A statement/suggestion about the brand new veteran title.



  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21

    All that anger for a title you didn't earn nor will ever receive lol

    again lol, forum seeing anything resembling a convo has become anger, cries and whines, its beautiful how there is just no point to these discussions, and just a quick note to your previous comment, "You get the title for having your account created when the game started." why call it veteran then?
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21
    Crcrcrc said:

    Hey I’m sure yall can get a “Second in the Cosmos” title and maybe a participation medal for showing up late or something next year.

    my good fellow, (FiC) is one time only there is no second chance, in 2025 anni OP will get just (OwE) which is the title for a 10 year account age [again this really is a simple solution of switching (FiC) and (OwE)]
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★

    Seyuoh said:

    I started January 30th 2015 so missed the cool veteran title bit of a kick in the teeth seeing I've played everyday since starting

    The game released on Dec 10th 2014.. You started playing 1.5 months AFTER the game started.... this is like saying you should be Valiant when you're Paragon but missing 2 rank 3 7*'s.
    ah yes if only the player base had the big brain idea to tap into mcoc and install it at the exact time it released, because surely with how acccount age works, kabam wouldn't use it to just present a middle finger to almost everyone who actually invested into this game, even those specifically whom this title is supposed to go to.

    Why from what I have seen so far, any one who got (FiC) surely have stuck through the game from 2014 till now through the ups and downs, they are all respected members of the community that kabam knows of, they can practically name them of the top of their head, or at the very list have a list that highlights them (LOL)

    - I think you can see where your line of thought is going with this, again, make no mistake this is both the most hilarious thing ever, and the biggest middle finger I seen in ages from kabam.
    _ also just so I don't quote your other comment, its just the title, the pic was universal for the 9 year anni, which again remember (account age)
    My point, exactly. Thank you.
    I’ve invested time, money, and I’ve even helped to build some ally’s from scratch- or helped lead them to brighter futures. Do I expect anything in return for that? Of course not.
    I did it just to help, but to see all these “old school” players at conqueror, uncollected, etc have a sick custom banner and title just for logging back in- even though they dropped the game entirely for a while?
    THATS the middle finger from Kabam right there, I’m over it now- but that’s my thoughts on it.
    The middle finger to you is that people who met the requirements of the title get the items but you didn't meet the requirements but feel your accomplishments should somehow back date when you started playing? If this isn't the definition of entitlement, I don't know what is.
    Amazing how confusing this thing is, THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT HERE, just an account aged from 2014, that is it, there is no accomplishment to be earned here when the line separating who got it should have been big, but it is so small it is hilarious, you really need to check your global chat to see what I am talking about, it seems you just did not see on hand how interesting the actual results have been ever since (FiC) got released
    Needing to have your account created at launch is a requirement.

    But you and OP seem to think that because you're roster and in-game accomplishments should somehow earn you the title.

    You'll never get the title and it makes my cold dead heart happy that you've put this much effort into crying about it.
    OMG your stupid brain baffles me on levels so beyond this world it is unreal, I keep wondering why I don't keep up with fourm and this is why, the amount intelligence dropping right now from me every time I read something so goofy from your comments is unbelievable.

    When have I ever stated that I wanted this title? have I not been just pointing out what (FiC) is, who gets it, and what its implications are? OP main point is that because he missed the time period by a few months he won't be eligible which is unfortunate but true, and upon further thinking everything it would make sense if (FiC) and (OwE) switched places to fix that, and voila end of convo, perfect solution.

    I like how I am reviving your cold dead heart, and make it happy somehow, it fills me with a sense of pride, but I must point out how it baffles me in mcoc fourm where the response to something you don't like or you don't want to admit to is "crying and whining" which is odd since you know what would the point of discussions be, why have threads then, because at that point in a way everyone is crying and whining, heck your use of crying and whining has become just crying and whining, creating a perfect spiral, amazing job, great work mcoc fourm keep it up.
    I don't know what a FiC or a OwE is. Or why you keep putting them in parentheses.

    All you're doing is typing as many words as you possibly can but there's no cohesive thought to them.

    I feel like you took a bump and now you can't stop typing.

