move on. How would I even know it’s safe to come out without trying a couple matches…
The gap in account strength expands faster than I can grow my account.
If all players who hit this wall stop playing then the large accounts will have to earn their wins and won’t move on as quickly.
As I type this my boy is quitting a match because it was unfair and sadly he doesn’t even get milestone points unless he wastes the next 10 minutes of his life taking a beating.
It’s quite a carrot to dangle when 3 BG wins gets you the daily super event milestones but you can’t actually win 3 times…
People get upset if you lose on purpose to stay in the lower brackets but they don’t get upset when the game makes you lose on purpose so they can feed the big fish.
Upgrade your tractor is a real Marie Antoinette thing to say when upgrade resources are so hard to get.
All I want is for Kabam to consider an alternative option to make the game mode fair and fun.
And don't come at me with you're a whale and whatnot. I'm FTP. Yes I'm more than decent at the game. But with effort in game and skill everyone is doable and can be enjoyed.
If you're lacking in one of the above, time for self reflection
So let me be brief and direct. It isn’t me that doesn’t understand, it is you. What you are asking for has been done before and generates horrible results. It punishes players for improving their roster, and in many cases by a lot. This is unacceptable in a competitive game mode in a a game about developing roster. Until you can either come up with a suggestion that doesn’t do this horrible thing, or explain why we should all accept this horrible thing, what you’re asking for is simply unacceptable. To many of the players, and to the developers especially.
Again, I’m fine with that. If they’re putting in that effort and money, that helps everyone.
I’d just like to see a like for like competitive mode and see how different the top ten are.
I would obviously be down here at the bottom of the barrel looking up. But would definitely watch.
This is the lowest alt I'm currently playing through BG this season. It is a low Cav (the other account is now a mid Thronebreaker) with a deck I haven't changed since last season, because honestly I don't have anything else leveled up anyway. In fact that MODOK is there basically because I had no other alternatives leveled. It is not a horrible deck, but no one would accuse it of being a pay to win roster or anything. In fact, I have never spent in this account, and never really grinded at all either. It just sits in my alliance humming along doing map 3 while I play it occasionally outside of BG, where I use it to test out the low tiers of VT.
This account is currently in P5 and has about 200k solo points, having started in Bronze 5 at the beginning of the season. I have never missed getting the milestone crystals in this account. It is only this high because I didn't want to waste the compensation package. In fact, I still haven't claimed the compensation package yet because that would overflow my marks: I haven't played enough to exhaust them enough yet. To me, this is an excellent result for such an account with lots of time left in the season, especially when I'm not trying super hard (yet - I really want to burn down those marks, but might as well wait to the end of the season to do that).
Now, if this account was in D5 or V5, instead of P5, that would be stupid. There are Valiant players still struggling to get through Diamond. If this account had an easy path to get past them without ever having to face them, that's simply not fair. What you're asking for is to be shielded from those players, because that's what you think is fair. But that's literally the definition of unfair: to be given special protections from them so they have to fight each other to promote upward, but you don't. You just have to fight the players with the same roster as you, because you think that's fair.
What you are confused about is the difference between a fair fight and a fair competition. A fair fight is where both sides have an equal chance of winning. A fair competition is one where the stronger competitors beat the weaker ones. Because the purpose of a competition is not to provide a safe space for competitors to practice in. The purpose of a competition is to find and reward the strongest competitors. Fair competitions by definition create unfair match ups, because the whole point is to figure out who's the strongest competitors, by seeing who they can beat and who they can't beat.
I know I'm better than the players I beat, because I beat them. I know the players better than me are better because they beat me. A competition settles this question in the competition. It doesn't guess I'm better because I have the stronger roster, it doesn't guess I'm worse because I have the weaker roster. It makes the players play the game.
But more to the point, if BG only caters to the 1% because there are prizes for the top 1%, then AQ also caters to the 1%, as does AW, as does the arena. How many players do you think are Valiant at this point? It is unlikely to be a lot more than 10%, so the whole game caters to the top 10%.
That's what all games do. The better rewards are at the top. But to say that BG caters to the top 1% implies that the entire game mode is built almost exclusively for them. However, over 200k players play BG, that's a large chunk of the entire player population. And there are lots of things that do not benefit stronger progressions as much or more than lower ones. The solo milestones for example are not progression locked. So when a Valiant player gets a bunch of 7* shards that is an okay reward, but when a Cavalier player gets them that's a huge reward. And higher players have no particular advantage in earning solo milestones.
In fact, the entire Victory Track itself benefits lower players more than higher ones. If BG really wanted to "cater to the top 1%" it wouldn't have a Victory Track, it would just have a Gladiator Circuit, and everyone would win or lose on rating, and no matter how high you climbed you could always lose your way back to the bottom.
MCoC was not ready for a PvP mode.
It is clear that many players, including me either come or come back to this game because of BG, not those boring AQ or stressful AW. So, if players don’t want to evolve their roster, it will hurt Kabam’s pocket seriously. We have to understand that they waste resources to running this game and they need to make BENEFIT, not for charity. Therefore, psychologically matching you with whale of course will create frustration and push you to spend more to grow your roster. Beside, they need to satisfy their loyal customers, which is those whale here, by giving them more easy matches to promote. This is the reason why since the next season, they will remove any criteria for matchmaking even below Pla2 as before! So, take it easy, touching more grass is better than spending too much time on the screen.
