It’s like Kabam want us to play more!

peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
Let me explain this, by saying that I love this game, and is getting refreshed with awesome new the 60 fps and no more lag or crashes.


By far one of the best game modes!
Despite the "normal rewards" everyone knows, its a fun and enjoyable mode where ,if you're not really fighting pvp against someone, you are doing a "chess strategy game", that you need to create a deck, choose your title wisely, as some put Uncollected, or to bring Thing to the final 8 champs and the rival lost one or two entries with skill champs, and many more tactics.

So, no need to play as in the realm thing, but there are BG milestones to achieve.

This just endorses that Realm events was a great idea.

Realm events

How one can disagree that this wasnt a great thing Kabam did?
Turn the game to a major Raids with everyone in Mcoc collab with everyone else. And what a great rewards we had on first realm event, even a Titan Crystal!!!

Of course with Bryan Grant's help and Stark Foundation, but not on BG Realm event 🥺

10 years Celebrations and giveaways

If someone said to you ,that Kabam will give 3 super champs as Knull, Purgatory and Mojo 6 or 7 stars, then in the Venom Movie , we would receive Venom and Anti-Venom, plus in December to receive 9 champs plus a new one with a brand new fractured system as 7 stars to everyone...would you believe it?
No...lets say the truth... Not in our best dreams haha

Daily Super Event

Nov, 22 is the date and some said it would be nerfed, but Kabam guys already said, no! It will be the same...or better than the 1st one.

Ahoyyyyyy sir!
In advance, please keep eternally for the time the game will be playable, until 2065.

60 fps

Amazing progress. A new look into the fights and now we can see everything in detail and parry with easy...

Add to this, that no more lags or crash happens. Exactly the inverse I was thinking.

The only thing "with me" is that the battery drains quicker, but not that absurdity....

Chrono-versary Sidequest

How a nice, simple and very well done Sidequest.

Hope next ones, in the same style. Maybe with all difficulties from Proven to Paragon to choose before.


How great is this mode. Now, with Saga Incursions that gives one ticket every area.

Month quest

Keep this way forever. It is how we are used to play MQ. A great history and this month with beautie Dazzler and Serpent-Killer Spiral

New awesome designed champions

To start, Bullseye was a nightmare in the beginning, Serpent is the champ to beat nowadays and Amora, the Enchantress with a new way to fight that we need to push directions while specials are in use. This open a wide new possibility to new ones, and how hard to decipher Amora if you play against her as defender haha. My 3 stars mith goes on.

And how we may be upset with Kabam, showing 2 Champs per month without remove anyone. But as I could see into Mcoc apk ,each champ have a small size.

Not to mention the recent buffs and champs overhaul. Venom is amazingly done now.

Cyberweekend and Greater Banquet

Anxious to see what we can get from these great celebrations

Hope to pull or buy a Weapon X , Red Skull, Bishop or Enchantress 😍
Nimrod and Hulkbuster may be a cool addition to my roster haha


Still 4 secrets to be openned by Kabam to not play more?



  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,372 ★★★★

    This is just Emilia’s post but on Opposite Day lol

    Oh wait
    Damn that completely slipped my mind, went too deep into it gahh
  • CROSSHAIRSCROSSHAIRS Member Posts: 611 ★★
    Love the spoof of "it's like kabam wants us to play less"
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    This is just Emilia’s post but on Opposite Day lol

    I’m glad I could inspire such creativity
    Inspire? No, darling...Someone needs to say the truth, in the total inverse to that,
    because your thread was a massive complain, only the first paragraph, to say you like the game.

    And im on forums on internet long time ago ,maybe even before you was born.

    To construct a thread with items and do an explanation on every one is simple. You don't see my threads as a big wall without paragraph and space between them.

    Kabam did a good job before and recently is doing a great one.

    This thread is an open letter to Kabam from all summoners that we love what they do actually.