    Anyway. Good luck in life. Hope you get all the participation trophies you deserve.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    - And so I say again, have you played the game DNA? if so how long, and if for long please for the love of all that is great do check global, do check who it is (FiC) is awarded to, because if it is just as you said, if this was just a statement of fact, an accolade for only those who been from day one and been in game through the ups and downs. if this was for the actual veterans of mcoc, then that is fantastic, would you imagine how brilliant that would, a reward fitting for those who stayed with the game from start to finish, truly well worth, truly very admirable, and truly very on the point, but it is not, it is simply not a reward for those who stuck through the game who been there from the beginning, while players who as you said deserve recognition may get (FiC), they will get it along side those who once again, only accomplishment for getting it is just downloading the game once then leaving only to come back again during the 10 year anniversary, I will say this time and time again, account age in mcoc does not equal time spent, it is simply impossible to tell the difference if you used account age, you would have to check two things, obvious prestige, and if someone collected all the anniversary titles (best method I know of to find out), because again the line separating the two type of players whom the (FiC) went to is small, it is beyond small, it should be massive, make no mistake, this does not validate the true veterans, it is simply a funny troll move by kabam.

    The problem here is that none of this matters. The title is not for players who suffered through the ups and downs of the game. It is awarded for players whose game accounts were created around launch and are still around today. That's it. Who are you to say what it is "supposed" to be for?

    Does it matter if someone has actually played the game non-stop from the beginning, or just logged in ten times in the last ten years? It matters to me. But it doesn't matter to the title, because that's not what the title is for. We don't measure time spent playing, or commitment to the game, or any of those other things. Maybe we should, but we don't because that's a gigantic can of worms. Is someone who just did arena grinds every day for the last ten years just as committed of a player as someone who did all the content in the game but only logged in maybe half the time? Is someone who has done Necropolis fifty times more committed than someone who has only done it six times?

    When you look at that title and you see someone being recognized for being a super committed player fraudulently, you are seeing something manufactured in your own head. The title doesn't say that, nor is that the explicit requirements for it. It says they were here at launch. There were a hundred thousand players or more here at launch, hundreds of thousands by the first week. The title is just a nice nod to those players who were there at the beginning, and that's all.

    I was one of the players who went all out in the Crystal Cleanse Realm event. I placed fourth. First place got the Bastion title. You know what fourth pace got? Nothing. Because the Bastion title was the award for first place, and there was no fourth place reward. Over 120,000 crystals, and I got the same thing that players who opened 5k got. Is that fair? Of course it is. Should there be something to acknowledge the enormous difference between my level of effort and the players who did less than 5% of what I did? Would be nice, but no, there's no specific reason why there should be such a thing. First place and a gold medal in the Olympics can be separated from fourth place and no medal at all by hundredths of a second. By an almost immeasurably small amount of difference in effort. But there's a first place, a second place, a third place, and everyone else gets a trip home, and that's it.

    Does the Bastion title mean that player is better than me, more committed than me, more knowledgeable than me, more active than me? No: it means he beat me in the Realm Event. I mean, by all accounts Vern is in fact a very long term committed player and he's a good one at that, but the Bastion title just means he won, and that's it. And his Bastion title will be the exact same Bastion title that the Battlegrounds Realm event winner won, and everyone else who wins Realm events will be. Are all those events the same? Of course not. Will the amount of effort, skill and even spending be the same? Of course not. But that too doesn't matter. He won, he deserved to win, and so he deserves the title, same as all others who eventually win.

    The players who got the title for having game accounts that date back to launch are being recognized for being launch era players. If you can't accept that, well, that's your prerogative but this sort of thing will just keep happening, and your complaints about them will just continue to be judged misguided. The devs aren't going to fix this problem because it isn't a problem, and I don't think most players of the game are going to consider this to be enough of a problem for the devs to even take notice of it. And most importantly, when a game designer decides to recognize something in their game, that's their prerogative. If I'm the designer and I decide to recognize my launch era players, I'm not going to really care a lot about someone who tells me I'm doing it wrong.

    I am surprised every single time I see one of your comments I question whether or not you played the game, if you have engaged in it or actually thought about any of its inherent designs, how you became the "Voice of mcoc players" as kabam said it is beyond me specially with how big your narrow view points are.

    I don't recall anyone at Kabam ever saying that specifically. But as to how narrow my point of view is, I'm happy to let my record stand on that score. Everyone has detractors, and I've certainly attracted my share of them, but on neutral ground I would put my own body of work on MCOC - or in fact any other of the online games I've played - up against anyone else's objective scrutiny. I believe I've represented a very wide perspective on how this game works and is supposed to work over the years, and if anyone wants to challenge that with actual facts, they know where to find me.
  • SlayerOfGodsSlayerOfGods Member, Content Creators Posts: 670 Content Creator
    Why are we pretending this warrants 4 pages? I understand feeling left out. I didn't get it either. But it's a cosmetic for being one of the first people to play the game. It's not that deep.
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21

    Seyuoh said:

    I started January 30th 2015 so missed the cool veteran title bit of a kick in the teeth seeing I've played everyday since starting

    The game released on Dec 10th 2014.. You started playing 1.5 months AFTER the game started.... this is like saying you should be Valiant when you're Paragon but missing 2 rank 3 7*'s.
    ah yes if only the player base had the big brain idea to tap into mcoc and install it at the exact time it released, because surely with how acccount age works, kabam wouldn't use it to just present a middle finger to almost everyone who actually invested into this game, even those specifically whom this title is supposed to go to.

