Will Isophyne make a comeback in 2025?

I know she wasn't really well received when we all got her as a free Champion from Kabam before banquet. But now with Deathless Thanos as another potentially tough defender in War and BGs (plus the fact that we will see more cosmic and buff heavy defenders in 2025), will Isophyne see more use? Or will she be forgotten like other champions?
Will Isophyne make a comeback in 2025? 166 votes
Hopefully she finds a place though, she's fun to play!
But honestly, I wonder if people who hate her just throw an SP2, look at the mediocre damage, and move on.
I think her damage rotation has potential. She might not get those giant hits, but you have to factor in how many specials she can spam, and if you're properly stacking the egos and energy vulnerabilities, the damage can add up pretty impressively.
That's what I want to know. It makes a difference, that's what I heard from a isophene user.
Even if I R3 mine, I don't see myself adding to her sig 20 dupe. But maybe I'm missing something.
Good point about Kushala. I don’t consider the other two to be of consequence.
Kebem knew what they were doing and deliberately made her mid.
For a simple fix
"Every energy vulnerability on enemies and Ego charge also increases Mid-O-phyne's crit rating."
Very easy 😀👍
Still, unless my math is wrong, a sig 20 would've gone from 40% to 75% health in your fight, vs. 93% at sig 100. So if nothing else, just a positive consideration for giving her respect even at low sig?
With everyone having 7* isophyne, an overpowered Isophyne will just break the game so she was made mediocre
The extra specials that can be thrown is part of the rotation.
Sp2 first followed by 4 sp1s and sp2. That's the 50-60 second rotation vs r3 serpent.
At least for me, it was much faster to do 3 SP1s (while at 2 bars of powers obviously), then SP2, and any quick cleanup.
Launching an SP2 out of the gate extends the rotation timeline in exchange for unnecessary things imo (a wither and extra nullify), if we're talking strictly about R3 Serpent BG match where time is of the essence.
Hey I have no clue unless someone actually test her at sig 200.
Since the main issue is crit reliance on her SP2, here's a simple suggestion: on Special-2, gain +1200 Critical Rating for each personal Energy Vulnerability on the opponent..
That would help a lot; and fit with the intended loop to build up to a big SP2 finale.