Are you happy Shathra won instead of Blob?

Not much hype to the mutant class outside of negasonic who I only use for bullseye and dust who is annoying defender (I have both as 7*)
And seeing a northstar is a dud, Dazzler seems cool but she’s typical ima counter the whole skill class mutant lol.
I don’t even see Shathra talk about and comparing her to all mystics that came out she just doesn’t get talked a lot and I’m more excited for spiral.
Blob was robbed.
And seeing a northstar is a dud, Dazzler seems cool but she’s typical ima counter the whole skill class mutant lol.
I don’t even see Shathra talk about and comparing her to all mystics that came out she just doesn’t get talked a lot and I’m more excited for spiral.
Blob was robbed.
I have Shathra as a seven star and haven't played around with her at all. She looks cool and has some neat mechanics. I just need to play around with her before I make a judgement about her, but I haven't been playing Event Quest that much which is usually where I would test out a new character before bringing them into Battlegrounds.
The Serpent and Orochi are the two I can think of with it. I'd rather it not take over the game like unblockable and unstoppable has.
If they could make him unique, sure. I just really don't find fighting things like that fun.
That's why less talk.
If u watch pepe stream she is crazy good regens to full ,counter so many champs
I just hope Blob is on his way sooner rather than later, I’m all for classic characters being added over obscure ones
What else?
Did you just make up “Black Tarantula?” Admittedly, I don’t pay much attention to Kabam’s champ vote stuff, but this sounds like the most “let’s combine a color and a noun” character of all time.
Is this Magik's Profile Pic you was searching for?
If you know, you know.
And then there's op, Whos still in their toxic blob bubble dam.