    Why from what I have seen so far, any one who got (FiC) surely have stuck through the game from 2014 till now through the ups and downs, they are all respected members of the community that kabam knows of, they can practically name them of the top of their head, or at the very list have a list that highlights them (LOL)

    - I think you can see where your line of thought is going with this, again, make no mistake this is both the most hilarious thing ever, and the biggest middle finger I seen in ages from kabam.
    _ also just so I don't quote your other comment, its just the title, the pic was universal for the 9 year anni, which again remember (account age)
    My point, exactly. Thank you.
    I’ve invested time, money, and I’ve even helped to build some ally’s from scratch- or helped lead them to brighter futures. Do I expect anything in return for that? Of course not.
    I did it just to help, but to see all these “old school” players at conqueror, uncollected, etc have a sick custom banner and title just for logging back in- even though they dropped the game entirely for a while?
    THATS the middle finger from Kabam right there, I’m over it now- but that’s my thoughts on it.
    The middle finger to you is that people who met the requirements of the title get the items but you didn't meet the requirements but feel your accomplishments should somehow back date when you started playing? If this isn't the definition of entitlement, I don't know what is.
    Amazing how confusing this thing is, THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT HERE, just an account aged from 2014, that is it, there is no accomplishment to be earned here when the line separating who got it should have been big, but it is so small it is hilarious, you really need to check your global chat to see what I am talking about, it seems you just did not see on hand how interesting the actual results have been ever since (FiC) got released
    Needing to have your account created at launch is a requirement.

    But you and OP seem to think that because you're roster and in-game accomplishments should somehow earn you the title.

    You'll never get the title and it makes my cold dead heart happy that you've put this much effort into crying about it.
    OMG your stupid brain baffles me on levels so beyond this world it is unreal, I keep wondering why I don't keep up with fourm and this is why, the amount intelligence dropping right now from me every time I read something so goofy from your comments is unbelievable.

    When have I ever stated that I wanted this title? have I not been just pointing out what (FiC) is, who gets it, and what its implications are? OP main point is that because he missed the time period by a few months he won't be eligible which is unfortunate but true, and upon further thinking everything it would make sense if (FiC) and (OwE) switched places to fix that, and voila end of convo, perfect solution.

    I like how I am reviving your cold dead heart, and make it happy somehow, it fills me with a sense of pride, but I must point out how it baffles me in mcoc fourm where the response to something you don't like or you don't want to admit to is "crying and whining" which is odd since you know what would the point of discussions be, why have threads then, because at that point in a way everyone is crying and whining, heck your use of crying and whining has become just crying and whining, creating a perfect spiral, amazing job, great work mcoc fourm keep it up.
    I don't know what a FiC or a OwE is. Or why you keep putting them in parentheses.

    All you're doing is typing as many words as you possibly can but there's no cohesive thought to them.

    I feel like you took a bump and now you can't stop typing.

    Anyway. Good luck in life. Hope you get all the participation trophies you deserve.
    My bad on First in cosmos and One with eternity, I wanted to shorten their length by creating an abbreviation for them, so (FiC) and (OwE) I don't want to say you could have known that by reading the other comment I made because it will be buried, so there is that.

    Welp I am in a pickle I try to make the message small you just won't get what I am talking about, I try to make it long you will just glaze your eyes on it, and even if there is no cohesive thought to them, at least they are replies to stuff you wrote, because I do read what you type

    I will make this simple, First in cosmos is a title with a good concept but terrible execution, it is a participation trophy, this is not a veteran title, I don't know why everyone is getting confused on that, and it is a hilarious addition, specially now that kabam is going to tinker with more future titles.

    heck I am no where eligible for the title even if it went to where it was advertised, idk why I am stuck here, but again, everyone is just confused.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★

    Seyuoh said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Or, hear me out, get the title next year on your 10th anniversary? Not that big a deal.

