Are people really able to knock these carina challenges out with a handful of revives?

Nercopolis kicked my butt first time through. Are the average players supposed to be able to knock these out with a handful of revives or do I just suck
Carinas are always expensive.
The truly horrible challenge is the #DimensionalBeings one. Not only are Fantman and Kushala an ABSOLUTE MUST, but you also need a lot of skill for demanding fights like Spidey 2099 and Shang-Chi. However, the worst part is Claire — a single mistake can cost you the fight. It’s by far the path I spent the most on.
So far, those are the two challenges I’ve tackled. The #Carina'sChallengers one was fun, but #DimensionalBeings was one of the worst experiences I've had in the game.
I get it though, ranking 6*s isn’t fun these days. I just had to this, and it felt so wong.
Accounts are much bigger and champs at r3 with decent sigs doesn't make necropolis easy but much less of a endless slog when you can take even a million damage on a bad run on annoying defenders like Chavez.
When I finished 100% Necro early Jan of this year, I probably could’ve done it a lot cheaper, but patience is my biggest issue. I didn’t want to spend 10-15 mins in each fight. It was unga bunga with Aegon and blitz through, rarely reading the nodes.
Since there are actually tailored pools of champs for each of these challenges now, I’m going to plan a bit better and take my time. Practice until I get a perfect first fight and the continue, etc.
Worst case, I lose patience again and just want to get it done, in which case maybe those bonus unit offers for Christmas present themselves again, and I’ll be stocked up to play sloppily lol.
I wouldn't say Kabam designed Necro in the hopes players purchase units with cash to do it, at least not any more than they do everything else. Everything in this game is designed so that some people will be able to do it easily, some will be able to do it with difficulty, and some maybe can't do it at all. Every reward in the game has a certain level of effort required to get it, which is different for every player. And of all those players, *some* will settle for what they can get, and some will spend to get more.
That's true for Act 5 just as much as Necropoilis. It isn't that Necropolis was designed to get players to spend. It is that *everything* is designed in such a way that *some* will choose to spend. That's just how F2P microtransaction supported games work.
Necropolis was well within the realm of the top 10-20% of players, say, doing it completely for free. For end game content, that's generally considered moderately difficult, but not terribly difficult.
I'd say the average player is NOT able to knock them out OP with a handful of revives. I'd consider myself average, and I used about 30 for the mutant one. I am not planning on being able to solo any/many fights with my r2 Wong, but I've also never used him before.
Opened by Mystic Abyss, and still nothing. Guess I will just wait out this challenge till I get a Wong, one way or the other.
I did all 5 challenges in around 60 revives and 100 lv4/5 pots. Apart from r1 wong and r1 g2099 (which are the 2 main carry in 2 challenges), i have the remaining suitable counters ranked up. R1 wong and g2099 did a great job for me though, wong can still solo fights , i even nailed some solos like titty, airwalker, wiccan, apoc, sam, .... Having wiccan as #10 year really helped a lot, as he will be the direct counter for gm phase 4 and give wong extended spells time
Resource management and not rushing rankups is important, more so for those of us of average to moderate skill.
It may convince impatient people to purchase units, I'll grant you that.
It's not cool when you mean it.
And the numbers speaks for itself.
MOST Players haven't done necron exploration or have done a single completion.