Yet another AI post… AI recovery rate



  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,054 ★★★★★
    @KabamDORK any updates on AI?
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    The defender got up and hit you after a special?
    Is that it?
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Definitely not trying to be a jerk or mean or anything.
    That’s just what happened.
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 146
    @smdam38 can you mention your progression level so i can tell you if you face these problems or not.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Kind of see it now with the first video against marvel.
    Special was barely done and she was attacking off the hop.

    I don’t mind saying I’m wrong.
    Sorry. You’re definitely right.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Theshadow said:

    @smdam38 can you mention your progression level so i can tell you if you face these problems or not.

    I’m a weakling Paragon that doesn’t know how to play.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Your special animation wasn’t even completely done and she was able to attack you.
    Definitely goofy and I again apologize for not seeing it right away.
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 146
    well since you are paragon you are going to experience this and much more on your way to valiant so be prepared
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    I actually don’t really care about getting valiant.
    Could have had it a year ago easy.

    I do care about broken stuff getting fixed.
    And this needs to be fixed.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 217 ★★★
    Yes the ai was able to move and attack me while I was stuck in the special animations. Completely locked out of controls. All of the videos are the same issue. I am still locked in a special animation yet the ai can attack me. The third video was Moleman SOS he dropped two special ones you can see him engage into the second special one while I am still standing there was no way to do anything
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Again sorry. I didn't see it right away. I made a mistake.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★
    Will put in a ticket with your videos to hopefully put it onto top of list.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 217 ★★★
    Another update 😂. I like to test new rank ups in ROL like everyone else. I recently r2’d white tiger and she has the ability to go unblockable after throwing a special. This example I have just dropped a special I am waiting for WS to stand up to drop mine. Input was not possible I just blocked when tapping SP button. If you have seen the videos above the ai can drop its special before I even stand up. Again this is not right.

    I added a compilation of me getting intercepted/ intercept attempts by the ai from the rest of my ROL run.

    FYI White Tiger is 🔥
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 950 ★★★
    NüΚΞ said:

    Another update 😂. I like to test new rank ups in ROL like everyone else. I recently r2’d white tiger and she has the ability to go unblockable after throwing a special. This example I have just dropped a special I am waiting for WS to stand up to drop mine. Input was not possible I just blocked when tapping SP button. If you have seen the videos above the ai can drop its special before I even stand up. Again this is not right.

    I added a compilation of me getting intercepted/ intercept attempts by the ai from the rest of my ROL run.

    FYI White Tiger is 🔥

    The same garbage intercept happened when dealing with blade in 9.1.2.
    When Blade dashed forward, I tried intercepting and he dexxed back, and at that moment, I dexxed back and he was able to dash forward covering more nail me.
    I quit the matched and restarted but this time just parry and then heavy the f#*ked out on him.
    Was able to take him out without trouble. These AI intercepts and dexxing are getting nasty.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 412 ★★
    This is actually so annoying lol, also the fact that in 9.1 the ai would hold sp2 for ages but the moment, like literally the next second it gets a chance it throws sp3, it was fixed in act 8 imo, they held specials allowing me to chain combos and heavies but here its impossible.
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