Dragon man was an easy solo. Mine is just 7r1 and it only took me a couple tries. Just stick to the SP1 and you don't need to worry about the unstoppable stuff.
I was also able to do it with bullseye and BRB, i think one revive each.
Then came deathless she hulk. This had no right being any harder than, say, bullseye, but it was super frustrating. As other people have said in this thread, Heimdall just switched into this super duper obnoxious mode where all he did was throw heavies back-to-back-to-back, occasionally chaining in specials when i (would have) hit him just right. He even threw heavies to catch me mid-dex, which makes no sense as an AI under normal conditions.
It was really ridiculous. I practiced a dozen times and still ended up blowing like 10 revives on him, just to get it done.
I don't know why his AI suddenly became so challenging. This was a weird one for me because the first 3 fights were quite easy, and the 4th was a nightmare because of the different AI behavior.
Who designed this absolute garbage content? Half the time I would "interrupt" the heavy and it wouldn't work. Half the time when I did he would immediately start chaining heavy attacks until the time ran out, 4 straight at one point. Having to interrupt an unstoppable heavy is a horribly designed idea.
I soloed Heimdall with those Champs: Silver Sable Odin She-Hulk (Deathless) Dragon Man
I am convinced, that literally any Champ can do it, if you simply ignore the Heavy-Unstoppable node. Not ignoring in terms of "just go for it" but in terms of "just dex the heavy and bait SP1".
My style of playing involves the usage of the block-buttom pretty heavily. I hold block while dexing and whil dashing in general. But because I'm holding block so often, Heimdall is triggered to through his Heavy even more. When I forced myself to just remove holding block completely, it was a fairly simple fight. The only times I made use of the block button was in order to parry. When that fails I let go of the block and dashed back immediately, which made Heimdall NOT throw his heavy.
This in mind and baiting his SP1 till you have your own SP3 ready makes me truly believe that this fight can be done with anyone. Its just a matter of how much time you want to invest.
The worst fight so far. Horribly designed. It’s nearly completely AI reliant. If he doesn’t throw heavies when you need him to you’re ******. If he doesn’t throw specials when you need him to you’re ******. If he throws heavies when you don’t want him to, ie immediately after finishing an sp1, you’re ******. On multiple runs I held block to bait a heavy and he threw multiple full combos into my block until the exact instant that I was backed against the wall, and then spammed heavy over and over. 22 hits into my block in one fight trying to bait a heavy attack. And then other times im completely across the stage from him not holding block and he just spams heavies into the air. And since the nodes are so poorly designed the unstoppable stays long enough after his heavy that he can throw another heavy right after and it literally never goes away. He just infinitely spams heavy in the corner until he eventually clips you, and then you instantly die to burst damage, or he kills you with an unblockable undexable sp2. If you get good ai it’s an easy fight. If you don’t, it’s literally impossible. Heimdal is throwing heavies as his stand up animation is not even finished yet, four times now he has inexplicably been able to charge a heavy after I throw my special attack but before the first hit lands which gives him unstoppable and he kills me instantly after. Fights like these are unreasonable when Kabam has admitted that AI and input issues have been a major unsolved problem for actually years in a row now. The only reliable way to beat the fight is to totally disregard the nodes entirely and just throw sp3 over and over until he’s eventually down. Sounds like great planning to me
I actually used BWDO for the skill objective. Funny how the titan knew I might need this skill mercenary. Anyways, if you get to higher insights, and sp2, she does brilliantly. The light tap after his first heavy works like a charm with her, she swings in her baton so the reach is great. Root do be weird though, and Heimdall has very weird AI.
Beta Ray Bill works great as well. Grit, hella damage. Just his regular cycle would work fantastically, Make sure you activate grit before launching sp2 if you're doing the cycle.
If you're doing non-objective, Silk works great as well, and I have personally verified that she can dodge his SP2 as well.
Dragon man r2 7*. Odin r2 7*(1:30 second fight) r2 she hulk, didn’t do merc yet. So far all solos heimdal is pretty darn easy tbh
Haven't heard anyone doing Odin. What was the rotation?
Bro I threw sp1 for true strike, then went for sp2s. You do need to remove the unstoppable so it requires baiting heavies. Throw Odin heavies when possible. But lemme say my first sp2 did 40% of his hp! I wasn’t even boosted cuz it was my first attempt!
