War - empty map

Do we get an option to report anything like this?
My alliance is going to miss out on bonus points due to the other team having an empty map.
My alliance is going to miss out on bonus points due to the other team having an empty map.
But before you submit it to support, are you sure it's a bug? Did your alliance absolutely place defenders on the map? Did an officer in the alliance accidently (or purposely) hit the reset button and wipe the map?
With persistent placement, it is hard to have your defense show up for one war and then mysteriously disappear for the next.
For real?
OP, you only lose a bonus when you die to an opponent. If there's no opponent, then you get the full bonus guaranteed.
That’s not how scoring works
I was under the impression we got extra points for defeating opponents.
I can really just win by not loosing any fights
The only points you lose out on (and, NO, it is NOT points for the War itself), is in each of your teammates SOLO EVENTS for War Participation.
Last time Points were changed, it gave greater emphasis on actually defeating an opponent. (with lower emphasis on traveling/energy or using potions).
So if you happen to face a whole lot of wars where all your opponents never placed defenders, you'd probably not be able to reach top SOLO EVENT milestone (crystal shards).
Similar to how BG Events were originally, where you got points for EACH FIGHT (of the 2 of 3 fights each match).
I would hate it when someone forfeited, because then I wouldn’t get any “Fight Points”, and I would not forfeit either (even if outmatched) because that would taken points away from my opponent.
I also used to hope that matches extended into a 3rd fight, so that overall (between me or my opponent) one of us could be getting some more points due to an extra fight, even if they or I lose the match (instead of losing in just 2 fights.
(*but that scoring system has gone away a while back)
As for the Solo/Ally Event Points, yes, it used to be “Points for winning a FIGHT”. (and I think ? for losing a fight also, which I think is even moreso why throwing the 2nd fight, then coming back and winning the 3rd one also benefited you as well as your opponent for both people's Event Scores).
you get full points instantly for this......
as they have 0 defender diversity points.....
and you instantly get full attack bonus...