Sandbaggers are the realm challenge MVP's

I'm in no way encouraging this behaviour, but after I had a couple of people with superior accounts quit a matchup with me in BG's at the ban screen, it dawned on me that, if you quit, your opponent, and the realm, gets a win and completion points with less than a minute spent...
In short, and hypothetically, I have concluded the fastest way for us to gain points in the realm challenge is for us to play and immediately quit BG's 🧐😂
In short, and hypothetically, I have concluded the fastest way for us to gain points in the realm challenge is for us to play and immediately quit BG's 🧐😂
The only way its win/win for the event is putting the phone down and completing the rounds
Whoever drafts first does one hit then gets KOed as fast as possible. Whoever drafts second does 0 damage and gets KOed as fast as possible. And we all win faster. And there are no solo objectives so if we all do this 200ish times we’re golden.
When Road to the Crypt was announced, the community come together, push through the content, go the extra miles to contribute, because the idea and rewards the Road to the Crypt was good.
Now with BG Realm, the community come together still but this time to overcome the "for now" consider as a poorly excused concept. Finding outside of the box way to achieve the milestone 😁👍.
If we go this far about about we as the community come up with 2 emoji signals, one for "I'm using Elder Mark" and one for "I'm energy", and whoever uses Elder Mark get the win, if both use Elder Mark or both use energy, then it is a fight to the death (or maybe best out of 3 🤣).
Whatever we do best to keep it on the hush hush side, don't let Kabam know about it, best not to discuss it ingame, just on the forum will do 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes, there is no point for you or the Realm on Forfeit fights.
The match have to complete for you and the Realm to got point.
As simply as I can make the theory on this - you don't get points for completion if you quit, but your opponent does.
As a result of the matches ending faster, you generate more matches per hour, and more points per hour for the realm event by quitting matches than you do by actually completing them. You don't gain any personal points for doing this.
It's also definitely worth noting Kabam have said they're monitoring people for this behaviour so, where it's not the best idea, it's still an idea 😂
Fair enough; but considering the current bug.. one won 🤣
You cannot help the event by winning. Winning just changes which one of you contributes more points than the other. But you and your opponent always combine for the same amount of points.
You help the event by playing. The more matches you play, win or lose, the more points we score.
The vast majority of the players dont even open forums or they are in discord or follow any ytubers. They will keep doing what they do.
Let em farm and give marks wins to the weak.
Forfeiting with energy against someone who is using marks:
+40 and -2 points
Winning with energy against someone who is using marks:
-40 and +4 points.
(I don't know the exact numbers)
You are right. We can't stop it cause people will do whatever they want and there is a lot of people not in coms.
3 refills expired yesterday which I usually throw on somthing easy autoplaying. Not using energy in BGs atm.
I'm at 8k+ and have not claimed the ones from the event, those +400. so I have to use marks in VT.
I cant play much, I'm sure I'll hit the numbers anyway. But I'm not doing anything special what I haven't done before.