    You’re right it’s not that big of a deal, but it’s just a mild bit annoying- that a few months is the difference between a banner title and no banner title. That’s all I’m saying.
    If it wasn’t a big deal to you, you wouldn’t be in here crying to us about it.
    I’m not “crying about it” anymore though am I?
    It’s very very funny to me, how quickly people are to point the finger- when others are doing it also. Like moths to a flame, I’ve already said my piece- there’s no more to say.
    I do find it funny though, how desperately some of you crave a reaction. After this message, you won’t get one anymore. Toodaloo
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★

    Why are we pretending this warrants 4 pages? I understand feeling left out. I didn't get it either. But it's a cosmetic for being one of the first people to play the game. It's not that deep.

    After I made this post, and as I have stated already- was mainly used to vent. I didn’t think this would blow up this much, but it’s clear to me now; how many people still enjoy pointing and laughing online.
    Ah well, lesson learned- what can ya do.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★
    Seyuoh said:

    I started playing in early 2015, a short time after 2014 (I’m pretty sure) - I feel like people in a certain time frame, should get rounded down to 2014. I’m a long time player too, at least 9 almost 10 years total- but I get a blue title instead. Because I’m probably just under the 10 years.
    Not that I’m complaining, just a suggestion if it’s possible.
    On another note, I think it’s AWESOME that you’re allowing people long term access to the “Legend” title. That’s pretty friggin sweet.

    If there is anyone who can take this post down, that would be appreciated- it would seem a few people are starting to get carried away; and I don’t want to be a part of that. Thank you in advance.
  • JoeblowJoeblow Member Posts: 28
    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
  • World_EaterWorld_Eater Member Posts: 15
    Joeblow said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
    SOOOOO ANNOYING THAT THEY CHANGED IT AND TO GREEN???? I still don’t have my vet badge, and have not gotten my legend badge again. With that ugly green we need to have an option to choose what badge to display. Smh
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21

    Joeblow said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
    SOOOOO ANNOYING THAT THEY CHANGED IT AND TO GREEN???? I still don’t have my vet badge, and have not gotten my legend badge again. With that ugly green we need to have an option to choose what badge to display. Smh
    this is too funny, I was just correct, this is not pure cosmetic if it tapped into mythic, being purple was just a terrible choice of colours.
    And yes the new title drop just messed with quite a bit of accounts like yours, it is conflicting with showing either legend or veteran so it opts to show nothing, working as advertised per usual, I will assume kabam is looking into it but until then there is not much to do.
    And perhaps there will be such options since they are starting to tweak titles more, maybe in the future with pc release since global is gonna be a more important part, there would be more customized options, probably.
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21

    Why are we pretending this warrants 4 pages? I understand feeling left out. I didn't get it either. But it's a cosmetic for being one of the first people to play the game. It's not that deep.

    This is my second thread I am engaging in and I can say for sure forums is just terrible, it warrants 4 pages because people seem to either glaze, ignore, or just overlook things already mentioned previously, I will not re type what I just mentioned, just know this: the vet title is not a cosmetic if it taps into things it shouldn't tap into. It is not for the first people to play the game, its for the people whom downloaded the game in 2014, big difference. this title shouldn't be called veteran title, its just simple. and yes its not that deep, just confusing, for all that I previously mentioned, it is just a matter of facts, a bit of theory, and overall outlook into this new addition, that is it.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★

    Why are we pretending this warrants 4 pages? I understand feeling left out. I didn't get it either. But it's a cosmetic for being one of the first people to play the game. It's not that deep.

    This is my second thread I am engaging in and I can say for sure forums is just terrible, it warrants 4 pages because people seem to either glaze, ignore, or just overlook things already mentioned previously, I will not re type what I just mentioned, just know this: the vet title is not a cosmetic if it taps into things it shouldn't tap into. It is not for the first people to play the game, its for the people whom downloaded the game in 2014, big difference. this title shouldn't be called veteran title, its just simple. and yes its not that deep, just confusing, for all that I previously mentioned, it is just a matter of facts, a bit of theory, and overall outlook into this new addition, that is it.
    It's "not that deep" but homie can't stop talking about it. Lol
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★

    Joeblow said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
    SOOOOO ANNOYING THAT THEY CHANGED IT AND TO GREEN???? I still don’t have my vet badge, and have not gotten my legend badge again. With that ugly green we need to have an option to choose what badge to display. Smh
    No, green makes much more sense.
    It looked too much like the mythic one before.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,533 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
    SOOOOO ANNOYING THAT THEY CHANGED IT AND TO GREEN???? I still don’t have my vet badge, and have not gotten my legend badge again. With that ugly green we need to have an option to choose what badge to display. Smh
    No, green makes much more sense.
    It looked too much like the mythic one before.
    This light green makes is look worse though but can also said the green looks to close to contest created if we go in to bit shoes
    With for me is fine even though this green doesn’t look great I actually accepted as it is
  • MVPalmerMVPalmer Member Posts: 7
    I hope it goes back to Purple. It looked so much better!
  • Benício2017Benício2017 Member Posts: 2
    I started playing specifically on December 19, 2014 and I haven't received this title, I've even sent an email to find out why.
  • MVPalmerMVPalmer Member Posts: 7
    Praying it goes back to purple!
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,533 ★★★★★

    I started playing specifically on December 19, 2014 and I haven't received this title, I've even sent an email to find out why.