    This game is free to a certain level. You may not expect they do a game like this ,with costs to them

    Rather than complaining for rewards, lets get the ones we get and use with wisdom on our champs. If someone needs more, progress your account to TB, Paragon , Valiant or Omega as Willrun4aDonut.

    We want at least 10 more years for this game.

    We want to play more!

  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,515 ★★★★
    Can’t tell if this post is satire or not lol
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,340 ★★★★★
    When you are 100% at the game. Don't care about the game much. No desire to play but then your alliance tags you and you login to do AQ and aw.
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 333 ★★★
    Could not disagree with OP less. I see battlegrounds as the worse part of the game. By far. Without comparison. Much worse than bugs etc. It ruins the game. Stresses out people. I play mcoc despite battlegrounds, and every month I consider quitting mcoc - after nearly 10 years - solely because of battlegrounds. And no; I am not able to skip it, since I a top alliance and need ro stay competetive.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,830 ★★★★★
    Isnt it a good thing they want us to play more it means there enough to do in game and enjoyable that new players would join
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,096 ★★★★★
    60FPS is great, a lot of the 10 year stuff is great but…
    Game is still super laggy for me.
    MEQ is outdated, no incentive to play it
    BG rewards/Store need updating. It’s something to do but not a massive incentive to play.
    There’s no story mode left until beta/9.2 come out.
    Incursions rewards are outdated. Honestly what’s the pull to get to zone 25? Another 6* awakening gem to add to the unused pile and some 6* Sig stones I can buy from the BG Store?
    I don’t currently feel a drive to play more.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Isnt it a good thing they want us to play more it means there enough to do in game and enjoyable that new players would join

    Plus there’s a rumor that it’s coming to PC soon (take this with a grain of salt though)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    Could not disagree with OP less. I see battlegrounds as the worse part of the game. By far. Without comparison. Much worse than bugs etc. It ruins the game. Stresses out people. I play mcoc despite battlegrounds, and every month I consider quitting mcoc - after nearly 10 years - solely because of battlegrounds. And no; I am not able to skip it, since I a top alliance and need ro stay competetive.

    Well that's a problem with your alliance, not with Battlegrounds.

    I had the same thing almost happen to me with Alliance War long ago. I fixed that problem by forming my own alliance that simply eliminated participation stresses and mostly contained people I knew in it. Problem solved. In retrospect, I can't believe I allowed that problem to progress to the point it did, when the solution was always 100% within my own control.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Everyone have his own point of view.
    Im playing a lot...and its real fun

    Im really surprised that my smartphone from 2020 is handling so well Mcoc with no lags anymore and great 60fps

    Im ok with my progression.
    😎🍷 True

    Hope you rethink your life and stop complaining, and play Mcoc

    The game future is bright

    Dont worry, Be happy!

    Bgs are rage inducing and Eq is meh for the amount of time that is needed.

    For curiosity's sake @peixemacaco what progression are you?

    Thronebreaker 😎 ->

  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★

    Everyone have his own point of view.
    Im playing a lot...and its real fun

    Im really surprised that my smartphone from 2020 is handling so well Mcoc with no lags anymore and great 60fps

    Im ok with my progression.
    😎🍷 True

    Hope you rethink your life and stop complaining, and play Mcoc

    The game future is bright

    Dont worry, Be happy!

    Bgs are rage inducing and Eq is meh for the amount of time that is needed.

    For curiosity's sake @peixemacaco what progression are you?

    Thronebreaker 😎 ->

    That explains it. I'm sure things are a lot better/enjoyable at the lower level compared to Valiant/Paragon
    We have tons of quests and champions to upgrade....

    More please!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    Everyone have his own point of view.
    Im playing a lot...and its real fun

    Im really surprised that my smartphone from 2020 is handling so well Mcoc with no lags anymore and great 60fps

    Im ok with my progression.
    😎🍷 True

    Hope you rethink your life and stop complaining, and play Mcoc

    The game future is bright

    Dont worry, Be happy!

    Bgs are rage inducing and Eq is meh for the amount of time that is needed.

