Alliance war season and banquet event

So I heard from the livestream that you have to be part of an alliance for at least 14 days to take part in the banquet event. And thats alright, like previous years. My concern is about the dates. So basically alliance war season is ending on december 18th. Banquet event is starting on december 20th. If a person needs to move from an alliance to another, they need to do it before banquet event starts. So that's on the 19th I guess. Or even the 20th at the latest, but still before the event starts. Well what about alliance war season rewards? If they dont come in before banquet event starts, some people will have to give up on either aw season rewards or banquet rewards. I think it's important to address the matter to make sure people are free to move after aw rewards without missing out on banquet event. Ideal situation would be for aw season rewards to come in on the 18th or the 19th at the latest, to give enough time to people to move.
AW rewards have consistently come the morning (depending on time zone) after the close of the season. There's no reason for Kabam to guarantee something that has been consistent for a long time. There's a chance that something comes up, but in every scenario it has been something nearly entirely out of their control (aside from last seasons rare kerfuffle).
Yes, alliances may kick players early, but those alliances that do that without consideration for the player receiving their rewards (unless the player is truly worthy of being kicked) are not alliances worth being in in the first place and won't be doing much in the banquet anyway.
And if you’re NOT in a high Ally for AW, there should be not much of an issue changing NOW, and still participate in enough Wars to get Season AW.
If there are people looking to group into a BANQUET-ONLY Ally (from scratch), without regard to AW or anything else. Well, then they must not care about AW anyways.