The mystic objective I did with dragon man using only sp1 to inflict slow and the cosmic objective I did with betta ray bill since he ignores unstoppable with gritt buff, the skill objective I did with the white black widow and was very annoying to do the skill objective.
The only Milestone I wanted was the XP one, and it would seem my options for Merc aren't as efficient as I would like, so I'll make a few more attempts, but I'm not crazy about it.
The only Milestone I wanted was the XP one, and it would seem my options for Merc aren't as efficient as I would like, so I'll make a few more attempts, but I'm not crazy about it.
The only Milestone I wanted was the XP one, and it would seem my options for Merc aren't as efficient as I would like, so I'll make a few more attempts, but I'm not crazy about it.
The only Milestone I wanted was the XP one, and it would seem my options for Merc aren't as efficient as I would like, so I'll make a few more attempts, but I'm not crazy about it.
If u have a ranked up bullseye his evade on reaching sp1 is a lifesaver if u screw up for the skill merc objective, saved me quite a few times as this match AI is wonky and it does things which it is not supposed to do...
Yeah, I agree with @gingerspeed . As i mentioned in my post above i had the strange experience, during my 4 fights, that the first 3 were among the easiest AoA fights I've seen, while the 4th was a nightmare.
It's not easy to explain the difference with "skill issue" or even a style difference, since I'm just one person who did all 4 fights. (It's true that 2 of my fights were easier due to champ slow/grit abilities, but the other 2 should have been pretty similar.)
It really just comes down to the AI.
For people saying this was super easy, i hear ya. It certainly was sometimes. But i can also relate to the people who were really frustrated.
I was also able to do it with bullseye and BRB, i think one revive each.
Then came deathless she hulk. This had no right being any harder than, say, bullseye, but it was super frustrating. As other people have said in this thread, Heimdall just switched into this super duper obnoxious mode where all he did was throw heavies back-to-back-to-back, occasionally chaining in specials when i (would have) hit him just right. He even threw heavies to catch me mid-dex, which makes no sense as an AI under normal conditions.
It was really ridiculous. I practiced a dozen times and still ended up blowing like 10 revives on him, just to get it done.
I don't know why his AI suddenly became so challenging. This was a weird one for me because the first 3 fights were quite easy, and the 4th was a nightmare because of the different AI behavior.
Tried for ages to solo with xbones, changed to bullseye and got it on 2nd attempt🙄
Also used bill, that one was easy as pie
Dragonman sp1 repeat.
Hit Monkey and Deathless She-Hulk, Just bait sp1 and drop Sp3. Repeat
BRB - heavy, Sp2, Sp1
Light attack through Auto-Block and immediate double dash back away from heavy distance.
4 solos within 1st hour.
I soloed Heimdall with those Champs:
Silver Sable
She-Hulk (Deathless)
Dragon Man
I am convinced, that literally any Champ can do it, if you simply ignore the Heavy-Unstoppable node. Not ignoring in terms of "just go for it" but in terms of "just dex the heavy and bait SP1".
My style of playing involves the usage of the block-buttom pretty heavily. I hold block while dexing and whil dashing in general. But because I'm holding block so often, Heimdall is triggered to through his Heavy even more. When I forced myself to just remove holding block completely, it was a fairly simple fight. The only times I made use of the block button was in order to parry. When that fails I let go of the block and dashed back immediately, which made Heimdall NOT throw his heavy.
This in mind and baiting his SP1 till you have your own SP3 ready makes me truly believe that this fight can be done with anyone. Its just a matter of how much time you want to invest.
Sp1 & sp3
Beta Ray Bill works great as well. Grit, hella damage. Just his regular cycle would work fantastically, Make sure you activate grit before launching sp2 if you're doing the cycle.
If you're doing non-objective, Silk works great as well, and I have personally verified that she can dodge his SP2 as well.
It's not easy to explain the difference with "skill issue" or even a style difference, since I'm just one person who did all 4 fights. (It's true that 2 of my fights were easier due to champ slow/grit abilities, but the other 2 should have been pretty similar.)
It really just comes down to the AI.
For people saying this was super easy, i hear ya. It certainly was sometimes. But i can also relate to the people who were really frustrated.