What is the problem of Kabam???????

I'm playing Battlegrounds from a week; my champions rating is 1.4 million So why I got 4 million rating players. most of time the legend players came against me, why?
Why the 100lb guy wont compete vs 200lb guy ?
100m swimmer against 200m swimmer
Heavy lifting against a folk in Judu...
You dont see it, right ? exactly. because there are brackets for specified qualifications.
The fact that in Diamond bracket 1st week can be seen a 1m Cav, 2m TB, 3m Paragon and 7m Valiant is W-I-L-D.
Zero defense for Kabam here, the execution and progress of the Battlegrounds Blitz just further
proves my point that the engagement in this mode falls drasticaly and many burnt out players.
Bgs is a single big competition where everyone is competing for the same prizes. Trophy tokens.
They could make brackets for each category that eventually meet up all together in GC !
Valiants + Paragons Bracket
Thronebreaker + Cavalier Bracket
Uncollected on there, especially the fact they are new to the game !
It's more like the world tournament from DragonBall. Anyone can enter but you might be mr. Satan and face goku
Nobody is defending Kabam when we argue that the current matchmaking system is fair. We defend the sound logic of if everyone is stuck going for the same rewards that everyone can and should have to fight anyone.
I know how it works in real life and I know many games has brackets as well for it to be F-A-I-R.
Never in my life Ive met a game community that every monday and thursday has many complains in its
forum about unfair matchmaking like MCOC has....
Easy, because you always blame people, not your self, that why you always complaint
1) Open competition as it is now where all players have access to all rewards and can push as far as their rosters and skill can take them.
2) Create lower level BGs with reduced rewards so players can complain about how they don't get access to the good rewards.
Pick your poison.
Or do you want same high rewards for less effort?
I have advocate since BG started that Kabam should have introduce different tiers for BG based on your progressions levels with matching rewards plus have an open division for anyone who wants to really test their might with the best rewards. Now in saying this, you must understand that the tier rewards will be like the monthly quest rewards. If you can live with those rewards then Kabam should make this happen. The problem is those rewards won't help you advance your roster. So now you will complain about how Uncollect, TB, Cavalier, etc are not getting rewards to help them progress in the game. KABAMMED ONCE AGAIN.
Second, in order to make this work at all, the best way rewards of one bracket must be worse than the worst rewards of the next bracket up. If you don’t design it this way, you create incentives not to progress, to linger as a big fish in a small pond.
It is unlikely that Kabam would buff the rewards for Valiant in creating this system, so we should take that as a cap. Then create four more tiers beneath that with no overlap. Does this really still sound like a good idea to you?
git gud.
Take your main Focus outside of BGs first.
Get progressing first, then work on BGs.
Current state of BGs is not optimal for less progressed accounts.
yes it will happen but they will certainly get a mix.
it just has to happen.
there is a mix of all account sizes in the brackets.
also as the season goes on the volume of larger accounts in the lower brackets will decrease and therefore you have a higher chance of finding smaller accounts to match with.
and if this is a problem that gets worse once they hit gold or something, then OH WELL
such is life.
you have clearly climbed to the point where you are no longer going to be able to proceed unless you grow your account.
if you are a small account, focus on other areas of the game to grow your account and accept that bgs will be very difficult for a small account.