Final day of the daily super event. Thoughts?

Today is the last day of Kabam trying this new event that replaces basically all other daily event stuff and honestly, this should just become permanent. It is a perfect way to condense all of these other events that some people can’t complete into 1 simple event that’s takes like 30 minutes of gameplay to get all the rewards. I think this needs to be the new norm.
Which wouldn’t be a big problem for me because the easy access to these milestones while giving additional easy access to those 4hr crystals is what makes me love this event. The addition of 7* etc is a huuge bonus
Unless something changed or that info graphic is wrong?
- Introduce a boost crystal as the reward which drops a random Boost (health, attack, champion, class) with the bigger ones having less probability to drop.
- Free and daily crystals shouldn't be a part of this event. They should be claimable just by logging in. That's their true purpose.
- More relic stuff and personally I like to relic sigs.
If you want goofy ahh embers, go buy them from glory or BG shop, don't try to have them bundled in actual rewards.
Everyone wants to "Should stay"
Not to "Should go"
The old way wasn’t working for us. We can’t go back.