if you truly wanted to MAKE A REAL PITY TIMER it would be for all paragon and valiant crystals , not the crystals you are trying to sell , that is not a real pity timer . you are just trying to again milk the player base for even more money and again growing the difference in rosters . Only accomplishing making BG matchups even more difficult for the average player . A good pity timer would be for any valiant or paragon crystal open , that would actually show the player base you are truly trying to fair.
Please remove the tab. Twice I’ve opened the crystals menu and swiped to scroll down without really watching (habit) and purchased a crystal by mistake. There at least needs to be a confirmation of purchase if keeping it.
For me, and without wanting to be unkind, this is actually fixing the wrong problem.
The issue isn't as much the drop rates but more that featured crystals should have a really good chance to get the featured champion. That is the point of these crystals surely? If I'm going for a Luke Cage crystal, then I want to have a good chance of getting a Luke Cage. Not a fraction better - much better.
Doubling or even tripling the chance of pulling the featured champion at any rarity would have required much less dev effort and actually put the 'featured' into the featured champion crystals.
Let's say I'm on a cold streak on 6 stars... and its "due for the next crystal" according to the gimmick/feature of this crystal... Does that mean I will be spending 300 units with a 0% chance of a 7 star, and, if I wait, I will always have that until I buy it and "get it out of the way"... or does it only remove the chance of a 5 star, and have like a 98% chance of a 6 star with a rare chance of a 7 star?
If indeed that is the case, it should either be fixed, or limited to something like exalted or mythic crystals where there are only 2 star levels.
This system is absurd for an older champ (really any champ). How many people are really spending all these units for these crystals? Terrible investment and huge waste of money.
It looks like a marketting gimmick. We don't wanna see it the first thing when we enter the crystals opening tabs. Pls stop forcing the Ad on us to spend units on it. A whole page for a crystal is just too much and to make it worse it's the first thing we would see when we go to open crystals. You've made it very easy to mis-tap on the buy button. Plz don't approve this in the user interface, whomsoever is doing it
I thought it was going to be the new champs 'featured' crystals when I heard the word 'featured' I wasn't interested in an old champ from the titans. Not sure what existing champs i would spend money to get units to draw these but I think it might be a nice feature for free to play players.
I’m glad that there is finally a pity system in the game. I’ve been saying that the game has needed such a system back when I first started playing the game about eight years ago however I do have major issues with it which will prevent me from ever wanting to spend anything on those crystals.
200 crystals is far too high of a threshold to get the featured champion. Assuming someone procured the 60,000 units necessary to guarantee the featured champion the cost would range from $1700 to $2000 depending on where you purchase the units. For reference the most expensive League of Legends skin ever offered was $450 and their pity system threshold is capped at 80 pulls which is around $250. Granted League is a different game with different forms of monetization for example in MCOC players can obtain the currency needed to purchase the crystals for free through playing the game and LOL players for the most part have to purchase the currency needed to participate in their Gacha system. The most casual of MCOC players can easily acquire about 30,000 units every year for free simply by completing the arena milestones in the basic and featured arenas every week. More dedicated unit grinders can obtain triple that amount by taking advantage of all the in game events that offer players free units and such a player would be able to guarantee themselves one featured champion through the pity system. This is a game that releases 22 to 25 new champions per year. The guaranteed acquisition of ONE of the featured champions would put a severe dent in that player’s supply of units and force them to forego some of the various unit deals offered to players throughout the year, especially big events with better guaranteed value like cyber weekend or the 4th of July sale. Setting it at 200 essentially gives whales a discount if they happen to be unlucky when they’re trying to acquire a new champion, but it doesn’t do a good job of enticing anyone else to spend money on the game or the stack of free units they’ve been saving.
The pity threshold needs to be somewhere between 50 - 75 crystals (15,000 - 25,000 units roughly $450 to $750) to guarantee the champion. Yes a 50 crystal (15,000 unit) threshold would guarantee a F2P player who can grind 90,000 units in a year 6 of the 22 to 25 champions released that year but that is that the cost of not being able to participate in any of the big sales that they normally hoard their units for and if a champion is particularly good and they want to awaken them they would have to sacrifice one of the other five champions that they would be able to guarantee themselves that year with their free stash of units. Going from $2000 to secure a champion down to $500 might seem like a pretty severe discount for whales but the whales already spend multiple thousands of dollars acquiring and duplicating champions every month. Guaranteeing them that they won’t go unlucky and will be able to obtain 11 copies of the champion ($5,500 max) to fully max them out may even encourage them to spend more money on the game. More importantly (or possibly less importantly as whales are often the ones that keep the lights on) the player base that does spend on the game may begin to see spending $100 - $200 on crystals a month as a good strategy to get themselves closer to the threshold for when a champion they really want is made available in one of those crystals and may spend an extra $300-$400 to guarantee themselves a copy. I can personally tell you that if I were 20 to 30 crystals away from being able to guarantee myself a copy of Onslaught I would absolutely spend to try and obtain him. If I were 120 crystals away I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of purchasing one of those crystals.
