Blade Nerf rumor
Been hearing a lot of chatter that Blade is being nerfed after his Crystal release. I for one have plans to try for him with shards and units. Please tell me I'm not trying for nothing. Really hoping to dup mine. Thanks.
If the champ is too op..they might change him.. like SW and Doc.
If there is suddenly bug they change him.
If u look throught last couple of years top champs.
Iceman, Quake, SW, strange, SL, Gwenpool, Voodoo,
All champs suddenly got something they founded as a bug/or needed to change..
Altho i will still try blade. and when the change happens it happens..
Then there will be another champs thats a "god" maybe Void and Again maybe/not at this time when they found he too op.. .. Another cyclos..
Why else all the hype to buy crys and so ?;D its a Money for kabam
Any champion can be changed in the future
When did they nerfed Quake, or Gwenpool, or voodoo ? Must have missed those ones
They fixed/buffed Quake though. I don't see how someone thought she got nerfed.
I'm assuming the Quake one is in relation to the fact that if you evade specials, the aftershock debuff is not applied... that sounded more like a bug fix though. It was a really long time ago now... during Choe's.
Gwenpool is the reduction in bleed chance off a heavy a month or so ago.
DV is the removal of the invisible debuff that gave you extra healing from will power, just within the last week.
I consider 2/3 of those to be bug fixes.
When the answer to the entirety of content in the game appears to be "bring Blade", it is very reminisce of pre-12.0
Any player who indicates that they don't think he is OP, is just lying to themselves.
Atm i dunno if blade got any weird bug to notice..
But Op or good champs seems too offent to have either a bug or suddenly something that wasnt ment to be there..
Jokes aside, you know there is something going on, when EVERYONE is posting about "is Blade going to be nerfed" "do you think he will be nerfed" etc etc
As they say, if something is too good to be true.. its only a matter of time.
Adobe Photoshop
Can I get the link to this I would like to see for myself?
It’s fake
You obviously never played much pre 12.0. I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again: SW, Thor, BW, DS were all far more OP than any champ today. Especially SW and Thor.
All these people crying nerf are all just still angry over 12.0.
I agree I had those champs then and I have blade now 5* 5/65 and pre 12.0 sw was the real deal basically invincible with a crit team and high sig level blade is good don’t get me wrong but to be great he needs gr who imo is only being revered as god tier because of his blade synergy. If you want blade save your crystal shards and quit complaining.