I've wasted so many revives in Raid

There is something going on where seemingly every other fight my role charges aren't converting into my damage window, they keep resetting when they should be converting to role force. Super lame
Thanks @Cat_Murdock for always being a great help to the community, even when they aren't grateful for it.
This raid was a breeze... AND NO BUGS 🥳🥳🥳
Or were you just posting theirs here as an example of what you were seeing on your own (but didn’t record) ?
What we do is:
Omg this raids is so hard.... So tough.
Don't tune it up.
Even after having it explained to you, you still haven't figured it out.
Since you wanna be an ass, and call people smart asses because it was explained clearly to you and you don't like that, I won't bother.
It's people like you that give the mcoc community a bad name thinking we're all as toxic as people like you.
I'm using r3 scream on my alt account, with unparalleled buffs. And I did 5% damage on guilly fight.
Starting raid charges 8
180 hits
2:57 fight duration.
If I'm doing 40k damage on first sp2 and the same on 6th sp2, somthing is not right
Scream don't even have aar.
Knocked off vision (middle path) 12% with 7 charges.
I used Gladiator with unpara buffs, worked great. And I barely had any charges...