Desired Champs

We all know Kabam has been updating champs to 7*’s in batches of 6, one per class(gifted guardians, omega days, etc.) Are there any champs that you would want to be updated as a 7*? my choices would be: Anti-Venom, F-Antman, Dr.Voodoo, Archangel, Hulkling, and Stealthy
Definitely agree with absman as well.
I don’t think hulking will be added for a long time. Too op. Still wrecks as a 6 star r4 ascended and r5 ascended. I think Galan would work though!
Got 7* Kraven then 7* scorpion should come as well,
This trio can take over MCoC again.
And great champs like galan and zemo likely enter titan instead of any limited pools.
This is my set
Mutant : iceman, jubliee, toad
Skill : ddhk, valk, stealthy
Science : yellowjacket, cassie, wasp
Mystic : mephisto, og guilly, morning star
Cosmic : air Walker, annihilius, thor
Tech : nebula, silver centurion, psycho guy.
Weapon X
I have almost all new ones as 6 stars, so im really up-to-date haha
Nirmod is absolutely broken outside bgs and even in bgs, he just can't take onslaught (who jas ton of other counters), bishop and dust. He completely destroys any other mutant in a single sp2 if he was r3. He as a 7* will alone ensure no mutant defenders in future will have prowess, non instant regen and shocks.
It's same as rintrah. He was hardly seen in anyone's deck for months but him being a 7* now almost everyone who got him took him to r3 even unduped and use him in bgs. Even I took mine to r3 as soon as I got him.
Nimrod 7* will just destroy mutant defense again Not like mutant defense is already weak but it's mainly onslaught, domino (and weapon x in higher ranks) are holding mutie defense.
Idk, when I see people bring up questing (BG is obviously not the only important game mode) I feel like anyone can take questing nowadays.
Doom could make a comeback as a 7* r3 but idk why I’d use nimrod over Jack or Prowler or Shocker when they can take the same stuff and have lots of use outside of mutant matchups. They can also nuke any mutant in one sp2 and they can take all the fights nimrod can’t
Keep apples away from me.