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Hey friends! I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting a specific type of class of champion in the game? Out of all the classes I never pull mutant. Even in the coming months there aren’t any arenas for mutants. Is this common? Just a question. Also, each time I buy a 4* awakening gem I ALWAYS pull a cosmic gem. This is so weird. Has this happened to anyone else? Please share your thoughts...
What’s that?
u dont know rng?
You could have chosen to be helpful.
Rng is random number generator. These types of crystal pulls are random. If you want something good, you have to pray to RNGesus
some people have 2 5* science gems and other who had 3 science 5* gems
Thanks for explaining that to me
Although up to this day, I get more Tech champs and Tech resources,
i remember once opened 5 2star crystal and got 4 times SIM
I should have explained but thank you for explaining it to him/
8 skill
10 mutant
9 cosmic
9 tech
11 mystic
Not including the dupes
And I'm still waiting to find a god tier science, but that's true with everyone
Nice!! I want DV so bad, already have SW but not duped
Thanks man
Omg yes!! That’s happening to me now lol.