    Because first day like 10 December the tilie a bit misleading
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★
    Gamer said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Joeblow said:

    Started playing 12/15/14, and haven’t missed a day minus a few days when down with a flu. Title is a nice touch and happy they chose this route for 10-yr players. Only part that sucks is reading comments about it being unfair. Truly an era of everyone deserves a medal haha.

    You’re not who we’re referring to, so if you don’t mind me asking- why do you care? Just trying to rub it in or something?

    No. I wasn’t rubbing it in, just stating how I felt. Is there anything wrong with that? I knew they would change it somehow and wouldn’t be surprised if they change it again. All because players made a fuss and took it to another level.
    SOOOOO ANNOYING THAT THEY CHANGED IT AND TO GREEN???? I still don’t have my vet badge, and have not gotten my legend badge again. With that ugly green we need to have an option to choose what badge to display. Smh
    No, green makes much more sense.
    It looked too much like the mythic one before.
    This light green makes is look worse though but can also said the green looks to close to contest created if we go in to bit shoes
    With for me is fine even though this green doesn’t look great I actually accepted as it is
    I think it should be yellow, but purple is reserved for mythic.
    You shouldn’t have the same banner and text color as mythic or even close to it. That’s the whole point of mythic and Bastion. To be extremely rare and hard to get.
    Even though veteran wasn’t technically the same, I’d feel a little robbed if I had mythic.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    I just want to sincerely thank everyone who is so bent out of shape over this for giving me a few minutes of entertainment.

    In return, I'd like to offer you all some thoughtful words: After you graduate high school, there will be many more important things to be upset about.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 562 ★★★
    I reached out to support for clarification. Although the description says "...in 2014", the intention was for the badge only to go to summoners who started playing the game on or before 12/10/14. Hopefully, that will clear it up for anyone still wondering why they didn't receive the title/badge even though they started playing in 2014.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Why is this thread so long
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★

    Why is this thread so long

    I wish I didn’t even make this post, to be honest with you. Lol
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21
    DNA3000 said:

    - And so I say again, have you played the game DNA? if so how long, and if for long please for the love of all that is great do check global, do check who it is (FiC) is awarded to, because if it is just as you said, if this was just a statement of fact, an accolade for only those who been from day one and been in game through the ups and downs. if this was for the actual veterans of mcoc, then that is fantastic, would you imagine how brilliant that would, a reward fitting for those who stayed with the game from start to finish, truly well worth, truly very admirable, and truly very on the point, but it is not, it is simply not a reward for those who stuck through the game who been there from the beginning, while players who as you said deserve recognition may get (FiC), they will get it along side those who once again, only accomplishment for getting it is just downloading the game once then leaving only to come back again during the 10 year anniversary, I will say this time and time again, account age in mcoc does not equal time spent, it is simply impossible to tell the difference if you used account age, you would have to check two things, obvious prestige, and if someone collected all the anniversary titles (best method I know of to find out), because again the line separating the two type of players whom the (FiC) went to is small, it is beyond small, it should be massive, make no mistake, this does not validate the true veterans, it is simply a funny troll move by kabam.

    The problem here is that none of this matters. The title is not for players who suffered through the ups and downs of the game. It is awarded for players whose game accounts were created around launch and are still around today. That's it. Who are you to say what it is "supposed" to be for?

    Does it matter if someone has actually played the game non-stop from the beginning, or just logged in ten times in the last ten years? It matters to me. But it doesn't matter to the title, because that's not what the title is for. We don't measure time spent playing, or commitment to the game, or any of those other things. Maybe we should, but we don't because that's a gigantic can of worms. Is someone who just did arena grinds every day for the last ten years just as committed of a player as someone who did all the content in the game but only logged in maybe half the time? Is someone who has done Necropolis fifty times more committed than someone who has only done it six times?

    When you look at that title and you see someone being recognized for being a super committed player fraudulently, you are seeing something manufactured in your own head. The title doesn't say that, nor is that the explicit requirements for it. It says they were here at launch. There were a hundred thousand players or more here at launch, hundreds of thousands by the first week. The title is just a nice nod to those players who were there at the beginning, and that's all.