The 30 crystal threshold for a 7* champion is also too high. I don’t know the internal number that the company believes a 7* is worth, but I do know multiple times throughout the year I am offered a choice between two different 7* champions for the price of 9000 units ($270 - $300). I have never purchased any of these deals, although I have been tempted to several times because the champions were good and more importantly it was guaranteed value for the unit cost. Spending 9000 units to guarantee yourself a random 7* champion from the base pool is not guaranteed value. If I’m willing to part with 9000 units for a single champion, I’m better off waiting for you to offer me that specific champion in one of those random deals because who knows what champion is going to pop out of the crystal? It could be one of the champions I’ve been hoping for or it could be 20 more signature levels on a champion I never use and never bothered to put a single brick of ISO into. Other than the rush of gambling there’s not really any incentive to do it beyond trying to build your roster if you don’t already have a larger amount of 7* champs. The threshold needs to be reduced to 10 that way, every single stack of 10 at minimum guarantees you a shot at something that could actually help you out. You might not like your result, but at least you will have a result.
I want to use this current 7* offer to further illustrate my point that the 30 crystal threshold to guarantee a 7* is too high. As I mentioned before we periodically receive these deals which offer a choice between two different 7* champions. Most everyone in the community agrees that spending 9500 units ($280 - $310) for one of these two champs is a bad deal. I am inclined to agree that it is indeed a bad deal, but it’s also a bad deal with guaranteed value. If someone presses that button to purchase the deal, they will be guaranteed the 7* champion of their choice. Opening 30 premium crystals is roughly the same cost as this deal and while that action does guarantee a 7* it does not guarantee value. Someone may choose Spiderpunk from the offer because they really like the character, they think he looks cool, they like his animations, or because they know exactly how they would use him in the various modes. Their choice can be made based on that knowledge. Spending the 95% of that amount on these premium crystals doesn’t give you any choice. The person who does it could receive the Spiderpunk that they’ve been hoping for, but they’re also just as likely to receive their most hated champion in the 7* pool. Guaranteeing a 7* isn’t guaranteeing value. The only way I see anyone in this community (who isn’t already spending $1000 or more on this game every month trying to acquire the newest champions) deciding to take a gamble on these crystals is if the threshold for a guaranteed 7* comes down quite a lot. It needs to be 10 but no more than 15. Otherwise all you’re really doing with this pity system is giving whales a discount on the acquisition of seven star champions and titan shards.
Terrible value. I am not buying any valiant crystal anyway, so for me, it's pointless. I don't know who thought offering a 7-star champion for 60,000 units was a good idea, but they need to go back to school.
I'm hoping people are providing honest, respectable feedback so there can be a right assessment of this. Hoping they reduce the amount of crystals needed to get the guaranteed (something more reasonable) and even how this can be used with other common crystals (Premium Crystals, etc).
Great idea that was terribly implemented. If you were gonna do this on Paragon or Valiant crystals the community is already earning through events, calendars, etc without having to purchase separate crystals, it would have been great. But requiring us to use units, and a lot of them, to purchase additional crystals is a major L. I would be interested to see data on how many people actually jumped on this "deal."
I have chosen not to read any other comments so I can’t change my opinion,
There needs to be a longer duration, like I have looked at the crystal tab and I didn’t even know Hood was in it, and he only has 5 days left, like jeez I don’t know if people will have enough units, or can’t get them in time you know?
My idea is extend the date, to like 40 days, then once the 20th day hits, introduce a new champion, then by the time the first one ends, the second one is at 20 days, and the third champ comes in.
The issue isn't as much the drop rates but more that featured crystals should have a really good chance to get the featured champion. That is the point of these crystals surely? If I'm going for a Luke Cage crystal, then I want to have a good chance of getting a Luke Cage. Not a fraction better - much better.
Doubling or even tripling the chance of pulling the featured champion at any rarity would have required much less dev effort and actually put the 'featured' into the featured champion crystals.
Let's say I'm on a cold streak on 6 stars... and its "due for the next crystal" according to the gimmick/feature of this crystal... Does that mean I will be spending 300 units with a 0% chance of a 7 star, and, if I wait, I will always have that until I buy it and "get it out of the way"... or does it only remove the chance of a 5 star, and have like a 98% chance of a 6 star with a rare chance of a 7 star?
If indeed that is the case, it should either be fixed, or limited to something like exalted or mythic crystals where there are only 2 star levels.
I wasn't interested in an old champ from the titans.
Not sure what existing champs i would spend money to get units to draw these but I think it might be a nice feature for free to play players.
