Quake or Hulk to rank five?

I have the cats to take a 4* science champion to rank five, but I'm having trouble deciding between Quake and Hulk. I've discussed it with my alliance and they've been a huge help with their opinions, but I'm still slightly swayed. At first, I thought Hulk... but now I'm thinking Quake. This will be my first rank five 4*, so I'm looking to choose wisely. I'm not looking to rank them for anything in particular, just who would be the most helpful overall. Quake is a consistently great champion and I love her abilities, and although the Hulk is raw damage and has poison immunity along with his stun, he only gets stronger once he loses health. I would just like some assistance before making my final choice. Thank you!
Quake ftw. Prestige is a valuable thing nowadays.
Good luck
However, as time as progressed and I've learned her style a bit more, Quake is a great mystic killer. This is especially true as your war opponents will be using more and more Mystic Dispersion. During this last Duel event, my 4/40 Quake was taking down a 5/50 Ghost Rider in under 5 hits. He never saw a SP1.
Hulk isn't worth an R5 unless he's duped. Quake's awakened ability only improves her blocking and isn't needed for her damage output.
Honestly, you won't regret either one. Hulk is an easier one to fight with and his poison immunity is hugely helpful in AQ/AW. Quake takes a bit of time to learn how to fully utilize her skills, but can ravage opponents without landing a punch once you do.
Relying on getting hit to end fights quicker wouldn't sit well for me but I wouldn't mind a duped 5/50 hulk especially with Assassin.
So many times it just dosent activate and i end up taking unnecessary hits just trying to get that heavy to register.
Cannot count on her in crucial fights.
Go for hulk..hes awakened and total boss killer with the right masteries
Dont know why kabam wont admit it when people have posted videos as proof..!!!
Quake is awesome especially if you master her abilities!!
Quake by far. She has way more interesting abilities in my opinion that are incredibly helpful during certain fights. Like in RTTL she can destroy safeguard nodes. All hulk does is provide 1 immunity and do some decent fury damage and stun. And I have a 5* Hulk too. I just don’t really like him
Hulk but cant imagine him being better than her.
quake easy choice