Please Change the Summoners Choice Vote selection

Good Evening Kabam/ and Fellow Summoners:
I am starting this discussion because I feel like the choices we have for 2025 summoners choice vote are not very exciting. They are not exciting because these are characters that we do not know nor are interested in. I know there are a lot of summoners who want to see the following: Lizard, Franklin Richard’s, Morph, Toxin, Achilles, Lady Siph, or Mystique. Idk, these are champs I would be excited to see come to the game for sure especially morph with the ability to transform into animals.
I am starting this discussion because I feel like the choices we have for 2025 summoners choice vote are not very exciting. They are not exciting because these are characters that we do not know nor are interested in. I know there are a lot of summoners who want to see the following: Lizard, Franklin Richard’s, Morph, Toxin, Achilles, Lady Siph, or Mystique. Idk, these are champs I would be excited to see come to the game for sure especially morph with the ability to transform into animals.
Also, as someone else mentioned, the fact that they're not in the Summoner's Choice might mean there are already plans for them to appear in 2025, so it's not all bad.
Second, you also probably have some kind of vision of what those characters would do when translated into MCOC, ala "transform into animals." However, your mental image of them might be totally different from what the developers design for the champion. They might focus on different aspects of the character than you do. They have to deal with technological limitations you aren't aware of. It is highly unlikely, for example, that they would put Morph into the game as a champion that "transforms into animals" because the technology to transform champions into other forms in a practical way doesn't currently exist. And yes: this has been discussed many times in the past. If you're thinking "they can just do X" it has already been suggested, discussed, and determined to be either impossible or impractical.
My guess is that why you want Franklin Richards is because of his ultra-powerful reality warping powers, but in MCOC all powers are toned down to fit into the balance realm of a fighting game. We have Phoenix, we have Sentry, we have Galan (aka Galactus). That's the potential range of power that Franklin Richards might have. I doubt you'd get what you want from him. You want Mystique and Morph because of shape shifting, but shape shifting was previously been discussed as being technologically challenging. Everybody else on your list - Lizard, Toxin, Achilles, Sif - have fans, but I'd be surprised if any of them won a Summoner's Choice vote. Anyone at any time can suggest a champion be added to the game. The logic behind the Summoner's Choice is that those champions are options the dev team has already considered and have an idea of how they might be implemented, and already decided would be good fits for the game but for whatever reason other champions have been prioritized above them and they aren't likely to be added to the game any time soon. As a result, unlike a suggestion, these are champions that have already passed all the hurdles to be added to the game, they just didn't get scheduled to be added. So the players' votes can take a champion that *could* be added but at the moment *won't* be added (in the foreseeable future) across that last hurdle and into the game.
Of the other 4, I'd be fine with Elektradevil and Mr Knight. I could also live with Echo.
I don't care about Shroud.
I know who all of the characters are; I've read comics with 7 of the 8 in. I'm loving the current Moon Knight titles from the last few years with Hunter's Moon and Shroud in. I enjoyed what I saw of Elektradevil in the Gang War mini-event. I loved AKA Hellcat from a few years back and the She-Hulk series she's been a supporting character in, as well as the Iron Man series she was a supporting character in. Power Man was in three Avengers series I enjoyed. I've enjoyed Colleen as a supporting character in Amazing Spider-Man and a couple of other titles.
Do not presume to speak for me in saying these are characters I don't know, don't care about or don't find exciting.
Kabam just please buff Thor, for the love of the God of Thunder please.