today should i cook this incursezone with my 6* r3 silk or cook the food instead with her?

Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 ★★

today should i cook this incursezone with my 6* r3 silk or cook the food instead with her? 38 votes

cook the incursezone wih 6* r3 silk
Terraspiderknight616TheHeroDeservedpeixemacacocaptain_rogersBeastDadNameless_IWSpecMwillrun4adonutProtogenoiKinglerKingering_KingSkalamenkoAwesomep12Cuber2906Darthbane3141Amit12Villain_87 18 votes
cook the food with her
DrZolaRaganatortnair2015rcm2017ThiartcSarvanga1_Annihilator13_Gr8TonyStarkNogood22The_0wenpusfuzzynifflerM0NKEYNUTSHonorable_BluJayPT_99EdisonLawTitansshield311Unknown5557OnepieceisnotrealCGRmags2 20 votes


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