Is taking a risk with Enchantress worth it?
So I just got a 5* enchantress, I can awaken and sig 200, I’m thinking about ranking her up.
My strategy is, I have Serpent (7* r2) Fantman (6* r4 200 ascended), Onslaught (6* r4 ascended 100 sig) , Photon (6* r4 ascended zig 130), Chee (7* R1), IMIW (7* R1) Mysterio (7* R1) Abs Man (5* r5 ascended sig 200 but investing in 6* very soon) Wong 7* R1), Hulkling 5* R5 ascended sig 200 investing in 6* soon) G2099 (7* R1) and Weapon X (5* Ascended sig 200) as my defenders.
The idea is, she’s gonna get banned which opens up for another defender such as onslaught or Fantman into the fray.
And of course if she was available I’d pick her up for sure.
I also will open a titan soon, as I need only a few more shards.
My strategy is, I have Serpent (7* r2) Fantman (6* r4 200 ascended), Onslaught (6* r4 ascended 100 sig) , Photon (6* r4 ascended zig 130), Chee (7* R1), IMIW (7* R1) Mysterio (7* R1) Abs Man (5* r5 ascended sig 200 but investing in 6* very soon) Wong 7* R1), Hulkling 5* R5 ascended sig 200 investing in 6* soon) G2099 (7* R1) and Weapon X (5* Ascended sig 200) as my defenders.
The idea is, she’s gonna get banned which opens up for another defender such as onslaught or Fantman into the fray.
And of course if she was available I’d pick her up for sure.
I also will open a titan soon, as I need only a few more shards.
Is taking a risk with Enchantress worth it? 68 votes
I’m just thinking it might be a way to gain a good defender like Onslaught on Fant by having Enchantress there.
No one bans her and she wins me matches about 80% times
So yeah she's worth the gamble
This dude @peixemacaco runs 3* enche and wins all the time 💀
Also: how much "risk" is involved in this decision?
If you're taking champs to 7r3, then there are few if any champions that are going to give you any benefit at 5/65Asc.
What else are you going to use your Tier1 Dust and 5*Sig Stones for?
Realistically, the only thing this will cost you, of any value, is a few T6B.
Btw it's good strategy in my opinion as it's good distraction. Even if you had to draft her 5 star def in deck, she can still annoy the attacker
If you got a 5* Enchantress in your deck, she gets banned. I’ll rather deal with a high sig R3/ 6R5A Serpent.
Last fight on Battlegrounds
I also got enchantress 7* today so not sure what to do
Pulled Sup Iron Man on that Titan Crystal and im loving it....
But, Enchantress was the next to the right...😭😭😭