    I was one of the players who went all out in the Crystal Cleanse Realm event. I placed fourth. First place got the Bastion title. You know what fourth pace got? Nothing. Because the Bastion title was the award for first place, and there was no fourth place reward. Over 120,000 crystals, and I got the same thing that players who opened 5k got. Is that fair? Of course it is. Should there be something to acknowledge the enormous difference between my level of effort and the players who did less than 5% of what I did? Would be nice, but no, there's no specific reason why there should be such a thing. First place and a gold medal in the Olympics can be separated from fourth place and no medal at all by hundredths of a second. By an almost immeasurably small amount of difference in effort. But there's a first place, a second place, a third place, and everyone else gets a trip home, and that's it.

    Does the Bastion title mean that player is better than me, more committed than me, more knowledgeable than me, more active than me? No: it means he beat me in the Realm Event. I mean, by all accounts Vern is in fact a very long term committed player and he's a good one at that, but the Bastion title just means he won, and that's it. And his Bastion title will be the exact same Bastion title that the Battlegrounds Realm event winner won, and everyone else who wins Realm events will be. Are all those events the same? Of course not. Will the amount of effort, skill and even spending be the same? Of course not. But that too doesn't matter. He won, he deserved to win, and so he deserves the title, same as all others who eventually win.

    The players who got the title for having game accounts that date back to launch are being recognized for being launch era players. If you can't accept that, well, that's your prerogative but this sort of thing will just keep happening, and your complaints about them will just continue to be judged misguided. The devs aren't going to fix this problem because it isn't a problem, and I don't think most players of the game are going to consider this to be enough of a problem for the devs to even take notice of it. And most importantly, when a game designer decides to recognize something in their game, that's their prerogative. If I'm the designer and I decide to recognize my launch era players, I'm not going to really care a lot about someone who tells me I'm doing it wrong.

    I am surprised every single time I see one of your comments I question whether or not you played the game, if you have engaged in it or actually thought about any of its inherent designs, how you became the "Voice of mcoc players" as kabam said it is beyond me specially with how big your narrow view points are.

    I don't recall anyone at Kabam ever saying that specifically. But as to how narrow my point of view is, I'm happy to let my record stand on that score. Everyone has detractors, and I've certainly attracted my share of them, but on neutral ground I would put my own body of work on MCOC - or in fact any other of the online games I've played - up against anyone else's objective scrutiny. I believe I've represented a very wide perspective on how this game works and is supposed to work over the years, and if anyone wants to challenge that with actual facts, they know where to find me.
    Ok now this is an interesting reply, allow me a second to just read it fully and reply to you.

    Ok now that I have read all of it allow me to tell you once again where you are wrong