200 crystals is far too high of a threshold to get the featured champion. Assuming someone procured the 60,000 units necessary to guarantee the featured champion the cost would range from $1700 to $2000 depending on where you purchase the units. For reference the most expensive League of Legends skin ever offered was $450 and their pity system threshold is capped at 80 pulls which is around $250. Granted League is a different game with different forms of monetization for example in MCOC players can obtain the currency needed to purchase the crystals for free through playing the game and LOL players for the most part have to purchase the currency needed to participate in their Gacha system. The most casual of MCOC players can easily acquire about 30,000 units every year for free simply by completing the arena milestones in the basic and featured arenas every week. More dedicated unit grinders can obtain triple that amount by taking advantage of all the in game events that offer players free units and such a player would be able to guarantee themselves one featured champion through the pity system. This is a game that releases 22 to 25 new champions per year. The guaranteed acquisition of ONE of the featured champions would put a severe dent in that player’s supply of units and force them to forego some of the various unit deals offered to players throughout the year, especially big events with better guaranteed value like cyber weekend or the 4th of July sale. Setting it at 200 essentially gives whales a discount if they happen to be unlucky when they’re trying to acquire a new champion, but it doesn’t do a good job of enticing anyone else to spend money on the game or the stack of free units they’ve been saving.
The pity threshold needs to be somewhere between 50 - 75 crystals (15,000 - 25,000 units roughly $450 to $750) to guarantee the champion. Yes a 50 crystal (15,000 unit) threshold would guarantee a F2P player who can grind 90,000 units in a year 6 of the 22 to 25 champions released that year but that is that the cost of not being able to participate in any of the big sales that they normally hoard their units for and if a champion is particularly good and they want to awaken them they would have to sacrifice one of the other five champions that they would be able to guarantee themselves that year with their free stash of units. Going from $2000 to secure a champion down to $500 might seem like a pretty severe discount for whales but the whales already spend multiple thousands of dollars acquiring and duplicating champions every month. Guaranteeing them that they won’t go unlucky and will be able to obtain 11 copies of the champion ($5,500 max) to fully max them out may even encourage them to spend more money on the game. More importantly (or possibly less importantly as whales are often the ones that keep the lights on) the player base that does spend on the game may begin to see spending $100 - $200 on crystals a month as a good strategy to get themselves closer to the threshold for when a champion they really want is made available in one of those crystals and may spend an extra $300-$400 to guarantee themselves a copy. I can personally tell you that if I were 20 to 30 crystals away from being able to guarantee myself a copy of Onslaught I would absolutely spend to try and obtain him. If I were 120 crystals away I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of purchasing one of those crystals.
The 30 crystal threshold for a 7* champion is also too high. I don’t know the internal number that the company believes a 7* is worth, but I do know multiple times throughout the year I am offered a choice between two different 7* champions for the price of 9000 units ($270 - $300). I have never purchased any of these deals, although I have been tempted to several times because the champions were good and more importantly it was guaranteed value for the unit cost. Spending 9000 units to guarantee yourself a random 7* champion from the base pool is not guaranteed value. If I’m willing to part with 9000 units for a single champion, I’m better off waiting for you to offer me that specific champion in one of those random deals because who knows what champion is going to pop out of the crystal? It could be one of the champions I’ve been hoping for or it could be 20 more signature levels on a champion I never use and never bothered to put a single brick of ISO into. Other than the rush of gambling there’s not really any incentive to do it beyond trying to build your roster if you don’t already have a larger amount of 7* champs. The threshold needs to be reduced to 10 that way, every single stack of 10 at minimum guarantees you a shot at something that could actually help you out. You might not like your result, but at least you will have a result.
The 6* threshold is perfectly fine
I want to use this current 7* offer to further illustrate my point that the 30 crystal threshold to guarantee a 7* is too high. As I mentioned before we periodically receive these deals which offer a choice between two different 7* champions. Most everyone in the community agrees that spending 9500 units ($280 - $310) for one of these two champs is a bad deal. I am inclined to agree that it is indeed a bad deal, but it’s also a bad deal with guaranteed value. If someone presses that button to purchase the deal, they will be guaranteed the 7* champion of their choice. Opening 30 premium crystals is roughly the same cost as this deal and while that action does guarantee a 7* it does not guarantee value. Someone may choose Spiderpunk from the offer because they really like the character, they think he looks cool, they like his animations, or because they know exactly how they would use him in the various modes. Their choice can be made based on that knowledge. Spending the 95% of that amount on these premium crystals doesn’t give you any choice. The person who does it could receive the Spiderpunk that they’ve been hoping for, but they’re also just as likely to receive their most hated champion in the 7* pool. Guaranteeing a 7* isn’t guaranteeing value. The only way I see anyone in this community (who isn’t already spending $1000 or more on this game every month trying to acquire the newest champions) deciding to take a gamble on these crystals is if the threshold for a guaranteed 7* comes down quite a lot. It needs to be 10 but no more than 15. Otherwise all you’re really doing with this pity system is giving whales a discount on the acquisition of seven star champions and titan shards.
There needs to be a longer duration, like I have looked at the crystal tab and I didn’t even know Hood was in it, and he only has 5 days left, like jeez I don’t know if people will have enough units, or can’t get them in time you know?
My idea is extend the date, to like 40 days, then once the 20th day hits, introduce a new champion, then by the time the first one ends, the second one is at 20 days, and the third champ comes in.