Yet another AI post… AI recovery rate

I almost always post on all thing AI related. The new issue (stacked on absurdly long list of other issues) is that when I hit the AI with a special they are recovering faster than my champ can recover. My champ is still in special animations while getting punched in the face by the AI. This is blatantly unfair. I made a video with sunspot but I am about to make one with moleman. Please start fixing these issues. Enough is enough.

Just another AI bug, which is quite disgusting at this point.
Please, prioritize and fix one of these AI/Input/Lag/Recovery/visual issues. The individual character bugs that I see nobody really complaining about litter the bug fix updates each release, but rarely do we see any information on these more game-wide issues.
I feel like the AI recovery issue might be an easy place to start. Just slow the defenders reaction time after getting hit or while knocked down by whatever fractions of a second is needed where this **** stops.
A separate issue, I'm tabbing faster than it's responding to inputs. After tabbing, I'm standing there for a split second before it registers. It's all the time the defender needs to respond.
Now that I'm dealing with "inverted control nodes" or "standing still while I give the defender time to recovery to knock me the fudge out instead attacking forward nodes", I gladly pay the shakedown price of 250 units for potion and revive bundle.
Thanks Kasham!
I've found it a problem to immediately launch a special after AI has been knocked down and has 3 bars of power. AI will throw a intercepting special before it's even fully standing up.
Thanks for bringing it up!!
Not sure when the full combo to the face came in but I really miss the days where the AI would just do a double medium or a couple of lights
1. Light intercepted
2. Special intercepted
3. The slow walk up light intercept
With the hopes of going through and making a compilation, I have about three hours of video I need to sift through to do it. Real fun time to have this be the way I play this game instead of Kabam just addressing the issue.
Here's my old post on it.
Maybe I’m the R word.