    - You really seem to not have taken my advice in hand and checked global because you would know for a fact that you are wrong, you still seem to have the misconception that this title is awarded to just the people who have a been around launch and "still around today" because I have seen and recorded proof that people who logged into mcoc in around 2014, never played, logged back in and escaped the recent policy purge of 1 year inactivity have gotten First in Cosmos or (FiC), I can say who this is supposed to be because unlike you, I am under no illusion that the term "veteran" doesn't apply to folks who done nothing to earn them that title, again why call it veteran, it just seems to confuse people quite a bit, specially YOU.
    - Hmm again that is what the definition of veteran is for, kabam could not have been able to measure anything beside account age because there is nothing they could do unless they manually went into every account aged 10 years and calculated prestige, and the yearly titles (best method I could think of, there might be better ways). Commitment measurements aside although those are odd examples (50 necro runs?), the thin line of who got (FiC) should be huge but it is not because kabam couldn't do a good measurements that isn't based on account age we are stuck between actual folks who for the purpose of this argument play the game and will continue to play the game being awarded justly for their efforts, and those who just happen to log in at the correct time, being awarded the same shiny prize, getting conflicted for actual veterans, and probably won't touch the game after a while and lose (FiC) because they don't know about new policy change. (just a side note, the more I think about it, I already told you without irony that the other camp who got FiC did literally nothing, you can't measure their contribution because there is nothing to measure, all your points are moot)
    - Odd, either we are talking in a different language or your definition of veteran is just something else that I don't know about (it seems it is), the title (FiC) is a VETERAN title, so yeah I don't think I am imagining things when I do see what is practically new players, and players I know who actually did qualify for the literal meaning of the title share the same recognition. You know I was just more or less on the side of this is a hilarious mistake by kabam, still am to some degree, but now thanks to you and other folks, I am hellbent on telling you that this is not a veteran title, and it will never be one. And yes a "nice nod to people who been here at the beginning" would have been great if it didn't touch on so many things that already exist in mcoc.
    - Interesting point, but there was the other titles as prizes so that kind of doesn't work specially when there is only just rank 1 award, maybe it would work for bg? and yes congratulations on the winners, you see you do seem to know what hard work and equivalent reward looks like, so I ask you this to really make the idea go into your head a bit better to see where I am coming from, I ask you this; would it be fair to those who earned the rank 1 spot for realm event and got bastion to be told later on that in the 11 year anniversary for mcoc, that starting now everyone is going to get a bastion title, it wouldn't sit well now would it? and why not if in the end it didn't matter, that kabam can assign the titles and their worth to who ever they please, and if they so can pick and choose like that, then what was the point of the realm event rank rewards? you see kabam can't just go ahead and do that can they, because they know of the extrinsic value that that these type of rewards have to the players, it is why even in their moment of stupidity and lack of hindsight they noticed how similar (FiC) was to mythic and legend and thus changed it drastically, now why would they do that if in the end this is just a nice gesture for people whose accounts age was 10 years? because they know they can't sell you on the idea of a unique reward if it looks super similar to something that someone got doing nothing.
    - This is truly beyond funny, now you see, this aged like fine wine, if fine wine was terribly kept in the worst condition possible, allow me to point out that A) I am just pointing out the obvious, believe it or not from my multiple comments, none of what I said was a personal complaint, again just talking about the obvious flaws, and the misconceptions, with a bit of suggestion for improvement. B) It would hilarious if this continues to happen to the same degree of failure as it did when (FiC) launched. And thus we reached the end, I am assuming you typed this before the update, but man again this reply has terribly aged, the devs have admitted this was a problem, lots of what I commented on was vindicated, and they did "fix" this problem, by completely and cowardly changing lots of things about (FiC) because again in the end, they knew of the fictional worth they created to mythic and legend, and so fearing for the upcoming banquet rank 1 end rewards to be exactly the same thing that they just handed out a few weeks ago, kabam, like the chickens they are, opted to 180 the looks of (FiC), thus proving they know of special titles worth, that this was not a simple cosmetics, and that even the veterans who did fulfill the banner actual meaning, aren't so important really, because kabam can and will change its mind, and if those who gave their time away to mcoc are being treated like that, then why the heck should you ever continue playing?
    - If you are a game dev DNA and you decided to recognize those who played your game and supported it from the start, I do hope you don't be so lazy about it and imitate kabam and what they just did, don't consider this as a shining beacon of how to reward your players. And I do hope you know the difference between constructive criticism and mindless, uninspired, lackluster, feedback that does nothing and tells you nothing important that you should know about your game, because if you did, you would know that I am not pointing out what is wrong in the idea, but the execution of said idea.
    - Final notes: I am surprised you didn't manage to hear that in kabam twitch stream, it was in one of kabam early streams, and it is a nice gesture, even though I hated the idea of you being the one to get it, at least it meant that kabam does look at forums from time to time, and does see some of the requests being put up here (even the absurd ones), and while I can't say with honesty that I read "all" of your comments, from what I did read, everything was super positive about mcoc to the point that they can do no wrong, heck your replies speak to themselves about how you view kabam and mcoc, almost to the point of absolute zeal.
  • KAKemboROGSKEKAKemboROGSKE Member Posts: 21
    DNA3000 said:

    - And so I say again, have you played the game DNA? if so how long, and if for long please for the love of all that is great do check global, do check who it is (FiC) is awarded to, because if it is just as you said, if this was just a statement of fact, an accolade for only those who been from day one and been in game through the ups and downs. if this was for the actual veterans of mcoc, then that is fantastic, would you imagine how brilliant that would, a reward fitting for those who stayed with the game from start to finish, truly well worth, truly very admirable, and truly very on the point, but it is not, it is simply not a reward for those who stuck through the game who been there from the beginning, while players who as you said deserve recognition may get (FiC), they will get it along side those who once again, only accomplishment for getting it is just downloading the game once then leaving only to come back again during the 10 year anniversary, I will say this time and time again, account age in mcoc does not equal time spent, it is simply impossible to tell the difference if you used account age, you would have to check two things, obvious prestige, and if someone collected all the anniversary titles (best method I know of to find out), because again the line separating the two type of players whom the (FiC) went to is small, it is beyond small, it should be massive, make no mistake, this does not validate the true veterans, it is simply a funny troll move by kabam.

