We want 7* Hercules not 7* Quicksilver or Gladiator

You think kabam willl ever go back on there word and make 7* Hercules available?
But man, people will still buy this deal.

But man, people will still buy this deal.

Waiting to see if demonzyre will comment also.
It did say “summoners choice” but so was Hercules.
And why not? I still prefer Hercules in alot of content, especially incursions.
Well Someone else would of said something about this offer.
Herc is not that great for one of the main modes majority of summoner's play: BG's. I've seen a lot of players say his ramp up time makes him too slow, so he won't be broken there. Plus there are more Mystic counters now who can remove his immortality.
Questing is different, but we still have other OP champs for questing. Keep in mind too that Kabam nerfed Herc by making content he can't do.
Also, Kabam nerfed the original revive farm, so we don't get as many freebies to use on him as we used to. This reduces the number of times we can use him or something like that. (I feel like a solid point somewhere in there but lost it 😂) Anyway it should no longer be a big deal to make him a 7*
Also, while developers have their own intuitions and judgments, their balancing decisions tend to be grounded in data. You might think Serpent or Bullseye or Onslaught are just as bad as Hercules, but I’m pretty sure the data disagrees with you. Same with Quake, same with Magik. They don’t just guess randomly which champs look problematic. They actually look for actual problems in the actual game play data. They see what everyone is doing with every champ. They don’t have to guess.
I mean..the released champs we don’t even want as a 7*.
Red hulk,black widow, venompool,moon dragon, sorcerer supreme, storm pyramid x… Hawkeye lol to name afew
And I use a lot of them for arena, have better options to r2/3
Nerf herc is the only way I can see kabam making a 7* but I feel he will have the quake treatment
Instead of “we” just say “I”.
Have better options for skill.
Your roster prob not like mines
R3 bulls
R3 chee
R2 shang
R2 korg
R2 black cat
Have duped crossbones that’s better
Jsut duped my attuma
Also pulled hit monkey, new black panther seems ok, and I also have sable so im waiting on the buff.
Havent seen anyone excited pulling bwdo a titan lol,
Just look at banquet.
Say that to people and all crystals opened during the banquet lol.
6 star r5 ascended Black widow deadly origins (sig 10 roughly)
6 star r5 ascended kingpin (sig 200)
6 star r4 ascended nick fury (sig 200)
7 star r1 shang chi (sig 20)
7 star r1 hawkeye
7 star r1 black panther
7 star r1 sable
7 star r1 gwenpool
7 star r2 Attuma (sig 20 something)
7 star r2 bullseye (sig 20)
7 star r2 cheilith
7 star r3 black cat
These are just some of my skills of the top of my head
I have almost skilll schamps as 7* it’s very different taking them to 7* r2
I don’t even level up 6* r5 unless it’s nick fury or kingpin ofcourse those are r5 ascended.
I rather r2 bones,atuma, hit monkey over her