Balance system is a joke, something needs to be done! Referring to DLL comments on silver sable

Quote was basically
"A lot of people complaint about her damage but the people who have her ranked and sigged tell damage isn't really an issue If you're hoping for
a damage increase what leave that hope What exactly a tune up on her would be But I'm not speculating anything"
Woah just woah, sable might not get buffed because she has what 2 fans that say she's good?
Iron fist has a few fans who say his damage is good might as well not buff him! This laziness is incredibly insane and honestly insulting to the community, so many champs that came out recently needed tune ups like dust and ironheart but kabam just couldn't be bothered,
sable is a champ who honestly is not that good, with some utility I guess and way below average damage that takes awhile to ramp up and even then it's not good!
She deserves to be a skill shuri I honestly just want a tiny damage increase but guess what DLL I like uhhh what would we even do?
DLL I'm a fan of your champs but honestly this was crazy, stop making champs that turn off masteries and actually put effort into the game
Also cmon yall look at that so called psychoman buff like cmon look me in the eye and tell me that was good 😢
This is not just about sable this is about the countless times kabam has out a terrible buff and or neglected to even give a champ a buff!
Give this post some love, kabam has got to listen to the community sometime
"A lot of people complaint about her damage but the people who have her ranked and sigged tell damage isn't really an issue If you're hoping for
a damage increase what leave that hope What exactly a tune up on her would be But I'm not speculating anything"
Woah just woah, sable might not get buffed because she has what 2 fans that say she's good?
Iron fist has a few fans who say his damage is good might as well not buff him! This laziness is incredibly insane and honestly insulting to the community, so many champs that came out recently needed tune ups like dust and ironheart but kabam just couldn't be bothered,
sable is a champ who honestly is not that good, with some utility I guess and way below average damage that takes awhile to ramp up and even then it's not good!
She deserves to be a skill shuri I honestly just want a tiny damage increase but guess what DLL I like uhhh what would we even do?
DLL I'm a fan of your champs but honestly this was crazy, stop making champs that turn off masteries and actually put effort into the game
Also cmon yall look at that so called psychoman buff like cmon look me in the eye and tell me that was good 😢
This is not just about sable this is about the countless times kabam has out a terrible buff and or neglected to even give a champ a buff!
Give this post some love, kabam has got to listen to the community sometime
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I know a lot of people like DLL for his champ designs, and I respect the effort he puts in, but damn do I disagree with so many things he says. I get that as a designer he’s gonna be strict on what he thinks is “too strong,” but he has called Kingpin broken, he said today that he thinks Cheeilth and Onslaught have too good of heavy reach, and that they went too far with them. Then he defends every new mid champ with arguments like what he said for sable that are just so blatantly untrue. He literally assumes that everyone who comments on sable doesn’t use her, which means he thinks barely anyone actually plays her lmao.
But the irony of it all is that he’s who designed serpent, the biggest meta breaker of them all. Ok rant over.
Tldr : They can release trash attackers like sable when they start releasing trash defenders like shang chi.
just wait and see. Till now i think almost all reworks have been good, so lets just expect the same of this one (if its coming).
we should be happy someone as DLL is as open as he is and is sharing nice insides from his perspective. You do not have to agree with them all (so do i), but you can still respect it.
and again: looking at last year, what champ balance dissapointed you after the starting period? imo the balance system is working really well and most champs are doing amazing after a buff (which they needed)
But champs this year atleast have something defensively. Northstar and ironheart are easy, Others atleast have something to provide on defense. That's what I mean.
We can have pure bs champs like sable the day we have pure bs defenders like shang chi.
Kate had reposte to evade, Viv had power drain and a hard to avoid sp1, zemo has crit, moondragon had falter, etc. All easy defenders but with minor defensive quirks which isn’t anything new and that also applies to most 2024 champs. A small defensive ability doesn’t make them defenders and most of them are potatoes
Serpent and Bullseye are the echelon of hard defenders and we have Dust in 3rd who’s decently hard
Sable takes long for any matchup that isnt 100% ideal
She definitely needs a damage increase and a change to the traps and triggering them
Genuinely asking - I don't have her at any rarity; but I'm curious about how you find her; why you do/don't play her; what her damage is like, etc.
There's a lot of hate around - I'd like to hear some of the positives.
Not short fights or long fights
If he thinks sable is good as is I just know negasonic is not getting anything.
And who the hell has something to say about my cheeilths heavy reach????
That's her gameplan as well as onslaught they rely on their heavies, tigra also has insane heavy reach, it is completely fine because they rely on it for damage. THEY PUNISH ATTACKS WITH HEAVIES alot of defenders create space with their heavy/special attacks and are harder to fight because of this. If champs like tigra, onslaught and cheeilth are going to take these champs they need a good reach. Imagine someone like Moleman trying to heavy punish. Believe it or not but Cheeilth is my number 1 red skull counter and that is because I can easily punish his heavy attack with my own heavy, same as spot and shocker.
The guy who designs defenders who cheat the game mechanics(masteries) SHOULD NOT BE TELLING ME ABOUT WHAT'S BROKEN AND WHAT ISN'T
Edit: absolutely hilarious how a lot of people seem to have been completely brainwashed this year after all the duds and mid attackers with cool animations, they don't even care anymore as long as animations are 10/10 💀
I hope for changes to her, even if those changes are just QoL additions to her loop.
While I also sometimes tend to disagree with DLL, let's talk about the 3 champions you mentioned. KP is nowhere near as broken as he was, say a yr ago, but upon rework he was. Next, Cheeilth & Onslaught, both their heavies do have a ridiculous heavy reach. More Cheeilth than Onslaught, imo, but again he's not wrong. As much I enjoy using OG hulk, his rework, especially the sp1 stun lock is also busted. He's not advocating for those things to be changed now, he's just stating both, his opinion & what he thinks is his truth. While I'll agree with him, you don't have to, but if you look at it from as an impartial observation w/out investment, you might agree too. Lastly, as for serpent, I'd be willing to bet he probably think he needs a defensive tune down. I'm not trying to "white knight" for DLL, he's just speaking from a game standpoint & sees the whole picture. Where as us as the community, have a tendency to balk at champion changes, especially when it comes to changes that would effect champions we use in possibly the way others deem "busted"