    For curiosity's sake @peixemacaco what progression are you?

    Thronebreaker 😎 ->

    That explains it. I'm sure things are a lot better/enjoyable at the lower level compared to Valiant/Paragon
    Except for all the times they get slapped in the face, of course.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    This is just Emilia’s post but on Opposite Day lol

    I’m glad I could inspire such creativity
    Inspire? No, darling...Someone needs to say the truth, in the total inverse to that,
    because your thread was a massive complain, only the first paragraph, to say you like the game.
    Their thread actually had some very valid criticism. Yours is just blind optimism. I like optimism as much as the next guy, but this is a bit much. You can enjoy and even love the game and still criticize it.

    Thanks for your reply 👍
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    "I am Kabaam, and I approved this message"
  • DonavansDonavans Member Posts: 61
  • tnair2015tnair2015 Member Posts: 189 ★★

    Let me explain this, by saying that I love this game, and is getting refreshed with awesome new the 60 fps and no more lag or crashes.


    By far one of the best game modes!
    Despite the "normal rewards" everyone knows, its a fun and enjoyable mode where ,if you're not really fighting pvp against someone, you are doing a "chess strategy game", that you need to create a deck, choose your title wisely, as some put Uncollected, or to bring Thing to the final 8 champs and the rival lost one or two entries with skill champs, and many more tactics.

    So, no need to play as in the realm thing, but there are BG milestones to achieve.

    This just endorses that Realm events was a great idea.

    Realm events

    How one can disagree that this wasnt a great thing Kabam did?
    Turn the game to a major Raids with everyone in Mcoc collab with everyone else. And what a great rewards we had on first realm event, even a Titan Crystal!!!

    Of course with Bryan Grant's help and Stark Foundation, but not on BG Realm event 🥺

    10 years Celebrations and giveaways

    If someone said to you ,that Kabam will give 3 super champs as Knull, Purgatory and Mojo 6 or 7 stars, then in the Venom Movie , we would receive Venom and Anti-Venom, plus in December to receive 9 champs plus a new one with a brand new fractured system as 7 stars to everyone...would you believe it?
    No...lets say the truth... Not in our best dreams haha

    Daily Super Event

    Nov, 22 is the date and some said it would be nerfed, but Kabam guys already said, no! It will be the same...or better than the 1st one.

    Ahoyyyyyy sir!
    In advance, please keep eternally for the time the game will be playable, until 2065.

    60 fps

    Amazing progress. A new look into the fights and now we can see everything in detail and parry with easy...

    Add to this, that no more lags or crash happens. Exactly the inverse I was thinking.

    The only thing "with me" is that the battery drains quicker, but not that absurdity....

    Chrono-versary Sidequest

    How a nice, simple and very well done Sidequest.

    Hope next ones, in the same style. Maybe with all difficulties from Proven to Paragon to choose before.


    How great is this mode. Now, with Saga Incursions that gives one ticket every area.

    Month quest

    Keep this way forever. It is how we are used to play MQ. A great history and this month with beautie Dazzler and Serpent-Killer Spiral

    New awesome designed champions

    To start, Bullseye was a nightmare in the beginning, Serpent is the champ to beat nowadays and Amora, the Enchantress with a new way to fight that we need to push directions while specials are in use. This open a wide new possibility to new ones, and how hard to decipher Amora if you play against her as defender haha. My 3 stars mith goes on.

    And how we may be upset with Kabam, showing 2 Champs per month without remove anyone. But as I could see into Mcoc apk ,each champ have a small size.

    Not to mention the recent buffs and champs overhaul. Venom is amazingly done now.

    Cyberweekend and Greater Banquet

    Anxious to see what we can get from these great celebrations

    Hope to pull or buy a Weapon X , Red Skull, Bishop or Enchantress 😍
    Nimrod and Hulkbuster may be a cool addition to my roster haha


    Still 4 secrets to be openned by Kabam to not play more?

    meh, disagree
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