Forums communication..

Is there anyone from Kabam reading the chats? There have been multiple issues that people have brought up that have had radio silence for 4 days now.
Its like when all the bugs hit they stop responding at all. It was better for awhile but this week is about as bad as ever as far as lack of communication or acknowledgment.
All I know is if I ignored my members for days on end I would be having a rough conversation with my bosses.
It makes it seem like the issues we are raising could not be less important.
Its like when all the bugs hit they stop responding at all. It was better for awhile but this week is about as bad as ever as far as lack of communication or acknowledgment.
All I know is if I ignored my members for days on end I would be having a rough conversation with my bosses.
It makes it seem like the issues we are raising could not be less important.
For a basic example:
"The message screen being cut off is not intentional, ill send it over"
"Points for the solo event that was delayed and never acknowledged aren't awarding correctly, ill send it over"
Etc etc.
It takes 30 seconds to acknowledge a concern.
Furthermore, there is a process to reporting issues. There's far too much venting on here without the appropriate information.
Can Kabam improve communication? Absolutely and then some. We can't seem to get much consistency there just yet. But they're responding to many more issues than players give them credit for.
Keep in mind, we are near holiday season and these people are keep working for us to have best holiday season for banquet and gifts.
So if you give them some rest and leave acknowledgement responsibility for them.
It would be helpful for them.