Love the news icon but not at the expense of seeing expiring stash

Might only be an issue while the beta is up and ppl w/ larger phones probably don’t have the real estate issue but seeing whether or not stash is red or green is arguably the most important thing (along w/ daily crystals) on the Home Screen

Other icons are used more often and should be further left.
Lemme drum up a conversation on my end. Thanks for bringing it up!
I like the News button, but do we still need the What’s New banner?
YES, all the time. Why would I waste time and first go into main Alliance screens, then over to the Help's. Just press on the Help icon on bottom of screen and go directly there to give Help.
. .
Agree, widescreens and phones might only be having an issue now (with these new extra icons).
But iPad (more squar’ish, and as example, only 4 Champs per row in Roster instead of 5 or 6 on widescreens) pretty much always had Stash icon off right side of screen and have to scroll to it.
Well, it was fixed for 1 or 2 days anyways before Forum system broken it again.
It’s kind of frustrating to see that there’s time for a complete redesign of the events panel, but I still have to scroll across to see the stash icon.