If you haven’t lost every match in your 25 game recent history multiple times then you just can’t understand what a horrible experience that is. If you have and you are okay with that then we simply don’t have the same opinion of what makes the game fun.
I’m not asking for it to go back to the way it was when it was horrible for you. I’m not asking for easy wins or the same rewards as larger accounts. I’m asking for an alternative so I can play BGs against other players in a way that is fun.
I can only play four matches on energy and there is a near 100% chance that if I try it right now I’ll have no chance of winning any of them and the fights are likely going to be miserable. Is it awful that I want a mechanism so that when I hit find match I can have at least a hope of enjoying the experience?
TB/cavs play few matches and they start to face valiant accounts.
and the alternate solution, bg matches based on progression tier, is as worse as the current system, if not more.
Now don't tell me "git gud" cuz it takes months for a casual cavailer player to reach valiant tier.
Kabam have to do something about this. Some workaround so low tier players can also have fun with bgs.
BGs needs a similar system. Hero rating or champ rarity limits.
People have complained before about the game being too difficult. When a player says the game is too difficult and not enjoyable for them, we can either make the entire game easier just for them, or we can keep the game at the same difficulty for everyone else. But that's not an arbitrary decision. We aren't just saying oh well, either we make those people happy or these other people happy. This is a progressional game. Progressional games have difficulty ladders. That's intrinsic within the foundation of what they are. Without escalating difficulty, you cannot make a reasonable progressional game based on combat.
Battlegrounds is not some random addition to the game like changing the background colors of the main screen. Battlegrounds exists for a specific reason: to add a very specific competitive game mode for the benefit of players who want that type of content. It is not arbitrary to say well, we can make it align with competitive gaming practices, or we can water them down to make the players who don't want those features more happy. The mode is a competitive game mode. That's the only reason it exists.
The same thing is true for people who complain the arena is too grindy. The mode is there to create that avenue for players who want to grind for resources, instead of say, buying them or tackling the most difficult content to reach them or join the top alliances to win them in alliance content. Those things are there for the people who want those things. Alliance war is for people who want to do alliance war-like content. Alliance quest is for people who want that sort of content in MCOC. Raids are for players who want more of an MMO raid-like experience, to the best of the game's ability to replicate it.
Battlegrounds is intended to be a competitive game mode where players can take their rosters and throw them up against everyone else, to see who is the strongest competitor. The devs did not flip a coin and say heads we make it competitive, tails we make it less competitive. In BG, the competitive aspects of the game mode have the highest priority.
If it is horrible for you, and the *reason* why it is horrible for you is because you can't accept that there are players with stronger rosters and if you want to progress higher to have to beat them, then Battlegrounds is not for you.
If you don't want to grind, don't do arena. If you do not want to play on the same map as your alliance mates, or don't even want to be in an alliance, then don't do AQ. If you don't want to fight every strong defender in the game constantly, don't do Alliance War. If you don't like facing random nodes, don't do Incursions. And if you don't like competition, as this game defines competition (along with most of the rest of the world), then don't do Battlegrounds.
Hundreds of thousands of other players do just fine. Most of them lose at lot, but they still play.
Yes. Yes it is awful. You're asking for wins. You can couch it in whatever terms you want, but the bottom line is to are losing a lot, and you want to lose less. You say you just want hope, but you can't have hope if you keep losing. You're only going to have that hope if you win, at least occasionally. And to give you that win, we have to find another *player* and make them lose. That's the only way for you to win. Someone else must lose.
Pick one, and ask them if they wouldn't mind losing their next match to make you happier.
When we discuss content difficulty, we're talking about pixels. We can debate whether content should be more or les difficult, and while that's not an arbitrary decision like I state above, at the end of the day the content is there to serve us, the players. The content has no rights. The content has no feelings. If we nerf the content, it does not care. But when you ask for more wins, you are asking for other players to have more losses. Every single win you ask for comes at the expense of another player. Not content: other players.
So who should lose more than they are now, so you can win more than you do now?
No match is hopeless. Not even when a Cav player runs into a Paragon player in Platinum with over twice the rating and more than 2k more prestige. Not even when you lose the first match and have to take two in a row to win. Never give up. Always make them prove their roster advantage.
But I'm very happy with the changes. Yes it's more matches, and it's win some lose some. But it's fine. I don't feel unfairly stuck anymore like before.
You don't need to play this mode. It's not mandatory. If there are other modes that you enjoy playing, play those. If you don't enjoy any of the modes, then maybe consider a new hobby. They'd no shame in it.
If you hate this mode but you want the rewards anyway, then i can't help there. I would love a nobel prize, but i haven't done the work required to earn one. So i don't get one.
But seriously, these threads need their own forums where you can have an echo chamber and the rest of us can pay attention to normal threads. You're like the 100th person to complain about "unfair matchmaking" this season when there isn't anything wrong.