7% > 70% , this is kabam logic

Can someone please explain from kabam family, how GR with 70% change to start reg. when heavy attack fails 4 times out of 9 but , AI with 7% change to evade attack ALWAYS evades in every fight i did today at act 4.4.3 with Electra? Do you need some math lesson? oh sorry RNG isn't it?
That doesn't happen to me, so if the game is rigged it is specifically rigged against you.
This also never seems to happen to me in that way, so if the game is rigged to do that it apparently isn't rigged to do that to everyone. You might consider streaming your gameplay to Youtube, because apparently the game knows when you're doing that and stops the rigged behavior from happening so no one can record proof of it.
@SpiritOfVengeance Why do you continue to play this game? You are chalk full conspiracy theories that you try and imply on every post. You have nothing constructive to add, stfu.
GR activates regen more or less depending on who hes fighting. Non villians have less of a chance and villians have more of a chance.
That node has a 7% to evade attacks. That isnt 7% for the whole fight, 7% each time his champ tries to make a hit.
OP, you need to use ability reducers or brute force with smart game play. Iceman would be wonderful against that node.
I sometimes just read threads and find advice when possible too if not then youtube it is.
I have had multiple names on this forum not seperate accounts but I manage to get my name to change but when I started on the forums I was always positive but I do believe I have been thinking negative at random times so sorry about that.
Spouting conspiracy theories with absolutely zero evidence is the definition of a troll.
Anyway think what you wish maybe me having the same pic as you is the real problem annoying you but oh well. See you next time when you decide to unleash your unholy wrath upon me. 😁
Isn't it possible that *IF* rigged, that they proc randomly to random players?
Wrong. Magik has a 20% base chance to get Limbo from 1 bar of power. The level of her sig increases it, by up to 100% at sig 99, which means at max sig her chance is 40% at one bar of power... close to half the time
It's ironic you bring this up. I spent last night and this morning trying to get video proof of Dr. Voodoo's sp2 being blocked after finishing a 5-hit combo. I didn't want to spent units on an energy refill to do an Age of Sentry 3.2 run on Uncollected Difficulty, so I did a run of the short path on Act 3.4.6. I started recording on my IPhone 7 before starting the fight, and Voodoo's sp2 was blocked after landing a 5-hit combo 2 out of 5 times. However, when I exited the game to the main screen I saw that the content had not been recorded for some reason. After that I ran another 5-6 runs of 3.4.6 with screen recording active each time, and Voodoo's sp2 landed every time with no issues.
Determined to see if the issue had been fixed, I bought an energy refill to do an Age of Sentry 3.2 run on Uncollected Difficulty. I landed Voodoo's sp2 without issues until I got the 2nd to last fight against Black Panther Civil War. Ironically BPCW blocked Vooodoo's sp2 while in his reflective state, which led to my 4/55 duped Voodoo losing half of his health.
The above details are likely caused by RNG, because that's how RNG works. Given the timing of this situation as well as the timing of this situation I experienced while exploring Act 5.4 I can see why people make claims that "the game is rigged". Kabam Wolf acknowledged this issue stating that he had passed it on to his co-workers, so hopefully this specific issue with Dr. Voodoo will be fixed by the next update.
Watch the 7:12-7:14 mark of the video below to see what I'm referring to.
No. That's not how it works. People are not sharing the RNG.
Not adding to the conspiracy claims, but rather highlighting the Voodoo bug, this is the frame where you have hit your Sp2. CWBP is in no position to block anything and, if you were playing CWBP instead of Voodoo, you would expect to get tagged.
But somehow the AI manages to get a block in.
Dr. Zola
It is possible but extremely unlikely. There are many reasons why, but the biggest reason is that this isn't as easy as it sounds. Games like this run on a game engine, like say Unity. The actual game is implemented as data within the engine. Game designers make the data that goes into the engine and becomes the game. Programmers enhance and modify the engine below. It is unlikely you could do what you're describing within the game framework. You'd have to do that or at least add the capability within the underlying engine. And you're more likely to break it than add that kind of functionality. And we know Kabam used outsiders - "vendors" - when they were having engine issues when they did the conversion back around 12.0-13.0. So that means you'd have to involve people outside the company to do this. That would be hard to keep secret, because it is so unusual.
And the truth is, I believe most game developers would consider this to be exceptionally wrong. Even if Kabam could get their developers to do it, I doubt they could keep all of them from talking about it eventually.
Let’s talk about widows 3% chance to evade. I had her evade 4 times in a row on me recently.
More like 3% chance NOT to evade
In this context, that's the appropriate use. Procure the Abilities. Generate could also apply.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Programmed Random OCcurrence is what proc stands for. You were wrong and there’s no harm in admitting that. It wasn’t nitpicking it was just a little joke that (I think) was a reference to princess bride, inconceivable.
Nobody was trying to “throw the discussion off”.
We've been using this term since the original MUDs, predecessors to MMOs and, ultimately, games like this.
That’s it. Couldn’t recall the actual term but you got it.
Carry on...
Dr. Zola