    The problem here is that none of this matters. The title is not for players who suffered through the ups and downs of the game. It is awarded for players whose game accounts were created around launch and are still around today. That's it. Who are you to say what it is "supposed" to be for?

    Does it matter if someone has actually played the game non-stop from the beginning, or just logged in ten times in the last ten years? It matters to me. But it doesn't matter to the title, because that's not what the title is for. We don't measure time spent playing, or commitment to the game, or any of those other things. Maybe we should, but we don't because that's a gigantic can of worms. Is someone who just did arena grinds every day for the last ten years just as committed of a player as someone who did all the content in the game but only logged in maybe half the time? Is someone who has done Necropolis fifty times more committed than someone who has only done it six times?

    When you look at that title and you see someone being recognized for being a super committed player fraudulently, you are seeing something manufactured in your own head. The title doesn't say that, nor is that the explicit requirements for it. It says they were here at launch. There were a hundred thousand players or more here at launch, hundreds of thousands by the first week. The title is just a nice nod to those players who were there at the beginning, and that's all.

    I was one of the players who went all out in the Crystal Cleanse Realm event. I placed fourth. First place got the Bastion title. You know what fourth pace got? Nothing. Because the Bastion title was the award for first place, and there was no fourth place reward. Over 120,000 crystals, and I got the same thing that players who opened 5k got. Is that fair? Of course it is. Should there be something to acknowledge the enormous difference between my level of effort and the players who did less than 5% of what I did? Would be nice, but no, there's no specific reason why there should be such a thing. First place and a gold medal in the Olympics can be separated from fourth place and no medal at all by hundredths of a second. By an almost immeasurably small amount of difference in effort. But there's a first place, a second place, a third place, and everyone else gets a trip home, and that's it.

    Does the Bastion title mean that player is better than me, more committed than me, more knowledgeable than me, more active than me? No: it means he beat me in the Realm Event. I mean, by all accounts Vern is in fact a very long term committed player and he's a good one at that, but the Bastion title just means he won, and that's it. And his Bastion title will be the exact same Bastion title that the Battlegrounds Realm event winner won, and everyone else who wins Realm events will be. Are all those events the same? Of course not. Will the amount of effort, skill and even spending be the same? Of course not. But that too doesn't matter. He won, he deserved to win, and so he deserves the title, same as all others who eventually win.

    The players who got the title for having game accounts that date back to launch are being recognized for being launch era players. If you can't accept that, well, that's your prerogative but this sort of thing will just keep happening, and your complaints about them will just continue to be judged misguided. The devs aren't going to fix this problem because it isn't a problem, and I don't think most players of the game are going to consider this to be enough of a problem for the devs to even take notice of it. And most importantly, when a game designer decides to recognize

    Why are we pretending this warrants 4 pages? I understand feeling left out. I didn't get it either. But it's a cosmetic for being one of the first people to play the game. It's not that deep.

    This is my second thread I am engaging in and I can say for sure forums is just terrible, it warrants 4 pages because people seem to either glaze, ignore, or just overlook things already mentioned previously, I will not re type what I just mentioned, just know this: the vet title is not a cosmetic if it taps into things it shouldn't tap into. It is not for the first people to play the game, its for the people whom downloaded the game in 2014, big difference. this title shouldn't be called veteran title, its just simple. and yes its not that deep, just confusing, for all that I previously mentioned, it is just a matter of facts, a bit of theory, and overall outlook into this new addition, that is it.
    It's "not that deep" but homie can't stop talking about it. Lol
    I thought you left and wished me good luck, odd you came back, you must be really attached to me at this point.
  • ZER0_CO0LZER0_CO0L Member Posts: 1
    Missed it by exactly 2 weeks. The title description says "started playing in 2014" and I got my 1st achievement 12/31/2014. Technically I started in 2014 and should get it but support said had to be before or on the 17th, what a real kick in the teeth.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 562 ★★★
    They told me on or before the launch date of 12/10/14. Interesting they gave you a different answer of 12/17/14.

    Hello, Summoner,

    Thank you for contacting Kabam Support about the eligibility for the "First in the Cosmos" Summoner title.

    We wanted to reiterate that only those accounts created on or before December 10, 2014 are eligible for the "First in the Cosmos" title. I understand that you are providing feedback about the eligibility requirements for the high-value titles such as the "First in the Cosmos". We always want to understand our players’ concerns, and your ideas can help us to improve the game.

    The feedback I gave was about the title description in-game. If it was more specific (like "Account created on or before December 10, 2014") when you hover over it, it would have been a lot better. Is what it is.
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