9.1 Boss - Orochi - Counter

I have seen quite a few players used Lady D for this boss.
I don't have Lady D, could anyone know if Shuri or Scorpion does the job easy enough, or do I need to rank up Iron Heart?
Many thanks for any experienced advice.
I don't have Lady D, could anyone know if Shuri or Scorpion does the job easy enough, or do I need to rank up Iron Heart?
Many thanks for any experienced advice.
The fight was basically just hitting/intercepting her, baiting her specials, and dropping sp2s. Eventually you'll just win.
There is some kind of regen mechanic she has but I wasn't able to figure out what triggered it, it didn't matter in the end since she still died
Minor caveats to his usage: the poisons reduce regen potency so if you start eating hits you’ve got a small period before the poisons expire and the regen “kicks in” and starts to bring you to full, tho this is only really a problem if you eat multiple combos back to back. Orochi also inflicts a marked passive if you go below 18% which prevents further regens from triggering, this persists even if your existing regens bring you back above 18% so try not to let yourself get too low. Those sound like scarier prospects than they are in practice, Gorr is basically immortal unless you screw up really badly or you don’t do enough to maintain your shadow magic buffs.
It waa really just the inexorable, starting with the 3rd phase. She would just keep backing me up against the wall, and once she had me there, she would hold her specials and either heavy me to death or build an sp3 if i fought back
I think it was the single most frustrating bossfight I've had so far in this game.
I used doom, shuri, tigra, sasquatch and OS. i had some good lives with all 5 of them, but it was more about AI cooperation than anything else in this fight.
I thought the person mentioning juggs above was nuts, but in retrospect, i think that would work better because it will keep you out of the corner.
I hated it.
I solo her with white tigra 2 revs with absman and 4 champs in the last fight (photon abs kushala onslut)
She's only 250k health and her specials/heavy eassssy evade
Shuri works but takes a lot of bleed poison damage.
The frustrating part for me was actually how to start the fight, immediately blocking and baiting a heavy was sometimes effective, immediate backdraft didn't always work, alot of times I ended up blocking a full barrage. I probably should have ranked up my 6* Lady D higher (used r4 unascended sig 61).
Step 2: Win the easiest fight of your life