will new PC gameplay create a disadvantage for mobile players?
will new PC gameplay create a disadvantage for mobile players?
seems to me the availability of game controllers and PC will lead tk a very frustrating experience by mobile players especially in battlegrounds
seems to me the availability of game controllers and PC will lead tk a very frustrating experience by mobile players especially in battlegrounds
I can maybe see edge cases where keymapping (which I don't think is in the beta, as far as I've seen) might bring some fringe advantage, but it seems like such a hassle for such little gain since you'd then have to deal with reverse controls for the rest of the gaming experience. Navigating menus and stuff.
If you care enough about key mapping providing a very, very edge-case hypothetical advantage, then you HAVE to be at a place in the game where you are skilled enough for it to make no difference.
You can't be Cav and crying out about it because it doesn't matter. You have to be in Celestial bgs or top masters Alliance War and if you're in Celestial bgs or top Masters AW then it doesn't matter because you can play just fine in any scenario where key mapping would hypothetically be applicable
The only advantage, gameplay wise, that i see pc players would have, is if Kabam allowed us to binding keys or buttons (joystick) for specific actions, like throw a heavy instantly (instead of holding and waiting it to recognize the command as a heavy attack).
A good example for this heavy thing is on hollow knight, as the player can cast spells by pressing B or RB, pressing RB is so much faster because the B also is used to heal, so the game needs to identify when you want to cast a spell, and that command is throw when you release the buttons instead of pressing it. With a heavy attack on mcoc it works probably the same, it identifies a heavy when you hold the right side of the screen for certain amount of time.
And if it’s constant then it still doesn’t matter because if you begin a fight from start to finish reversed controls then you’ll get used to doing the opposite inputs anyways.
Yeah but the fcat that a person can cheese reverse control nodes like delirium just by key mapping, if they have sufficient experience playing mcoc in PC (after sometime), is unacceptable. Kabam usually use reverse control nodes as a skill cap in many tough quests, now PC players get an unfair advantage in the scenario
I'm cool with all other cases tho.
Numerous CC talking heads have already pointed out that short of excluding certain pvp modes, it will be that much more difficult to reign in abuse of every client side game element. My 13 year old, who builds Roblox games, just showed me how he avoided a VAC ban on Steam numerous times. Let's just say this is quite a can of worms everyone's choosing to get into, and when the complaints of bots taking over arena champ scoring start pouring in, it'll be interesting to see how the non-PC crowd takes it.
The question is, as it always is, whether it is an unfair or unpalatable advantage. And at the moment, I don't see PC control options having an unfair advantage, any more than I see spending granting an unfair advantage, or account age offering an unfair advantage, or youth offering players an unfair advantage.
I think this is unlikely for a couple reasons. Or rather, I think it will happen but not in an especially more widespread manner. First, there's no way to know what platform your opponent is playing on. How would you know to blame a loss on PC controller advantage, and not on just getting outplayed? And second, players already complain about all sorts of other things in BG: that there are too much cheaters, too much milestone farmers, that their roster is bigger than mine so it is unfair. A lot of people are willing to assume, often with no proof, that their match ups are already unfair for a variety of reasons. I'm sure those same people will start blaming keyboards and controllers with no evidence, but it will be mostly the same people with more complaints, not more people complaining.
If the game works on the steam deck i will likely still swipe instead of using the controller on my steam deck